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Icecrown Glacier BETA v0.3

Behold, my newest melee map! This is a complete beta!

  • Despite the fancy story below, this is a MELEE map.
  • This is a complete, fully playable beta!
  • The twelve player Reign of Chaos melee map is called "Ice Crown", therefore, this map's name is not cloned.

«When Kil'jaeden caught the Orc warlock, Ner'zhul, fleeing from Draenor, the demon lord tore him apart and cast his spirit into a prison of ice in Icecrown Glacier, from thereon addressing him as the "Lich King".
Ner'zhul is crafty and cunning, and engineered a plague that possessed many beasts to serve him. They still guard the Obelisks that activate the passage to the Frozen Throne.
Now, at last, it is time to put the reign of the Lich King and his Undead Scourge to an end. Will you fight to defend the Lich King, or will you seek to destroy him?
The Nerubians are planning to take over the outer expansions, digging various tunnels at strategic locations. But they'll have to be removed, regardless; the weakened kingdom of Azjol'Nerub poses no relevant match for the Lich King's army. Becareful, though: if you do not take all the initial resources available, there are other creatures with little love for the Undead who will gladly take them...
Rally your forces, summon your allies, hire your assassins, and secure the Obelisks by fortifying the narrow ramps which grant access to them. You must eliminate any who would oppose you -- only then will you be able to ascend the Frozen Throne.

Screenshots and map plane scheme coming soon!

The upper part of the scheme is not showing up

Alpha v0.0.1

  • First version published (closed alpha).

Beta v0.1

  • Finished the terrain
  • Added creeps to starting locations (they're removed if a player's on the spot)

Beta v0.2

  • Outer Gold Mines have its resource reserve increased from 7.500 to 10.000.
  • Obelisk Gold Mines have its resource reserve increased from 12.500 to 14.000.
  • Opened a path to Purple's base on the northeastern Gold Mine to make it fair with other players on the corners.
  • Some texturing and elevation change at Yellow's base (there were flat and poorly textured places there).
  • Deleted trees walls and moved canopy trees at a few locations to increase room available. Expect this to be repeated in further versions.
  • The doodads at the northeastern bridge have been moved to make up more room.
  • Doodads at the western ramp have been moved to clear up the pathing. They were being too much of an obstacle.
  • Fixed a pathing bug at the southeastern Icecrown Glacier Mercenary Camp that would get higher-collision units, such as the Magnataur Warrior, to get stuck.

Beta v0.3

  • The bridges have been cloned in a hope to enlarge the area available to cross the river.
  • More tree moving and removing
  • Smoothed Blue's starting location area a little.
  • Moved the southwestern Goblin Laboratory and its guards in a hope of making an unexpected attack less likely.
  • Moved the walls and skull torches at the waygates to open up more room.

Other melee maps by this author
Ice, crown, Icecrown, Glacier, Lich, King, Arthas, melee, Rui, 5v5, 6v6, 5vs5, 6vs6, team

Icecrown Glacier BETA v0.3 (Map)

20:12, 11th Nov 2010 ap0calypse: Approved As expected, a well balanced melee-game with a nice terrain.




20:12, 11th Nov 2010
ap0calypse: Approved

As expected, a well balanced melee-game with a nice terrain.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
This is my newest melee map and it is a complete beta. Here is a preview of the next version's changes log:
  • Increase the gold available in the expansions(?)
  • Add a Watcher Ward as a drop for the Goblin Merchants or the Mercenary Camps(?)
  • Fix a pathing issue at the southern Icecrown Glacier Mercenary Camp that causes the Magnataur Warrior to get stuck.

I'd appreciate having your feedback!

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Exceptional terrain that makes the battlefield like a real place and not some pre-designed arena for fighting like some other melees. The creep-camps are abundant and offer a sufficient challenge - the drops also seem fine, but I would like to see some watcher wards around for increased awareness of your surroundings. There's a few choke-points that offers tactical advantages so you can't expect to win this brute-force. Overall a superb melee map that offers a lot of fun with enough players, good work!
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
[*]Fix a pathing issue at the southern Icecrown Glacier Mercenary Camp that causes the Magnataur Warrior to get stuck.

I discovered that bug :)
Anyways, on to my review :)

CWeener's Review {Melee maps} V3.04 Review # 19

Reviewing the map "Icecrown Glacier BETA v0.1"

Rating System (in weener points:)

1-10 Replayability
1-10 Tile Variation and merging
1-10 Doodad placement
1-10 Height variation
1-10 Resource Distribution (good and wood)
1-10 Description (On THW and In-game (Loading Screen and information))
-100 or +100 for abiding by THW rules.
Rating System Scores

Less than 100 = FF- (Reported, You clearly didnt abide by all of the posting rules, and i have reported you for (not) doing so.)
100-110 Points = F- (Rancid and Needs major work. Vote for Rejection and no +rep.)
111-120 Points = F (Bad and Needs work. vote for Rejection and no +rep.)
121-130 Points = D (Below Average and Needs much updating. has potential. vote for rejection and no +rep.)
131-140 Points = C (Okay but Needs updates. has potential. vote for rejection* and no +rep.)
141-150 Points = B (Good but still not reaching full potential vote for approval but no +rep)
151-159 Points = A (Great and probably has reached full potential**. good job. vote for approval and +rep.)
160 Points = A+ (Amazing, you did everything right and went all out, approval and +rep)

