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If dota 2 has its own forum....

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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
For the record, League of Legends has its own forum.

Also, as a note to everyone who wants there to be more forums than there already are, here are some thoughts to consider.
  1. Creating a forum for something doesn't automatically mean there'll be any content for it. And there are few better ways to kill a community than to have completely barren forums.

  2. When we split a larger board into multiple sub-forums, we split the content too. Each individual forum will be less active than the root forum was.

  3. A board that is already low in activity tends to decline even further when people get tired of waiting several days for replies. Inactivity begets inactivity.

If anything, I think we should look into merging some of our less visited forums into larger ones. Not do the opposite.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
if we create more in the future, we should assign "community content creators" for them who's jobs is to make sure they a get used.
It never plays out the way we want it to. People use the forums if they want to use them, and that's pretty much the whole story. Sure we can try to keep the flame lit by playing our cards right with promotion and management, but we can't light the fire. We can make forums when there's activity, but we can't create activity by making forums. That's why the only basis we should work from when we create forums, AFAIC, is if a huge chunk of our user pool is already invested in it.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Sure we can try to keep the flame lit by playing our cards right with promotion and management
Which was actually something to be frowned upon back in my days. :rolleyes:

For the record, League of Legends has its own forum.

Also, as a note to everyone who wants there to be more forums than there already are, here are some points to consider.
  1. Creating a forum for something doesn't automatically mean there'll be any content for it. And there are few better ways to kill a community than to have completely barren forums.

  2. When we split a larger board into multiple sub-forums, we split the content too. Each individual forum will be less active than the root forum was.

  3. A board that is already low in activity tends to decline even further when people get tired of waiting several days for replies. Inactivity begets inactivity.

If anything, I think we should look into merging some of our less visited forums into larger ones. Not do the opposite.
That had been my philosophy for some time.

Speaking of which,


Someone chose not create such a forum knowing this would be the result. Then another someone unwisely decided the opposite. The sight of this forum looks plain bad.
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