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Fate of Outlands campaign

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Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Crap, stupid internet antena was down. havent been able to get on since friday.

Hey Quetzalcotl, if your still up for doing the hellfire peninsula map, that would be great.

As for me i havent really been motivated to do much on the races so i worked on the terrains instead. Im about 75% done Into the abbyss, and about 90% done Blade's edge mountains. Pics will come soon. I decided to use the warcraft spikes, for now. They dont look as good as i wanted them to but for now there something.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Oh well dont worry about it then, ill do that map. Did you want to do any of the other maps? Actually can you do triggers? If you could then could you do that instead? Triggerers are all that we are lacking now. And if i end up having to do triggers then it probably wont turn out that well since i barely even know the basics. So if you can trigger i could get you started on that right away.
Level 7
Jul 9, 2008
I've done something on the map, I know it's now much but maybe you can do something with it.
And I do know something about triggering, not much about JASS tho. But I can do like all basic things for sure, some advanced even, aslong as it's in GUI.


  • Hellfire 2.w3x
    339.2 KB · Views: 47
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Awesome. im not quite sure what you would consider simple triggers or advanced triggers but i dont think that i need anything that would require really advanced triggers. So could you do the triggers then? Do you know how to do cinematics aswell (for the introludes)? if you can then i could get you started on the betrayal interlude. Just tell me if you want to and ill post the map with the storyline for it when i have more time. right now im a bit busy to type it all out.

I like the setup of the map. It gives me abit more to work from. thx
Level 7
Jul 9, 2008
Yea I guess I can do the Interlude, just send me the map when you have time.

I also made a spell in 5 minutes for your murlocs, I don't know if it's usefull but it was fun to make :p


  • Murloc.w3x
    19.9 KB · Views: 51
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
yes i might be able to use that spell.

Anyways here are some screenshots of Into the Abbyss. It will be a skeleton city that you have to pass through. I got the ideas for the buildings from the coilfang resevoir map.

skeleton city.jpgskeleton city2.jpg

And these are the entire maps of Blade's edge and into the abbyss. Note that they still need quite a bit of work.

Blade's edge entire map.jpgInto the Abyss.jpg

I wont post them on the main post until i fix them up a bit.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Heres the map
View attachment Introlude-Betrayal.w3x

And heres the storyline. I have added in regions so that you know the areas. Note that the terrain isnt
finished. the end result will look better then it is now. I hope that this is enough info if your not clear on
anything then just say so. Feel free to incorperate some of your own ideas

-Cinematics start at region cam1. Camera moves from region cam1 to region cam2, i want this to pass over the
draenei village so that the viewers know right away that there is a draenei village there. Camera takes about
10-15 seconds to get to region cam2. Once it has reached region cam2 it slowly moves to cam3. To show the demon
base. Camera fades out to a black screen, then reappears back in region cam2. Camera then moves to region cam4
to show the other demon base. Camera fades out, and reappears in region cam5. Camera moves from cam 5 to cam 6.
Camera then elevates until it gets to the same height level as illidan. Camera then moves to region cam7. Camera
then rotates around illidan at a close distance.
-Dialogue Illidan- "I want more...more power."
-Create kael and vashj at regions kael1 and vashj1 respectivly. Kael and vashj walk to regions kael2 and vashj2.
-Dialogue Lady Vashj-"Illidan... (illidan turns around and moves to region illidan1)...Akama and his Draenei have
claimed the lands to the north of here and I..."
-Dialogue Illidan-"What do you mean he claimed."
-Dialogue lady Vashj-"Well...we did help you claim this land...so i think that we deserve a land to call our own"
-Dialogue Illidan-"This is MY land, all of it is MINE.
-Dialogue Kael-"But... my lord...Vashj is right."
-Dialogue Illidan-"Silence... both of you."
-Dialogue Lady Vashj-"We deserve this land as much as you do. How dare you betray us like this."
-Dialogue Illidan-"rrrghh..." Illidan kills lady vashj. (use any buff like chain lightning or something like that.
-Illidan sends waves of metiors on the draenei village, destroying it.
-Dialogue Kael-"Traitor." Kael teleports to region kael3 and starts running towards region kael4.
-Camera moves to kael running. Camera fades out and cinimatic ends.

wow thats alot less writing then i thought i would have to do, lol. Anyways thx for doing the triggers. Now that we have a triggerer, i have been alot more encouraged about this project. I was afraid that i would end up having to figure out how to do all the triggering myself.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Absolutly. I would have to edit the terrain adventually anyways. so if you want to do the editing then go ahead.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2008
Demon Race

