It still makes sense to me that a trusted user who creates quality, should get their work looked at first. Not a rule or anything, but in general I'd be much more willing to take a look at theirs than wade through a bunch of crap. Not saying that we shouldn't wade through the crap for good models. Just that you can't complain that quality=respect, and respect=faster moderation for your stuff.
True, its just human nature to do that, its not like we are doing it to deliberately be unfair and stuff, if you are more respected and your work is more appealing the more attention you will get. Most skins or icons or stuff I find abit too "inbetween" I leave them alone and hope the other mod gives their view, because I dont want to moderate anything if I cant give a solid and honest opinion that gets it dealt with immediately.
Lately I have been dealing with icons and textures, just recently I did a mass moderation of those sections and left the rest for the other mods. The model section is tiring and the task I appoint myself in is "clean the crap" or "rid it of theft". I dont necessarily do the full part which is poor but I do my job in a sense, wolve mainly appointed me to be a theft sniffer anyway.
Totally Agreed , The administration recruits people that dosen't have time to moderate , They are busy with their projects / School etc.
No, thats clearly a stupid comment, everyone is busy with their own personal issues/life, dont assume YOU arnt lazy just because you arnt given a task.
@Brad And yes, we are humans and we have lives, personally moderation is not a HIGH priority, our own personal life is just as important as yours. Trust me, moderating isnt "easy", it is in a sense, but its more of a "drag" and it pulls onto people, personally Im not happy with the new moderation system as it makes it more annoying and slow.
In my opinion we need new moderators, seems like current ones are not enough.
Come on 6 pages of models? This is a bad sign. Taking moderation job mods knew what they are doing, and what is expected from them.
Since when we have to ask for our models to be tested?
If someone uploads a model its known that he wants it to be tested.
We have to beg now for our models to be tested? Excuse me.
We dont need new moderators, that wont fix anything "too many cooks ruin the soup", but in my sense adding more moderators will only create a sense of "there are others, they can do the work" meaning they will rely on eachother and nobody ends up doing it.
And to add on your last point, but excuse me, we are a FREE service, you should be grateful for what we already offer and what we are capable of. We shouldnt have to be pressured and pointed at just because YOU want YOUR STUFF showcased by OUR services and hardwork, its a privilege to have us sorting through your stuff and giving our opinions, granted we were tasked to be moderators and we try to do our best to give an "acceptable service" . Asking is not wrong, you should be greatful you can even give us a nudge. We arnt your little bitches.
As for me actually moderating the model area, i prefer to moderate when im not occupied and not in a brain melting mood, I will only clean and sort theft, I dont usually deal with sorting the shelves as Im often busy and it takes up my time.
To sum it up, you obviously have the right to state your opinions and suggestions, but to also sum up, we arnt your bitches.
/me meows to her litter box