Need help trigging some passive skill for a hero concept

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Level 2
Oct 10, 2012
hi all this is my first post.
Was just looking for the best way of making 2 passive skills for a hero. Ill just post the entire hero skills concept here and point out the 2 that I'm looking for help with is the skills marked 3rd skill and 4th skill. Any help at all would be appreciated thank you.

Deals damage to aoe on attacks

1st skill
deals damage to an aoe and blinds all enemies(per level increases AoE/Blind%/Damage)

2nd skill
Evasive Maneouveres
Leaps a distance giving him an agility bonus for 6 seconds(Per level increases Leap distance/Agility Gained)

3rd skill
Gunman Style
Gives Rufus extra agility each second he is in combat stacking upto 10 times also gains evasion(per level increases agility per stack by 1/2/3/4)
Also gives Rufus evasion for x amount of point of agility(Per level gives 1% evasion for every 5/4/3/2 agility points)

4th skill
Shotgun Mastery
Gives bonus damage to Rufus attacks(Per level gives 20 more damage to his attacks)
Also gives Rufus bonus damage based on how close he is to his attack target(per leve 5/10/15 bonus damage for every 100 distance closer they are)
Level 12
Oct 16, 2010
create 2 triggers

  • Trigger 1
    • Events
      • Unit - A Unit is being attacked
    • Conditions
      • And - all of it
        • Condition - Rufus' gunman style ability must be at least lvl 1
        • Or - one of these at least
          • Condition - Attacking Unit equals Rufus
          • Condition - Attacked Unit equals Rufus
    • Actions
      • if - there is no running timer then ( to achieve this store the timer in a variable)
        • Time - (create and start a new timer with 5 sec (for example))
        • Trigger - Give Trigger 2 the event : Every sec of game time.
      • else
        • Time - reset the timer.
  • Trigger 2
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • If/then/else multiple - If Stack_variable<10 then
        • Hero - Give (Ability_lvl_variable) agi to Rufus (you can store this variable when Rufus learns the spell)
        • Set Stack_variable = Stack_variable + 1
When the timer runs out you should
- remove (stack_variable * ability_lvl_variable) agi
- reset Stack_variable to 0
- stop and remove timer
- remove the event from Trigger 2

for the evasion - you can give an ability (when learns Gunman Style) to Rufus based on Evasion(set about 50 lvl for it [lv1 1%, lv2 2%, ... ] ) and rise the ability level to :


if this wont fit to you, then you have to set up a damage detection system and trigger every attack that hits Rufus.
Level 12
Oct 16, 2010
for every 100 distance closer they are

hope this is what you mean.

base the skill of item - attack bonus

trigger when rufus attacks
if he got the skill
check if the target is within 300 range.
if no nothing happens
if yes
check if the target is within 200 range.
if no do 5 more damage.
if yes
check if the target is within 100 range.
if no do 10 extra damage.
if yes do 15 extra damage.
Level 2
Oct 10, 2012
Ok so i got this for the ultimate does it look right. Also can someone tell me how to paste triggers exactly how they look in editor to message box as it looks neater.

This bit is just to add the bonus damage skills of course and level up the initial damage
  • Shotgun Mastery
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Learns a skill
    • Conditions
      • (Learned Hero Skill) Equal to Shotgun Mastery
    • Actions
      • Unit - Add Item Damage Bonus (+5) to (Learning Hero)
      • Unit - Add Shotgun Mastery (+20) to (Learning Hero)
      • If ((Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Learning Hero)) Equal to 2) then do (Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery (+20) for (Learning Hero) to 2) else do (Do nothing)
      • If ((Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Learning Hero)) Equal to 3) then do (Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery (+20) for (Learning Hero) to 3) else do (Do nothing)
Then this bit checks to see the range between the attack target and the attacking unit and level up the close up damage bonus accordingly.
I made one damage ability for all levels and simply set all the different values I needed for all levels needed which is why you will see me setting the level of the ability with different numbers all over the place.
  • Shotgun Mastery Copy Copy
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Is attacked
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) Equal to President of Shinra
    • Actions
      • Set SM_Shooter = (Position of (Attacking unit))
      • Set SM_Target = (Position of (Attacked unit))
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Integer((Distance between SM_Shooter and SM_Target))) Greater than or equal to 401
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 1
        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Shooter)
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Target)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Attacking unit)) Equal to 1
          • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 400.00
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 2
        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Shooter)
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Target)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Attacking unit)) Equal to 1
          • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 300.00
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 4
        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Shooter)
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Target)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Attacking unit)) Equal to 1
          • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 200.00
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 5
        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Shooter)
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Target)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Attacking unit)) Equal to 2
          • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 400.00
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 3
        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Shooter)
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Target)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Attacking unit)) Equal to 2
          • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 300.00
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 5
        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Shooter)
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Target)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Attacking unit)) Equal to 2
          • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 200.00
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 7
        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Shooter)
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Target)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Attacking unit)) Equal to 3
          • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 400.00
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 4
        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Shooter)
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Target)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Attacking unit)) Equal to 3
          • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 300.00
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 6
        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Shooter)
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Target)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Attacking unit)) Equal to 3
          • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 200.00
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 8
        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Shooter)
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Target)
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Level 12
Sep 11, 2011
Also can someone tell me how to paste triggers exactly how they look in editor to message box as it looks neater.

