Diablo 2 spell request (updated)

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Level 5
Nov 10, 2008
I have a need of a series of spells done for my diablo II project,
(class spells)
all spells are listed here:

Double Swing
req lvl:6 and bash lvl:1
mp cost: 1.0 -0.2 each level >> -1.3
A quick double attack that can damage two nearby enemies.

req lvl:6
mp cost:2
radius: 4.6 >> 16.6
Barbarian jumps and knocks back enemies where he lands.
Leap has a hidden radius in which the knockback-effect is caused. It has a base of 2.6 (actually 2.64) yards, and gains 0.66 yards per level. For Example, a level 10 Leap will have a knockback radius of ( 1.98 + ( 10 * 0.66) ) = 8.5 yards. This is an approximation. As is obvious, high levels of Leap can cause knockback to almost an entire screen of monsters.

req lvl:30 and Bash lvl:1 Leap lvl:6
mp cost: 12.5 +0.5 each level >> 22
damage: -50% +8% each level >> +102%

mp cost: 2 +0.2 second level +0.3 each level after second level >> 6.7
Damage: -15% +3% each level >> +42%
Multiple attacks within the time span of a normal attack, each jab a bit less powerful than the last up until level 6.

Poison Javelin
req lvl:6
mp cost: 4 +0.2 second level +0.3 each level after second level >> 8.7
Poison Damage: 25-37 >> 2659-2946
Duration (Over X Seconds) 8 +2 each level >> 46
Thrown javelin causes poison damage and leaves a trail of poison clouds.

Critical Strike
Chance to 2x Damage: 16% +9 -2 each level >> 68%
Mp cost: passive
Grants a chance to do double physical damage with your attacks.

Skeleton Mage
req lvl:6 and Raise Skeleton lvl 1
mp cost: 8 +1 each level >> 27
# of Skeletal Mages: 1 +1 second level +1 each 3:rd level after second level >> 8
Raises a Skeletal Mage that fights for you with an elemental attack.

req lvl:30 and Skelton Mage lvl 12 and Rasie Skeleton lvl 1
mp cost: 45
# of Monsters: 1 +1 each level >> 20
Duration: 180 Seconds
HP (Original Creature +200%)
Resurrects a monster to fight for you.

Life Tap
mp cost: 9
Radius: 2.5 +0.5 each level >> 15.5
Duration: 16 +2.4 each level >> 61.6
Drain health from attacked creature.

Fire Bolt
mp cost: 2.5
Damage: 3-6 +1-1 each level +2-2 each second level >> 45-60
Creates a bolt of fire.

Ice Bolt
mp cost: 3
Damage: 3-5 +1-1 each level +1-2 each second level
Cold length (seconds): 6 +0.4 each level >> 32.6
Shoots a bolt of ice that damages and slows your victim.

Frost Armor
mp cost: 7
Defense Bonus: 30% +5% each level >> 125%
Duration: 120 +12 each level >> 348 Seconds
Freeze Length (seconds): 1.2 +0.1 each level >> 3.4
Gives a defense bonus and freezes any melee attacker that hits you.

Chain Lightnig
req lvl: 6
mp cost: 9 +1 each level >> 28
Damage: 1-40 +1-11 each level >> 1-281
Hits # Targets: 5 +1 >> 6 forth level +1 each fift level >> 9
Casts a lightning bolt that jumps through multiple targets.

hp cost: 8%
Attack speed: +20% +14% each level >> +153%
Damage: 180% +15% each level >> 465%
Increased damage and attack speed at the cost of health on a single target.

mp cost: 2
Damage: +15% +15% each level >> +300%
Stun: 0.6 +0.2 each level >> 4.4 Seconds
Shield bash that does damage and knock back.

mp cost: aura
Radius: 10.6 +0.4 each level +0.3 each two levels >> 36
Healing: 2 +1 each level >> 25
Heals all party members.

Holy Fire
req lvl:6
mp cost: aura
Radius: 4 +0.6 each level +0.7 each two levels >> 16.6
Fire Damage: 1-3 +0.5 each level +1.0 each second level
Periodically does Fire damage to nearby enemies.

mp = Mana Points
hp = Health Points
>> = up to
req lvl = Required level
lvls = Number of avalible levels
Hits # Targets
# of Monsters
# of Skeletal Mages # = Number
# of Skeletons

Hope you understand :grin::grin:
+rep for spell makers and credit in map.
plz post all done spells in class folders using
text post.

Thanks :thumbs_up:

Fallen Shaman
Max distance: 100
Revives a dead Fallen. If Fallen Shaman Dies, don't revive.

Some of the spells were removed cause they were finnished.
Thanks in forehand! :thumbs_up:
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