I have a functional Demon race (among others), though it would prob need a better builder model. Feel free to edit, take bits or the whole race. give credit if you use alot of material, but if you justtake some ideas its no big deal not to credit. modified standard units are in "neutral hostile campaign section" custum units are in "nuetral hostile" section in custum units


  • (8)Northshire.w3x
    3.6 MB · Views: 101
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Nice. Definatly has alot of good ideas. although i am planning on using better buildings but i might just use some of your ideas. (or veljkom, if he wants to do the demon race still). Thx and yes i will give credits for ideas
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Im working on the hellfire citidal chapter at the moment. After i edit that a bit ill start doing the other maps that ive already started to get them to a point where they can be triggered. that should keep me busy for a while.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Well i just got two more race makers to speed up the process a bit.
So now naga and draenei are in the making.
Veljkom, could you give me a percentage of how much youve done on the FO so that i can write it on the main post. i just like seeing process it motivates me.
Level 7
Jul 9, 2008
Hello, hello, hello. I finished the interlude of Betrayal. The reason why it took so long was because I did much on terrain and stuff. But it's here now! If you want anything changed just ask and I'll do it for you.


  • Interlude Betrayal.w3x
    1.2 MB · Views: 41
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Are you sure that you gave me the right map, because this one is not finished and barely has any changes on the terrain like you said. It just shows the camera looking over the place and stops when it gets to the demon base. Although that part looks pretty cool, nice work. So could you please check it and send me the right map, thx.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Well i like the ability where he summons the royal guards. another idea that i had was the entangle ability but with coral model. Beyond that i cant think of any at the moment. But ill try to brainstorm a few. But honestly the ones that you had before arent that bad. So if you want to change them then go ahead, but if you cant think of any better ideas then you can just use the ones you posted in the race creators group.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
A few mistakes.

-first of all you made it seem like Lady Vashj and Kael are against Akama. They arent against him they actually agree that akama should be able to claim a land for himself. Just like they think they should be able to have their own land. Because in chapter 3 Kael reunites with Akama and do you really think that Akama would let Kael help him, if it was Kael who tried to help Illidan get rid of him.

-You also left out the part where Illidan says "I want more...More power." that lline is neccissary for other dialogue in the rest of the campaign. We need to show that he really has gone mad with power and isnt just an angry boss that doesnt give second chances.

-When Illidan kills Lady Vashj her body stays there it just turns a dark color but remains standing up.

-You forgot to add in the part where illidan destroys the Draenei village, that is also necessary for the dialogue of chapter 3.

Other then those it is great. But i would prefer that you stick a little bit more to what i put. the reason is that the dialogue in the next chapters will relate to the dialogue in this interlude. Like why would Kael call Illidan a betrayer when he was about to betray Akama. Doesnt make sense to me. But Other then that, Good job.
Level 7
Jul 9, 2008
A few mistakes.

-first of all you made it seem like Lady Vashj and Kael are against Akama. They arent against him they actually agree that akama should be able to claim a land for himself. Just like they think they should be able to have their own land. Because in chapter 3 Kael reunites with Akama and do you really think that Akama would let Kael help him, if it was Kael who tried to help Illidan get rid of him.

-You also left out the part where Illidan says "I want more...More power." that lline is neccissary for other dialogue in the rest of the campaign. We need to show that he really has gone mad with power and isnt just an angry boss that doesnt give second chances.

-When Illidan kills Lady Vashj her body stays there it just turns a dark color but remains standing up.

-You forgot to add in the part where illidan destroys the Draenei village, that is also necessary for the dialogue of chapter 3.

Other then those it is great. But i would prefer that you stick a little bit more to what i put. the reason is that the dialogue in the next chapters will relate to the dialogue in this interlude. Like why would Kael call Illidan a betrayer when he was about to betray Akama. Doesnt make sense to me. But Other then that, Good job.

1. Yea I thought that they were enemies.
2. I'll work on that
3. She turns into stone :p
4. I'll work on that
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Well i honestly dont think that it looks that good when she turns into stone. So just kill her instead. Thx again.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
no the draenei will be inside the black temple so they dont need flying units since they will be indoors.

thats better. Just a few tiny spelling and grammer errors, but nothing that i cant fix. So do you want to keep triiggering? i have the next map to the point where it can be triggered if you want to do it.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
lol well i was looking for some help so i needed to inform people of what this campaign is all about so they know what their signing up for. But you are right, now that i got my team, i should probably shorten it down abit . Mainly because there are alot if people on the hive that are like me (they see a huge post and say forget it.) lol. Ill get working on that.

EDIT: Ok i changed the main post.
For those who are making a race, could you give me a more or less percentage of how much youve done so that i dont just have to put 'in process', thx.
Last edited:
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
I was going to change the pic, then i forgot all about it. lol. Its changed now.

