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Diablo 2 spell requests

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Level 5
Nov 10, 2008
I have a need of a series of spells done for my diablo II project,
(class spells)
all spells are listed here:

mp cost: 2
dmg: 1 +1 each level >> 20
A powerful smashing blow that knocks the target back.

Double Swing
req lvl:6 and bash lvl:1
mp cost: 1.0 -0.2 each level >> -1.3
A quick double attack that can damage two nearby enemies.

req lvl:6
mp cost:2
radius: 4.6 >> 16.6
Barbarian jumps and knocks back enemies where he lands.
Leap has a hidden radius in which the knockback-effect is caused. It has a base of 2.6 (actually 2.64) yards, and gains 0.66 yards per level. For Example, a level 10 Leap will have a knockback radius of ( 1.98 + ( 10 * 0.66) ) = 8.5 yards. This is an approximation. As is obvious, high levels of Leap can cause knockback to almost an entire screen of monsters.

req lvl:30 and Bash lvl:1 Leap lvl:6
mp cost: 12.5 +0.5 each level >> 22
damage: -50% +8% each level >> +102%

mp cost: 2 +0.2 second level +0.3 each level after second level >> 6.7
Damage: -15% +3% each level >> +42%
Multiple attacks within the time span of a normal attack, each jab a bit less powerful than the last up until level 6.

Poison Javelin
req lvl:6
mp cost: 4 +0.2 second level +0.3 each level after second level >> 8.7
Poison Damage: 25-37 >> 2659-2946
Duration (Over X Seconds) 8 +2 each level >> 46
Thrown javelin causes poison damage and leaves a trail of poison clouds.

Inner Sigth
mp cost: 5
Radius: 13.3
Duration: 8 +4 each level >> 84
Enemy Defense: -X 40 +25 each level >> -815
Illuminates monsters and decreases their ability to defend themselves.

Critical Strike
Chance to 2x Damage: 16% +9 -2 each level >> 68%
Mp cost: passive
Grants a chance to do double physical damage with your attacks.

Rasie Skeleton
mp cost: 6 +1 each level >> 25
# of Skeletons: 1 +1 second level +1 each 3:rd level after second level >> 8
Cast on the corpse of a slain monster. This raises a skeleton warrior that fights for you.

Skeleton Mage
req lvl:6 and Raise Skeleton lvl 1
mp cost: 8 +1 each level >> 27
# of Skeletal Mages: 1 +1 second level +1 each 3:rd level after second level >> 8
Raises a Skeletal Mage that fights for you with an elemental attack.

req lvl:30 and Skelton Mage lvl 12 and Rasie Skeleton lvl 1
mp cost: 45
# of Monsters: 1 +1 each level >> 20
Duration: 180 Seconds
HP (Original Creature +200%)
Resurrects a monster to fight for you.

Life Tap
mp cost: 9
Radius: 2.5 +0.5 each level >> 15.5
Duration: 16 +2.4 each level >> 61.6
Drain health from attacked creature.

Fire Bolt
mp cost: 2.5
Damage: 3-6 +1-1 each level +2-2 each second level >> 45-60
Creates a bolt of fire.

Ice Bolt
mp cost: 3
Damage: 3-5 +1-1 each level +1-2 each second level
Cold length (seconds): 6 +0.4 each level >> 32.6
Shoots a bolt of ice that damages and slows your victim.

Frost Armor
mp cost: 7
Defense Bonus: 30% +5% each level >> 125%
Duration: 120 +12 each level >> 348 Seconds
Freeze Length (seconds): 1.2 +0.1 each level >> 3.4
Gives a defense bonus and freezes any melee attacker that hits you.

Chain Lightnig
req lvl: 6
mp cost: 9 +1 each level >> 28
Damage: 1-40 +1-11 each level >> 1-281
Hits # Targets: 5 +1 >> 6 forth level +1 each fift level >> 9
Casts a lightning bolt that jumps through multiple targets.

hp cost: 8%
Attack speed: +20% +14% each level >> +153%
Damage: 180% +15% each level >> 465%
Increased damage and attack speed at the cost of health on a single target.

mp cost: 2
Damage: +15% +15% each level >> +300%
Stun: 0.6 +0.2 each level >> 4.4 Seconds
Shield bash that does damage and knock back.

mp cost: aura
Radius: 10.6 +0.4 each level +0.3 each two levels >> 36
Healing: 2 +1 each level >> 25
Heals all party members.

Holy Fire
req lvl:6
mp cost: aura
Radius: 4 +0.6 each level +0.7 each two levels >> 16.6
Fire Damage: 1-3 +0.5 each level +1.0 each second level
Periodically does Fire damage to nearby enemies.

mp = Mana Points
hp = Health Points
>> = up to
req lvl = Required level
lvls = Number of avalible levels
Hits # Targets
# of Monsters
# of Skeletal Mages # = Number
# of Skeletons

Hope you understand :grin::grin:
+rep for spell makers and credit in map.
plz post all done spells in class folders using
text post.

