Anachron, your argument boasts no logic or link whatsoever, thus I still believe the earth is flat. And, if you think logically, you may too believe in the truth.
EDIT: Don't blank your post, Anachron
EDIT EDIT: Since he took it up in chat, here're the logs:
[13-12-08] Anachron: Ash, But HOW in the earth can we sail through the whole world without falling down? What swith GRAVITY?
[13-12-30] Ash: Anachron, Because, if gravity pulls you towards the centre, then naturally your ship is pulled towards the centre
[13-12-37] Anachron: Ash,
[13-12-40] Ash: so instead of sailing around and around, you sail in a circle.
[13-13-05] Anachron: Ash, Joe-black-5, how can we see us radical from moon if we would be flat? Its totally unlogically
[13-13-35] Ash: Anachron, It's not unlogical whatsoever, what you're saying is that you believe in something other people have told you to believe
[13-13-38] Uchila has joined the channel
[13-13-48] Ash: THAT is illogical
[13-14-35] Anachron: Ash, Joe-black-5, well we are currently out of the atmosphere and made alot of pictures of the world, including Google Earth and that stuff, which all prove its round. And the earth actually is.
[13-14-47] Anachron: Ash, I beleave in my world
[13-15-10] Anachron: Ash, in my world I only beleave science.
[13-16-04] Ash: I too believe in science.
[13-16-24] Ash: Although my science is obviously different to yours
[13-16-47] Anachron: oO
[13-16-51] Anachron: wtf?
[13-16-59] Ash: So with that said, prove my science wrong
[13-17-19] Anachron: So you think the earth is flat or whut?
[13-17-29] Anachron: We've solved it hundreds of years ago..
[13-17-49] Ash: Anachron, You're believing what other people have told you again
[13-18-19] Anachron: Ash, I am beleaving what I SEE and I SEE the earth is not flat ;P
[13-18-55] Ash: Anachron, You see as far as your eyes can see, you don't see the earth as being round at all
[13-19-29] Anachron: Ash, you can see that the whole plain is not flat but round.
[13-19-56] Ash: Anachron, No you can't, unless you look at a picture from outer space.
[13-20-07] Ash: And you've never been there, so you can't prove the picture to be true or not.
[13-20-51] Ash: The earth is a flat disc, and so far you've shown me no first hand logic to prove me otherwise.
[13-21-34] Anachron: Joe-black-5, Ash, OffGraphic, Shados, ok here we go.. if earth is flat, how it comes that all which have flew over the earth proven its not? How would our maps work else? How would the magnetical fields works? They would crash if they would be stronger on some sites..
[13-22-13] Ash: Anachron, The same reason as you being unable to sail off the edge of the world. Gravity sucks you towards the centre
[13-22-27] Ash: Thus, you fly in a circle and you never reach the point of being able to see the edge.
[13-22-18] Anachron: Our whole systems work with the round definition, all our maths and phsysics, and they work well..
[13-23-00] Ash: Anachron, No, a man tells you it works well, and you believe him.
[13-22-47] Anachron: Ash, But logically you can be everywhere on earth, but not on your concept.
[13-24-01] Ash: Anachron, Not quite, you get to certain points and then you can't get any futher. That's why when you get to places like Australia, you feel bad. It's because you're being pulled back to the centre
[13-24-23] Ash: And you still haven't given me any concise logic to prove me wrong.
[13-24-36] Anachron: Ash, thats so many shit I need to stop soon :/
[13-25-34] Ash: Anachron, All you're doing is believing what other people have told you, you've got no first hand evidence whatsoever to prove me wrong. You're just going round in a circle.
[13-25-56] Ash: ... If you forgive the circular pun, of course.
[13-25-48] Anachron: The only reason why PEOPLE THINK THE EARTH IS FLAT IS, that actually they need something to complain about. I mean its already solved and everything works fine. What do we need to care? Its the simple fact that it is how it is. The earth is an egg.
[13-27-18] Ash: Anachron, Actually, quite to the opposite. It hasn't been solved at all. You're saying that people think the earth is flat because we need something to complain about. I'm saying the only reason people think the earth is round is because you're being foiled by the government.
[13-27-41] Ash: YOu're only arguing their point because you want something to complain about.
[13-27-56] Anachron: Ash, or maybe the masses or the government are right and the few people which say its not are WRONG? maybe you fail.
[13-28-14] Ash: Anachron, So prove their point!
[13-29-04] Ash: Anachron, You've done nothing but sit there and recite basic primary school science. You haven't shown any sense of logic or reason so far, and you've given me no first hand information. If you roll a ball off've a table does it not fall to the ground? It doesn't roll around in a sphere!
[13-28-44] Anachron: I mean the earth must be flat, if I would have time I could prove it with all math and phsyics...
[13-29-04] Anachron: But sadly I have no time to waste my time for some shit I don't beleave in.
[13-30-43] Anachron: Well if anyone thinks about it, why have we chosen to agree to the 'the world is round or an egg' logic? Its because its proven for us and we can live with it and everything works with that.
[13-30-59] Ash: Anachron, Because someone stood up and told you it is round.
[13-31-13] Ash: Have you ever questioned it? No, you've just zealously believed it.
[13-31-04] Anachron: If the earth would be flat the aircrarfts would crash at the egdes and things like that.
[13-31-33] Anachron: ash oh oh you don't know a shit about myself
[13-32-03] Ash: Anachron, I've already told you why an aircraft can't fly off the edge, gravity.
[13-31-54] Anachron: Ash, I've asked myself a lot more if you might think.
[13-32-32] Ash: And now you're arguing ad homenim because you've ran out of pseudo-logic!
[13-32-49] Anachron: Ash, Joe-black-5, But until the 16th Century all thought the earth would be flat. Until it has been proven to BE NOT. So go to hell now >.< ....
[13-33-15] Ash: Anachron, Well, I pose this to you; religion hasn't been proven, yet so many people still believe in it.
[13-33-30] Anachron: Ash, but you would be able to SEEEEEEEEEEEEEE that the end of the world is there, lol ...
[13-33-36] Anachron: Ash, I do not beleave in any religion.
[13-34-16] Ash: You may not, but others do.
[13-35-11] Anachron: I'm logging off because this has no sence. The earth is round, thats proven and like I do, I personally like the idea. It fits to my sight of the world and we do not need to complain about everyones point of view. Not now and not later.
[13-35-30] Ash: Tyvm for spending your time with me, and thank you even more for the win.
[13-35-42] Ash: If you'd like to chat more, I'd be more than obliged to in the thread.
TL;DR version: Anachron produced no logic but what others have told him, thus his arguments have failed to convince me why the Earth is round.
I produced first hand evidence, and laid the smackdown at this point:
- [13-29-04] Ash: Anachron, You've done nothing but sit there and recite basic primary school science. You haven't shown any sense of logic or reason so far, and you've given me no first hand information. If you roll a ball off've a table does it not fall to the ground? It doesn't roll around in a sphere!
I look forward to more in depth conversations like this.