Im definatly not in any rush for the races.
Level 9
Feb 14, 2009
Good, because I came up with the idea of combining my old projects, the first frozen due to despair and lack of skill to do it, the second because it was very cool but repetitive, into a campaign.
This is another story, but don't think I underestimate the Naga request... no such thing at all. Look at the race creators group and finish with the ideas because I don't like to alter the difficult things once I've done them and sighed with relief :p
Good luck, director.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Ok heres the first chapter.

View attachment Chapter 1-Molten Core.w3x

You play the blood elves and have to out of shadow moon valley (well, only kael need to get out to win)

-Starts off with cinematic showing kael running to region-kael1. When he gets there the camera looks towards region
firelord(note that the fire lord model is not supposed to be there at the start, he rises out of the volcano when
a unit enters region-kael3.)
-Kael reaches region-kael1 start dialog. That demon has gone mad with power. We need to get out of this forsaken
-Kael runs back to base at region-kael2. (ignore the units they will be replaced when ever the race is finished.)
-End cinematic

-You will notice that there are alot of regions called unit(x) and Spawn9(x) The is to activate the trigger. If a
unit steps into that region then spawn(x). I have placed several units in the spawn regions. That is just so that
you know who goes where. They will be spawned when a unit enters its corrisponding region. For example, a unit
enters region-unit1. Then the units in Spawn1 will spawn and attack the units. There are several regions that have
more then one corresponding spawn points. Like rigion-Unit4 has 3 spawning regions. So if a unit enters region-
unit4 then units will spawn from all 3 of the Spawn region. Wow that sounds really confusing, just tell me if you
dont understand.

-Once a unit enters region-kael3, spawn the firelord in region-firelord. (stats will edited later.) The power of
the firelord comes from the volcano so he cant leave that are (i put him as a boat and then changed the model file
so now he cant leave there, just incase you wanted to retreat.lol) So when you enter the region create a pathing
blocker in region-pathing blocker so that you are forced to fight the fire lord. When you kill him, remove pathing
blocker. Also when a unit enters region-kael3, and the fire lord begins attacking, have kael so something like,
"Defend yourself."

-When a unit enters region-kael4 start a cinematic. Have kael looking both ways, then one of his spell breakers
will say "that is the way out of shadow moon, so what are you waiting for?"
kael- "Yes but this path could prove usefull."
Spell breaker- "Why, what is down there?"
Kael-"The Fire mage settlement. I've heard that he contains a valuable item. Its worth the risk."
Option quest-Kill the fire mage and take his items.
So the player can either choose the item (which will be worth it) or he could just finish the level by choosing the
other path. Once Kael enters region-End chapter, then victory.

I know that the terrain isnt that good at the moment, but you dont have to worry about it right now. After we get
all the triggering done then we could just go back and fix up the terrain. If you want to fix it up then that is up
to you, but it isnt neccessary now.
Also when you test it can you see if i have any leaks in the rocks. Ive placed like 2000 pathing
blockers but there still might be some places that the units can get through and get lost in the rocks. lol
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
wow, its been awhile since i posted here. Well ive finally learned to trigger (sort of) so i triggered one of the interludes-coilfang resevoir. Ive also started triggering chapters 5 and 6, and slowly been working on the hellfire terrain.

So test this out and tell me if its alright. (Remember, still a noobish triggerer)
View attachment Coilfang Resevoir.w3x

So how go the races?
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Hey, sry for not doing anything with this project lately, but i kind of lost my motivation for awhile. But now i'm getting back to work.

Since i removed the pathing scale of most of my doodads, ive had to put almost 8000 pathing blockers total in 2 of the maps. That took me about 30 minutes, lol. I've finally started on the black citidal terrain (chapter 7). I've done the basic terrain. Now it just needs doodads and maybe some terrain edits. I've just pm'ed Quetz asking him if he could finish it for me.

I also just started on interlude 2, the one of the draenei city. I have a question, does anyone know what a draenei city looks like?

So, im just wondering if all of you guys are still with me on this project. I will be needing those races soon to finish triggering, so the sooner you finish the better.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Interesting. Well i was just looking in wowwiki, and i got a idea on how to do it. But thanks anyways.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Yay ya. Still have abit to add to make it less empty, mainly in the first pic.
Now all 10 maps have been atleast started. Just need to make them look nice by adding in a crap load of doodads, trigger them, add in the races, add credits and loading screens, and voila!! testing time. lol.
Level 9
May 23, 2009
This my friend is an awesome campaign with potential to grow even bigger and better...
Nice idea and i hope that this campaign becomes popular and that the creator becomes more respected.
God bless us all!
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