* = depending on the map really, and what categories it scored low in
** = not always but most cases.
Icecrown Glacier BETA v0.1

Triggering scores not available, so other maximums were raised(see rating system*)

1-10 Replayability *9* There were no MAJOR bugs or annoyances to adversely affect this.
1-10 Tile Variation and merging *10* Flawless
1-10 Doodad placement *8* Very nice, though, could have used more enviornmentals, even though ice doesn't have many >.>
1-10 Height variation *9* Very good, except some hills were just strange looking (some surrounded a gold mine?)
1-10 Resource Distribution *7* Late game gold is very low..
1-10 Description *6* Although, I understand it will be improved soon :p So this will change quick.
-100 or 100 Rules *100* :grin:
0-200 All-in-all *149* B (Good but still not reaching full potential vote for approval but +rep was given)

Author's Note,

A very balanced melee map, even though gold is low late game, it's okay because it's low for everybody :p. The tile placement was superb to say the least.
all-in-all great job, you are really close to an A, and with improvements mentioned maybe an A+ :D
Pathing bug for the merc camp (already known)

Improve resources distribution (maybe 1k gold more each GM)
Fix the bug
Fix the description ASAP
Keep being awesome :grin:


Well, there is simply too much to say about what I like, which is pretty much everything except the few things mentioned in [didn't like]

[didn't like]
The description,
The Doodads (or lack there of)
The bug :p

If any map I've reviewed has been updated, feel free the ask me to re-review it. or if I haven't reviewed YOUR map, feel free to ask me. :)
  • Like
Reactions: Rui
Level 6
Oct 21, 2009
I can already see myself playing this map, trying to block all entrances to my base. :p
Great map indeed!

@WarenDarkslayer: F33R 0UR 1337 W473R 5KI112
(For teh noobs: Fear our leet water skillz)
Level 3
Jan 31, 2010
The terrain is extremely good and the game flows well. The creep camps are well placed. The only downside is the small paths, which really can't hold the uber battles which are bound to occur on maps with these player counts ;D



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Beta v0.2

Beta v0.2 is out. Here's the changelog:
  • Outer Gold Mines have its resource reserve increased from 7.500 to 10.000.
  • Obelisk Gold Mines have its resource reserve increased from 12.500 to 14.000.
  • Opened a path to Purple's base on the northeastern Gold Mine to make it fair with other players on the corners.
  • Some texturing and elevation change at Yellow's base (there were flat and poorly textured places there).
  • Deleted tree walls and moved canopy trees at a few locations to increase room available. Expect this to be repeated in further versions.
  • The doodads at the northeastern bridge have been moved to make up more room.
  • Doodads at the western ramp have been moved to clear up the pathing. They were being too much of an obstacle.
  • Fixed a pathing bug at the southeastern Icecrown Glacier Mercenary Camp that would get higher-collision units, such as the Magnataur Warrior, to get stuck.

But I really want you to make those tiny paths wider
Are you referring to the bridges or the narrow paths to the obelisks? If yes, they're supposed to be that way. I may consider slightly increasing the ramp's width later, but we'll see. As for the bridges, they're staying, but I might clone them to increase room. Anyway, take the Waygate and the Goblin Zeppelins as alternatives to this pathing terror.

Thank you everyone for your input, it is very appreciated!
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
I think the map is very well done, though I agree with some of the comments on the pathing and lay-out. The creep drops look balanced too by the way. :p
  • Like
Reactions: Rui
Level 5
Aug 13, 2006
Awesome looking map, great job!

only critisism I can provide is this:


Even though there's a gateway, there's still too few passages to the other half of the map.
It's a twelve player map, that's frikkin' huge, I think 3 passages is too few.
Other than that everything is awesome.
Last edited:
Awesome looking map, great job!

only critisism I can provide is this:


Even though there's a gateway, there's still too few passages to the other half of the map.
It's a twelve player map, that's frikkin' huge, I think 3 passages is too few.
Other than that everything is awesome.

You have neutral buildings there so you can buy flying transport.
Idea was to combine way gates, air with base ground passages.
This way it's more complicated to create defense or offense.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
SCN's Non Scored Review

Great Map, but some of the passages near the edges are way to small and units can only fight 1v1 or 2v2. The terrain is beautiful for an icy map and the lay out makes the game fun, and sometimes intense. It seems like Blizzard would delete people fav, divide and conquer, with this similar styled map.

It is a little difficult for different team arrangements because they're sometimes separated and it is hard for the to aid their allies.

It sometimes results in an offensive or defensive push across the map, which makes the map strategic.

There are no bad problems. But I suggest to fix the pathways a little and the doodad placement could always use improvement - actually everything can be I improved :D

One of the best melee maps that I've reviewed, 5 Stars'