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Fate of Outlands campaign

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Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Looks good to me. Once i add in the units it will look awesome. Thx. Well unless veljkom has any complaints about it then i think that you could move on to the next map if you'd likee to keep helping. If you do then the ones that are still available are chapters 3, 5 and 7, and interlude 2. You can take your pick. And i will give you more info.

I have been doing some work on the Mok'nathal village from blade's edge and so far(not finished) this is what i got.

Mok'nathal Village.jpgMok'nathal village 2.jpgMok'nathal Village 3.jpgMok'nathal Village 4.jpg

And then i made the tunnel that leads into the next chapter, into the abyss.
(yes i know that the doodads in the front suck, that will be changed.)

Into the Abyss.jpg

EDIT- I've posted a screenshot of the coilfang resevoir map on the front page.
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Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Dont feel too bad. before i started this campaign i sucked at terraining also. And im sure veljkom can agree with me there, lol. But i spent hours everyday reading tuturials, searching through terrain galleries and asking questions. And now i have improved alot since then. And im still learning.

About a month ago this is what my terrain looked like for the interlude 1.
Compare it to what i have now for the first interlude and you will note the improvement. Im still not that good of a terrainer, but im working on it, lol.
Introlude entire map.jpg
Im just trying to say that practice makes perfect. Dont be sad, just practice. lol. And thx BTW. it is very encouraging to hear other ppl say that they like what ive done.

Can you do anything else other then terraining then? If not, then your ideas and comments are still helpful.

Quetzalcotl-Out of the remaining chapters the only one's that ive put much thought in are The black temple and hellfire citidal(since allagremm doesnt want to do the terrain anymore then its open for now) So right now you would be better off doing one of those two. I will have to think about the other chapters later. You can find the detail and a base map for HF citidal in page 3. And heres the detail for The black temple.

The black temple will basically have alot of big rooms, with several guards around the map. You will start off playing as akama. Your mission is to make it to a room in the center of the map alive. The guards will be patroling everywhere. You will have to use careful timing to get past the guards without being seen. The bottem part of the map will be like that. You will have to be a little clever in this map. There will be several different things that you will have to figure out how to do to get past to the next part, like having levers and stuff like that that open doors and things like that. Dont make this to long because i dont want ppl to get bored of having to constently think, because you know how much ppl hate that, lol. Make this challenge something that will take about 10 minutes or less. In the room there will be an empty pedestal Once you go in here there will be a cinimatic. In the cinimatic it will show akama placing the Shards of the Naaru in the pedestal and castin a spell that binds them all together. Then the Crystal unleashes the power of the naaru reviving all the draenei that have fallen during the reign of magtheridon. They help kill off all the guards and then you get to be them and all that remains is illidan and his elite guards that will be in his throne room. Also kael and the other charracters that you have been previously using in the other chapters enter the temple. you will also be able to use them. And Akama disappears. The thone room will be a pretty big size. and in the back of his throne room there will be stair that lead up to the top of the Black temple. This is where the death of illidan will take place. your mission will basically be to kill illidan and once you got him down to the point of death. The final cinimatic starts. Illidan tries to retreat by heading to the top of the temple, but little does he know tat akama is there waiting for him and kills illidan. So basically for the terrain of the top part of the map,make 3 areas with buildible terrain and a gold mine. Those will be where the draenei are revived. And the rest of the area, just be creative. Add in some terrain and doodads to make it look more like the black temple. And maybe throw in a couple of shops. (dont use any the shop in wc3, they dont work well with black citidal terrain. you could even add in a unit like a storm weaver or something like that, that sells items.)

Hope that this is enough info. You can pic either one of these 2 or you could do one of the other maps(but you would have to basically come up with your own ideas. Sry if there any spelling mistakes, but it is too long of a post and im too lazy to review it, lol.

How do i get rid of that attachment thumbnail. didnt mean to post that there. Oh well theres another pic of my crappy terrain that i did more then a month ago, lol.


  • Black temple.jpg
    Black temple.jpg
    83.3 KB · Views: 564
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
You are a bad terrainer?:xxd: Dont make me laugh.
Sorry, that I cant help you(plus I dont have much time lately):sad:

I shall practise, and then I will aid you in battle against lame maps and campaigns!:spell_breaker:

If you will need some ideas, Im here to help.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Can you post a pic of what your race looks like so far with all the units in it. Then i might be able to find you those units unit.