right click on the sheet icon, choose Copy As Text and then paste it here using [Trigger*][/Trigger*] tag without *


fix your post, it's hard to look it that way.
Level 2
Oct 10, 2012
Thanks veno i managed to get back on it today and i got it to work, it looks very strange to me but its the only way i got it to work. Tell me what you think.
Level 12
Sep 11, 2011
hey, i want to know the pattern of your skill.

from what i saw, right now it is like :

Shotgun Mastery

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

range 400
set to level 2
range 300
set to level 4
range 200
set to level 5

range 400
set to level 3
range 300
set to level 5
range 200
set to level 7

range 400
set to level 4
range 300
set to level 6
range 200
set to level 8

you see, that it's different,
Level 1 - 2,4,5
Level 2 - 3,5,7
Level 3 - 4,6,8

i want to know why you made it like that ?

and also, you need to wrap your triggers using [Hidden*] [/Hidden*] tag without * to hide them since it's long and wide.

Kusanagi Kuro

Hosted Project: SC
Level 10
Mar 11, 2012
I'm not really understand ur 3rd skill. What do u mean when u say "in combat"? What is the condition to consider he is in combat or not?

Kusanagi Kuro

Hosted Project: SC
Level 10
Mar 11, 2012
And here is ur trigger for the first spell. Before u make this trigger, do these things first:
+Create a Flashbang ability base on Channel skill (it's a best dummy spell, u know) (also, this is a spell ur hero will have)
+Create a Blind spell base on curse (Undead Banshee unit has this skill, it causes the target to miss on attack). This ability is a unit ability, makes it has the same level as ur hero's skill level (like Flashbang has 4 level, then this must have 4 level too because u want the blind to be increased per level).
+Create a Dummy unit. (For the perfect Dummy unit, u can read some instructions somewhere in this forum, I'm too lazy to write it down here. :D)
Ok. That's all for the preparing. Here is the trigger:
  • Flashbang
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Blizzard
    • Actions
      • Set FB_Caster = (Triggering unit)
      • Set FB_AOE = (150.00 + (50.00 x (Real((Level of Blizzard for (Triggering unit))))))
      • Set FB_TargetPoint = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Set FB_AffectedUnit = (Units within FB_AOE of FB_TargetPoint matching ((((Picked unit) is A structure) Equal to False) and (((Picked unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of FB_Caster)) Equal to True)))
      • Unit - Create 1 Footman for (Owner of FB_Caster) at FB_TargetPoint facing Default building facing degrees
      • Unit - Add Curse to (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Set level of Curse for (Last created unit) to (Level of Blizzard for FB_Caster)
      • Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in FB_AffectedUnit and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Undead Banshee - Curse (Picked unit)
          • Unit - Cause FB_Caster to damage (Picked unit), dealing FB_Damage damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
For some reason, I dont know why I cant edit the last post so I need to make another post.
Level 12
Oct 16, 2010
@ RighteousDotMan

