Immune to Ranged attacks Spell: Need help

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Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Hi there,

Im hoping to create a spell which makes the target immune to ranged (piercing) type attacks, I was thinking of using the Footman;s defend ability but I need this to be a targeted spell.

EG: Mage casts "Arrow Immunity" on a target friendly unit: Target unit takes no damage from piercing attacks for next 60 seconds.
Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
Hardened skin can be made to block ranged damage and melee damage. Disable the melee damage blocking.

Create a dummy ability that is unit targetable and a spell book that contains the modified Hardened skin. Disable the spell book with Player - Enable/Disable ability so it won't show in the UI. When you cast the ability on a unit, give the target the spell book ability.

You can't make it ignore only certain attack type (pierce) without complex triggering.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
ok thanks for the help, this is what I have so far:

  • Arrow Shield
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins channeling an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Arrow Shield (Dummy)
    • Actions
      • Unit - Add Arrow Shield (Book) to (Target unit of ability being cast)
      • Wait until (((Target unit of ability being cast) has buff Arrow Shield Buff) Equal to False), checking every 2.00 seconds
I'm having problems though, the trigger is adding the ability to targeted unit fine but I'm not sure how I can trigger it to detect when the dummy ability is worn off or dispeled, also hardened skin isnt working, heres a screen shot of "arrow sheild" can you see anything wrong with it?
As you can see the buffed unit shouldnt be taking any ranged damage but it is


  • arrow sheild.JPG
    arrow sheild.JPG
    128 KB · Views: 77
Level 24
Oct 18, 2008
it could be the minimum damage being 0. i think i've had some problems with that too.

if you only want to ignore damage from simple units that only deal damage with their normal attacks, a simple damage trigger will do it.

if you want them to be able to deal damage with their other stuff, give them an orb of corruption based ability and check for the buff on the second trigger and after that remove the buff. but then they can't have any other orbs.

  • Trigger 1
  • Events
    • Unit enters playable map area
  • Conditions
  • Actions
    • Add to Trigger 2 the event unit - Entering unit takes damage

  • Trigger 2
  • Events
  • Conditions
  • Actions
    • If, Then, Else
      • If - conditions
        • Unit - Triggering unit has buff ArrowShield
        • or - any of the conditions are true
          • Unit-type of Damage Source equal to Archer
          • Unit-type of Damage Source equal to Rifleman
          • Unit-type of Damage Source equal to Some Unit
      • Then - actions
        • Set life of Triggering unit to (Life of Triggering unit + (Damage amount))
EDIT: you could also cast 100% miss curse/drunken haze on units that attack a unit with the shield.
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