Thanks :thumbs_up:

Fallen Shaman
Max distance: 100
Revives a dead Fallen. If Fallen Shaman Dies, don't revive.
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Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Man, you've some so easy-to-do spells there, you doN't need triggers, or anything :p Life Tap: just use WC3 life tap, just change time to 0.01 or something like that, and use auto fill, give it your parameters and there you are xD
EDIT: oh, and there is some missing info, liek how much HP does Life Tap leech? without that info, i can't make them :D
Level 5
Nov 10, 2008
Man, you've some so easy-to-do spells there, you doN't need triggers, or anything :p Life Tap: just use WC3 life tap, just change time to 0.01 or something like that, and use auto fill, give it your parameters and there you are xD
EDIT: oh, and there is some missing info, liek how much HP does Life Tap leech? without that info, i can't make them :D

mabey... but i don't do so mouch triggers, so...
well life tap is suposed to drain 50% of the target and give it to the caster,
life tap is suposed to send out smal red globes in a area and drain life from all monster in the area. :hohum:
Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
kk.. guys, life tap goes like this:

1. u cast the spell
2. red gloves come around in aoe (blizzard type of spell fails, cuz in diablo it doesnt show the aoe)
3. every unit that you attack gives you X life. (im not sure.. or that, or that every unit that attacks YOU, gives you life..)

if you want me to explain about another spell, ill be looking on this request place all day ;p
Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
I get it now.
Its an AOE spell that every enemy unit on the AOE will have the glowing orbs on their overhead. Then if the necro attacks one of this "glowed" units, he will gain X% life. If the "glowed" units is attacked by another units, the necro will be healed by 50%.

not nececeraly.. u cant use unit as variable, since not only if necro attacks it,
its if any 1 attacks it..
even hes merc, or skeleton (cant be sure he add's those to his map..),
even if a friendly unit attacks them it works.
it should work as a unit group, or player group...
Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
Allright.. i make all spells i can.. i cant make necromancer since im not that lifeless ^^ ill do what i can, allready finished bash...

Edit: finished whirlwind.. (failed leap and swing.. (worked 30 mins on swing, and nothing came out of it :///)

Edit 2: i finished some spells... frost armor isnt finished.

link: DiabloSpells
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Level 9
Jan 7, 2010
I'll go and make the first three of the necromancer spells tomorrow, if I have time and if I can do them.

Edit: Decided only to do number 1, (I did number 2 but I was too lazy to do it from scratch because it casted both raise skeleton spells so i deleted it).

Edit: BTW you'll have to add in the skeleton you want to use and add the description in. Currently it uses the normal skeleton from the undead race.

Edit: Isn't it spelt "classic"?


  • Necromancer - 1st ability.w3x
    18.7 KB · Views: 61
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Level 5
Nov 10, 2008
i haven't tested your spell Newominus.
i will today.
Dardas, i would like the bash spell to do damage on hit to, i can't use it, must i have all dummy units?
And the whirlwind is suposed to be a spell when the barbarian spins around to targeted
ground or unit, leaving a trancperent trace of him self.
i would be glad if you could make it^^
Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
i haven't tested your spell Newominus.
i will today.
Dardas, i would like the bash spell to do damage on hit to, i can't use it, must i have all dummy units?
And the whirlwind is suposed to be a spell when the barbarian spins around to targeted
ground or unit, leaving a trancperent trace of him self.
i would be glad if you could make it^^

Well... bash does dmg. you set it in trigger editor..
about whirlwind, it would be easy to make it work like that, but i cant say for sure the fade will be right XD.
And yes, you need all dummy units because they decide the level requirements. just add the leap skill into the 'spell requirements" trigger.


the necromancer skill

Wrong way..
the skill works like this:

1. you cast it on a corpse.
2.1 skeleton apears
3.X amount of skeletons max. (each level incraese by "adnertsy's" choice.)
4.Skeletons follow caster automaticly and aren't able to be controlled (comp controlls them or smthing).
Level 5
Nov 10, 2008
well i am going to test the spells now^^

I tested the necro spell, and i must say: Excactly as i expected it to be! you only raise one skelton per corpse,
great, and the limit is 8 as suposed but one thing is the aouto cast and that you don't need to target the corpse.

i'l give: 4/5 for this spell +rep ^^
Level 12
May 21, 2009
Do you want them in GUI or Jass? I'm making lifetap in vJass right now, don't worry it is very easy to use. You don't need to understand anything of the code.[/QOUTE]

Uhm, it doesn't matter if it's Jass or GUI as long it's working.
Also, i need a new spell i will add it to the first page^^

I'll make a life tap for you soon. =)
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