  • Shotgun Mastery Copy Copy
    • Events
    • Unit - A unit Is attacked
    • Conditions
    • (Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) Equal to President of Shinra
    • Actions
      • Set SM_Shooter = (Position of (Attacking unit))
      • Set SM_Target = (Position of (Attacked unit))
        • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
          • If - Conditions
            • (Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Attacking unit)) Equal to 1
          • Then - Actions
            • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
              • If - Conditions
                • (Integer((Distance between SM_Shooter and SM_Target))) Greater than or equal to 401
              • Then - Actions
                • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 1
              • Else - Actions
                • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                  • If - Conditions
                    • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 400.00
                  • Then - Actions
                    • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 2
                  • Else - Actions
                    • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                      • If - Conditions
                        • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 300.00
                      • Then - Actions
                        • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 3
                      • Else - Actions
                        • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                          • If - Conditions
                            • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 200.00
                          • Then - Actions
                            • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 4
                          • Else - Actions
        • Else - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • (Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Attacking unit)) Equal to 2
            • Then - Actions
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • (Integer((Distance between SM_Shooter and SM_Target))) Greater than or equal to 401
                • Then - Actions
                  • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 2
                • Else - Actions
                  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    • If - Conditions
                      • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 400.00
                    • Then - Actions
                      • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 3
                    • Else - Actions
                      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                        • If - Conditions
                          • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 300.00
                        • Then - Actions
                          • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 4
                        • Else - Actions
                          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                            • If - Conditions
                              • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 200.00
                            • Then - Actions
                              • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 5
                            • Else - Actions
          • Else - Actions
            • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
              • If - Conditions
                • (Level of Shotgun Mastery for (Attacking unit)) Equal to 3
              • Then - Actions
                • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                  • If - Conditions
                    • (Integer((Distance between SM_Shooter and SM_Target))) Greater than or equal to 401
                  • Then - Actions
                    • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 3
                  • Else - Actions
                    • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                      • If - Conditions
                        • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 400.00
                      • Then - Actions
                        • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 4
                      • Else - Actions
                        • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                          • If - Conditions
                            • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 300.00
                          • Then - Actions
                            • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 5
                          • Else - Actions
                            • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                              • If - Conditions
                                • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 200.00
                              • Then - Actions
                                • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 6
                              • Else - Actions
    • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Shooter)
    • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Target)
you can even simplify it
if you do something like this

  • Shotgun Mastery Copy Copy
    • Events
    • Unit - A unit Is attacked
    • Conditions
    • (Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) Equal to President of Shinra
    • Actions
      • Set SM_Shooter = (Position of (Attacking unit))
      • Set SM_Target = (Position of (Attacked unit))
      • Set SM_AbilLvl = (Level of Shotgun Mastery)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Integer((Distance between SM_Shooter and SM_Target))) Greater than or equal to 401
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 0+SM_AbilLvl
        • Else - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 400.00
            • Then - Actions
              • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 1+SM_AbilLvl
            • Else - Actions
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 300.00
                • Then - Actions
                  • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 2+SM_AbilLvl
                • Else - Actions
                  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    • If - Conditions
                      • (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 200.00
                    • Then - Actions
                      • Unit - Set level of Shotgun Mastery Close up Bonus (+1) for (Attacking unit) to 3+SM_AbilLvl
                    • Else - Actions
    • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Shooter)
    • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SM_Target)
Level 2
Oct 10, 2012
As venomous said it is different from what I showed and I know this because I already tried it the way you wrote it down and it didnt work as i wanted it to but thanks for the reply. If there is a way for me to simplify it could you please let me know anyone.
And thanks all the same to you hayaku I already made the first spell based off silence and just added some damage to it but ill keep that way in mind just in case. As long as there is no problems with it ill keep posting spells here that I need help with triggering for. Bless everyone.
The variables were used at the start because it wouldnt work any other way if you have a look at it not sure why it wasnt working it just didnt.

So how about this one:
Planned Attack!!!
Rinoa creates a trap on the target point and goes invisable. If she moves the trap disappears and she loses her invis. Trap lasts 15 seconds
When an enemy unit goes over and trips the trap it will b held for 4 seconds, then slowed for 3 and have its armour reduced by 5/8/11/14 for 7 seconds
Im wondering mostly on this one the best way to trigger the trap tripping and invis what do you guys suggest
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Level 12
Sep 11, 2011
First thing first, merge your triple post into one post. you might get neg rep if you don't merge them.

if you don't know how, click edit on your second post, press CTRL + X, click delete > delete message and then go to your first post, and paste it there and add "EDIT :" before the paste. do this to your third post too.