But that is true, the thing that we`ll probably need the most is ideas for the races. So if you have any cool ideas for spells and stuff like that just post it and if we like it we might use it in one of the races.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Cool i pretty much have all the units and buildings(that is unless someone doesnt like them, then ill try to change them) so what i really need are good ideas for spells and some other things to make them a more unique race.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Well ive been still working on some of the terrain i am also going to start making some of the custom races because that is the part that takes the longest. There is a tech tree contest that will be starting shortly and i want to enter that to practice race making. (and hope for some rep if i win, lol)

I wrote Quetzalcotl a couple days ago to see if he was still doing the terrain but he never responded.

So this project didnt die, it has just been slowed down a bit since i have started school. I am working on it a couple hours each night though. I have finished most of the Mok'nathal village, and ive started to work on the mag'har village.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Well races take for ever. that is why i want to start on that and let Quetzalcotl work on the rest of the terrains, that is if he is still working on this project.

Right now i really need those spikes made so that i can finish balde's edge. Veljkom, do you know anyone that can a simple model model of blade's edge spikes. If so then can you ask him please. I made a request for it but was pretty much ignored because im a noob to this site, lol.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
I basically need a straight spike with a couple of smaller spikes coming out of the side of it. I also want it to have the same texture as the barrens ruined arch. This texture look the most like the original blade's edge spikes' texture.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
lol sry, misunderstood you.

What all are you missing?
One thing that i thought of is if you need another air, you could use the wyvern(riderless) and attach a fel orc model onto it with the mount attachment.
And if you still need a spell caster you could use this(about halfway down the page)

I also found some awesome demon buildings from a map on that russian site. So far there has been only acouple of them posted but they will come adventually.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Whats wrong with a skin. if you dont like him then then i guess you could make request. If you do make a request then could you add in those spikes that i need. They might actually pay attention to you, lol.

And for what units are you needing spells
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
There is a tuturial to putting 2 skins on one model. Besides, I dont need it until blade's edge with the maghar. there will be a couple of fel orcs in that chapter but just the hero and some other basic units. i dont have to have the fel orc spellcaster in that chapter.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Yea. Xtreme Game Modmaking site is awsome(They moderate wow model sometimes, and the results are amazing)
They actually DO make mods(There is a real murloc mod, which changes warcraft, and it has its own campaign)
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Yup, ill be using acouple of those murlocs to make my naga race(not the wow ones though, they dont look good with wc3 murlocs.). Got some awesome ideas for it. I will be making a murloc race for the tech tree contest that is coming up this weekend and when im done ill use some of the units and abilities in my naga race. My nagas will own, lol.

lol that campaign has 166 mb, it took me over an hour to dl it (internet sucks,Third world country, lol) And when it finally finished it wouldnt even work, dont know what happened. I might try and dl it again when i have more time. I also downloaded the Lord of demons campaign but all the dialogue was in russian, lol. (That is where i found the awesome demon buildings)
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
ok now im confused. how can i change that map size. its the way of others campaign that has that size not my map. so how would i change it. This campaign, when finished, will probably only be about 30-40 mb in total.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008

I have started doing some work on the naga race. Ive made some new buidings using attachments. What do you think?

Naga Buildings.jpg

Do you know how to remove hero glow? Can it be done in WE?
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
yup. Unless i can team up with some one that can make spells then i probably wont stand a chance but i will be entering a murloc race anyways just for the fun of it and to practice race making.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Lol just looking at it now in WE. the buildings do suck.
There are some awesome buildings in Power of Corruption, later i will see if the guy is going to release the building any time soon. it even has a new main building that is alot better then what i have for the tiers.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
i dont think that bonechipper works for naga that well.
They now released all the murloc buildings on the russian site from WOO (Whats the name of that site, so that i dont keep having to call it the russian site) I think that i will use one of those as my naga shop.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
No they dont.
Exodar is a Naaru vessel, as the Tempest Keep and its satelytes.
There are no draenei buildings in Azeroth, because they got there only recently.
In Outland you can see various draenei buildings(Shattrath City being the best example)
Still, Naaru live with the Draenei, and they share knowledge, but their architecture is different.
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