Icon Moderators

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Level 6
Aug 19, 2007
While I was looking through the Pending Icons...I noticed that there are 291 still pending icons...one is even still from November 14th, 2004: BTNVirus by Pins. Most of the icons that are still in moderation are from 2005, that can't be good, people work hard (kind of) to make these icons and they put their souls into it and there's practically no one who accepts them. I beleive that we need more icon moderators so that we can have it so that there aren't so many icons that are waiting to break free of their "Pending" prisons, and I, myself, would feel like that the work I was putting into the icons I make and to have to wait for more than 4 years just to get it Approved, I would feel sad and angry because 'why must I wait so long?'.
Please take this message to heart...
Request: Please read my signature before replying to this thread.
Thank You for your time,
~Your Neighborly Friend on THW~
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Level 9
May 2, 2007
At least your honest that you're a wannabe mod :)
And yeh I kinda agree... :p
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
BanananaHead said:
I know...but I'm also concerning about this issue of that these poor icons must have to wait for so long just to be approved...
Then you shouldn't have posted "wanting to be an icon moderator" in this thread. By asking to be a moderator, you totally discredit your other main points. I suggest editing the moderator request part out and make this a topic strictly about icons from 2k4, then requesting to be a moderator in the proper forum.
Level 17
May 6, 2008

So you're requsting to be a moderator to moderate something you never have done?

Good luck.
Level 6
Apr 14, 2008
But still...why are there still so many icons that havent been moderated...it doesnt make sense...we have a whole section for them...it's like a messy room...you gotta clean it up someday or another :lol:

As said earlier in the thread, the icons might not be approved for some reasons, like one of the icons does not work, then it wont get approved (even tho the rest of the icons do).

And why so important that they are approved? i download unapproved icons from there a lot, and they all worked fine for me, but it takes time to approve the icons, and its not everyday people go around testing icons, 291 icons? thats quite a lot, but in the overall icons, there is plenty approved.

And to everyone, stop making these god damned threads! There is always one about models, icons, skins, maps and so, if you really wanna be a resource moderator, contact the administration or hope you get lucky and they pick you.
Level 22
Feb 26, 2008
I think that, starting with maps, some moderation changes are in the works.
Unfortunately, it has taken a long time, and may still, because we can't seem to reach a decision that we like. I think that we as the staff need to realize that the site is getting too big to try to moderate every new resource as it comes in manually. I think that eventually we are going to have to go to an automatic approval system that doesn't require an actual person to review the resource. But there are plans in the works. Stay tuned.
I think that, starting with maps, some moderation changes are in the works.
Unfortunately, it has taken a long time, and may still, because we can't seem to reach a decision that we like. I think that we as the staff need to realize that the site is getting too big to try to moderate every new resource as it comes in manually. I think that eventually we are going to have to go to an automatic approval system that doesn't require an actual person to review the resource. But there are plans in the works. Stay tuned.

I don't like that idea. Seriously. We really wouldn't like become wc3s don't we?
Level 31
Feb 23, 2008
I think that, starting with maps, some moderation changes are in the works.
Unfortunately, it has taken a long time, and may still, because we can't seem to reach a decision that we like. I think that we as the staff need to realize that the site is getting too big to try to moderate every new resource as it comes in manually. I think that eventually we are going to have to go to an automatic approval system that doesn't require an actual person to review the resource. But there are plans in the works. Stay tuned.

This would only work for icons. You would have to make 2 sections. One for submitted icons that are not reviewed. And, one for submitted icons that are reviewed. If this were to happen, you would never 'reject' an icon. Instead it would remain of the 'lower' class. Lower class being the non-reviewed ones.

If it is reviewed and is to the mods liking, then you would send it to the "Exclusive" reviewed section. This section being reserved for only the best icons.

This idea has its flaws though as well. The mod would have to make a system in which to (from a glance) tell which icons are worth reviewing.

And, the reason this would not work for things such as skins and models, is because skins and models need to be functional and have to fit a certain quality and 'level'. But, for icons, this idea has its flaws yet it could be worked through with care.

And yes, BanananaHead, we all would like to be a mod. I myself would like to be a model mod. But, why am I not? Because I guess I lack the experience that someone like GF has. But, the position requires critique more than experience.
I think that, starting with maps, some moderation changes are in the works.
Unfortunately, it has taken a long time, and may still, because we can't seem to reach a decision that we like. I think that we as the staff need to realize that the site is getting too big to try to moderate every new resource as it comes in manually. I think that eventually we are going to have to go to an automatic approval system that doesn't require an actual person to review the resource. But there are plans in the works. Stay tuned.

Good luck with that. Last I checked you have to test everything ingame.

Though perhaps a specific tool could check if the ressource won't crash the game. Kinda like a simulation.
Things like quality and offensive content are left to the mod's judgement of course.

But whether the ressource is broken or not might be checked with a special tool, and that would easily make moderating faster and easier.

Black Doom made a tool (for icons) like that ages ago, and it's posted in the mod lobby. Dunno how effective it is but he claimed it was very good.

That being said, for models there isn't really such a tool as things that work fine in Magos/Viewer can crash WC3.
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