Kusanagi Kuro

Hosted Project: SC
Level 10
Mar 11, 2012
May I suggest u 1 skill? It similar to ur new skill and not very difficult but still effective for a hunter.
(Dont know how to call it, may be u can name it by urself):
Rinoa places an invisible trap at the target point. If the enemy steps on the trap, he will be ensared and takes damage over time. Each trap last for 180s. Maximum of traps can be placed will increase per level.
What do u think?
Level 2
Oct 10, 2012
Unfortunately I need the skill as close to what I have written down as possible as it goes with the entire hero concept that spell you have put down alone just wont be enough.
Level 2
Oct 10, 2012
hey, i want to know the pattern of your skill.

from what i saw, right now it is like :

Shotgun Mastery

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

range 400
set to level 2
range 300
set to level 4
range 200
set to level 5

range 400
set to level 3
range 300
set to level 5
range 200
set to level 7

range 400
set to level 4
range 300
set to level 6
range 200
set to level 8

you see, that it's different,
Level 1 - 2,4,5
Level 2 - 3,5,7
Level 3 - 4,6,8

i want to know why you made it like that ?

and also, you need to wrap your triggers using [Hidden*] [/Hidden*] tag without * to hide them since it's long and wide.
The pattern of the skill veno is 10/15/20 bonus damage per level of the skill for every 100 distance closer you are. Then the actually bonus damage skill itself in order to fit all the values in is from level 1 to 8 0/10/15/20/30/40/45/60.
Also when I tried to add hidden wrap it asked me for an option what do I do there?
Level 2
Oct 10, 2012
thanks very much man appreciated. Did i answer your question about the pattern of the skill for you?
Also when I tried to use the hidden wrap it asked me to type an option in a box what do I do there?
Level 12
Sep 11, 2011
thanks very much man appreciated. Did i answer your question about the pattern of the skill for you?
Also when I tried to use the hidden wrap it asked me to type an option in a box what do I do there?

yes, i understand that and i have an idea to simplify it, so i will add it up to the test map.

about the hidden tag, i'm not sure what's happening. what option exactly ?
Level 2
Oct 10, 2012
oh, i forgot to tell you that the Hidden tag should have a title. it should look something like this.

Your Trigger Here[/Hidden*] without *

maybe that's what causing it. :p

yep that was the case thanks very much :p
Here is the skill set/concept for the next hero i am discussing on making

Angelos Protection
Give a 10% chance to any ally attacked under the aura to summon angelo to there aid. Angelo will cast either a heal, invis or attack the
attacking unit.

1st skill
Planned Attack!!!
Rinoa creates a trap on the target point and goes invisable. If she moves the trap disappears and she loses her invis. Trap lasts 15 seconds
When an enemy unit goes over and trips the trap it will b held for 4 seconds, then slowed for 3 and have its armour reduced by 5/8/11/14 for
7 seconds

2nd skill
Angel Wings
Rinoa summons her slumbering magic powers giving her angel wings. While in this form she is able to fly, makes her attacks reduce magic resistance
and changes her attack type to magic. Also she will randomly cast a spell every 1.5 seconds and the Aura radius of Angelos protection will be

3rd skill
Invincble Moon
Summons Angelo to make all allied units in an area immune to all damage and spell effects for a short duration.

4th skill
Rinoa shouts for help and her magic fluxes to a target ally hero anywhere on the map instantly teleporting that hero to her and giving
her and that alied hero a 80/115/150% attack speed.
Level 12
Oct 16, 2010

well, here is a test map of it.
if you got any questions ... (yeah its JASS I know:D)

copy the dumy unit and that 5 spells (Planned Attack, Meld, DSlow, RedArm, trap) use ctrl+d to insert the correct id for theme

I think it works the way you wanted.
you can edit values at the top of the script
in the globals section

- trap effect
- trap aoe
- trap duration

EDIT: note that the spell is not MUI (i can make mui though if needed..)
Level 2
Oct 10, 2012
Thanks alot lender man thats exactly what I am looking for. Is there a way to make it so when she casts the spell she fades into invis after 2 seconds and then the trap is made or to delay the trap from tripping instantly for a few seconds after its generated?
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Level 2
Oct 10, 2012
View attachment 119094

added Angelos Protection to it

if you have any issues , tell me.

tought its a good way to solve your problem, hope you'll like it:)
Thanks I had kind of already made Angelos protection but ill take a look at what you made however there are a few things. First the original spell you sent me worked but when I copied everything into my map the trigger came up with 4 compile errors expected end of line; 1500, 1623, 1625, 1658.
And the new map you uploaded loads in war editor but it wont let me test, I tried to play it directly in warcraft 3 aswell and it still didnt work.
Level 12
Sep 11, 2011
Alright so i managed to sort out the file but I still have the same problem! I load the map in the world editor then when i click to test play the map it just opens warcraft 3 frozen throne. If I then try to play it from the game it does nothing, any ideas?

wow, you should bump this thread, or else someone wouldn't notice your edited post. anyway, i don't know anything about JNGP, i don't use them @_@
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