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Ideas for the "Alliance" Campaign

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Level 11
Dec 31, 2012
So, as we all know, the Alliance Campaign focuses on Kael'Thas's story and how he joined alongside Illidan and Vashj. One thing that makes this campaign interesting is that the player controls both the blood elves and the naga, so I was thinking that both players would, through-out the campaign, use two seperate races.

Chapter 1: Misconceptions
>Player 1
>Hero: Kael
>Race: Blood Elf (Possibly Re-Worked)​
>Player 2
>Hero: Johnathan (Human Arch-Priest)
>Race: Human (Different Spellcasters)​
Chapter 2: A Dark Convenant
>Player 1
>Hero: Kael
>Race: Blood Elf​
>Player 2
>Hero: Vashj
>Race: Naga​
Chapter 3: The Dungeons of Dalaran
>Player 1
>Hero: Kael
>Race: Blood Elf Prisioners​
>Player 2
>Hero: Vashj
>Race: Blood Elf Prisioners​
Secret Chapter: The Crossing
>Player 1
>Hero: Kael
>Race: Towers​
>Player 2
>Hero: Vashj
>Race: Towers​
Chapter 4: The Search for Illidan
>Player 1
>Hero: Kael, Padaren Brewmaster (Secret Hero)
>Race: N/A​
>Player 2
>Hero: Vashj, Orge Archmagi (Secret Hero, based on Ogre Magi)
>Race: N/A​
Chapter 5: Gates of the Abyss
>Player 1
>Hero: Kael, Any Blood Elf Hero (Maybe Lady Liadrin)
>Race: Blood Elves​
>Player 2
>Hero: Vashj, Illidan
>Race: Naga​
Chapter 6: Lord of Outland
>Player 1
>Hero: Kael, Akama
>Race: Blood Elves, Dranei​
>Player 2
>Hero: Vashj, Illidan
>Race: Naga​

I would like to here some ideas about this, and perhaps I could also help out in making this work as well? Well, feel free to type down what you think.
Last edited:
Level 11
Dec 31, 2012
So, after reading the post, and the fact that I knew that the Blood Elves, and possibly the Naga, need a few tweaks here and there. As such, I made this little map, high-lighting what I think could be done with the blood elves themselves. I also added a couple of heroes because why not?


  • BloodElfTech.w3x
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