League of Legends

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Level 10
Sep 29, 2007
So, how many people around here play League of Legends?

If you do play, post your summoner names and the server you play on, maybe we can play sometimes :D.

For those who don't know what League of Legends is, it's a DotA like game. In fact, Guinsoo, the original developer of DotA Allstars is a lead designer for League of Legends.

For those of you who want to register and try it out, click here.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Playing it while waiting for DOTA2 to release. The community is shit, the gameplay is slow, but it can be fun. I still prefer DotA, though.

Shwee on Nordic/East EU server. I won't accept friend requests if I don't know who you are, though.
Level 10
Jun 26, 2005
This game is incredibly stupid... the jungling-gankers in this game such as Lee Sin and Gangplank just ruin this game. With correct masteries, jungle-route and runes they come out of the jungle 4 minutes in 2 levels higher than anybody on the map... ridiculous.

Not to mention the summoner spells are not fairly balanced, where spells such as Flash are much better to take than most others in most scenarios.

The game makes it extremely easy to last hit as the attackspeed and projectile speed of your allied creeps are SUPER SLOW, + the tower deals a damage so a good last hitter can get most creeps under a tower.

Basically it makes it so even a noob can do well against a seasoned player: I had a SPONSERED player on my team with 3 other friends who were noob, and we vsed a team of decent players. Our sponsered player, who plays LoL for a living, could not carry 3 noobs... the game basically makes it 'harder to shine', probably because it lowers the skill gaps quite a bit.

HOWEVER: my account name is BoneBreaker @ US Server, I probably will log on once a blue moon ;)
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