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I need a free paint program

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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
DONT use mspaint. Ever.
GIMP is the closest you can get to photoshop free.

Why not? I love MSPaint. I made this in MSPaint. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y126/Cool_lil_Dude/TheLatestDarkBridgePanorama.png?t=1299274197 and I made this http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y126/Cool_lil_Dude/KoBTnewMountainINprogress.png?t=1299274211

What's not to love? The tool is not your problem, it's your experience using the tool in question. Gimp is indeed the best one out there if you wish for you goal to be similar to photoshop. Learn the tool and gain results. It's that simple.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
I had Photoshop once and all the software as well, until my damn old computer had viruses and I never had a virus protector and it was a very old and not really good computer,
Now with Windows 7, a Titan Tower computer, and a very protective virus protector, I have been doing good, but now I kinda miss Photoshop, and doing all those things with it.
Level 12
Jul 13, 2008
I had Photoshop once and all the software as well, until my damn old computer had viruses and I never had a virus protector and it was a very old and not really good computer,
Now with Windows 7, a Titan Tower computer, and a very protective virus protector, I have been doing good, but now I kinda miss Photoshop, and doing all those things with it.
That's a bit off topic :p

And i was working for a long time with GIMP
some days ago i downlaoded Photoshop
well photoshop >>> gimp
more filters, better shading etc, etc :p
so DL photoshop atleast Trial version
I've been always using Paint. Best program ever ^^
And if you don't believe that you can do "true art" with Paint, just watch this:
however this proves my point. you can either be THAT badass in paint or you arent. there isnt a middle ground. so only pros can do shit like that on MS paint.
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