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How to Improve your chances of getting your request done

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Level 8
Oct 2, 2005
How to Improve your chances of getting your request done:

Does the Model Already Exist?

There are already many models in the resource section. Not only that, there are plenty of models at other sites like www.wc3campaigns.net.

In short, look throughly through this thread before posting.

Reference Pictures

Reference pictures of the request will help a modeler greatly.

Try going to google to look up whatever you want to request, and find pictures that show most of the character or thing you want made. You can also make simple drawings as long as you are capable of making the shape or design.

Taking Consideration

Remember that models take time.

A good modeler will probably spend about 12 hours (sometimes more than a week) on a model, and remember: it's for you. Usually the longest things to make, and the most turned down requests are characters. Rather than characters popping in your head all the time, try to think of other things you could use. Maybe if you work hard enough and well enough with the person doing your request, they might take in more complex and longer requests from you.

Be courteous to the people helping you, they will always respect someone who shows respect to them.

Proving the Model's Use

99% of all modelers are not going to make you a model just so you can have your own model to mess with.

The person that has their map all done, and is requesting a couple models to polish it, is about 10 times more likely to get their request done before a requester who hasn't even started his/her map yet.

Another couple things about this is, don't use the excuse that "If you make the model, I'll probably get the map done!" This is one the lamest excuses and will probably make you getting any request taken very unlikely.

The map comes first. There are plenty of Warcraft III units to use as temporary units to use until you are done with your map. Then come back and make a request.

Understanding the Concepts of Modding

Now lets face it, when you make a request it's probably because you don't know how to do it yourself. I'm not saying you have to learn how to, but a general good idea is to at least understand the concept or the process it takes to make whatever resources your requesting. This will help you relate to modders here and will help you choose your request more reasonably and practically.

Name your thread with the following format..

It would be ideal to make a request in such a format, to keep things orderly, and to make it easier for requesters to see what they will be getting into.

Nobody wants to read through a whole 2 paragraphs describing why you can't do it yourself, or how this is "all you need and would be awesome!"

So please, make things a little easier, by trying to title your thread like:

["Request type"] - "Request name"

For example: [Model] - Blood Elf Warrior

Happy Requesting, and I hope you find someone to help!

This can be constantly updated when a new suggestion arises.
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Level 8
Oct 2, 2005
mmk thanks for the input but acourse its Chriz desion(f**k can't spell lol). Personly My ultimate goal would be to have this as a seperate page that you have to go threw in order to even get to the request forum so people in a way are semi-forced to aleast look at it lol.
Level 8
Feb 4, 2007
mmk thanks for the input but acourse its Chriz desion(f**k can't spell lol). Personly My ultimate goal would be to have this as a seperate page that you have to go threw in order to even get to the request forum so people in a way are semi-forced to aleast look at it lol.

The problem with that idea, is that it'd be essentially the same as the Rights and Regulations thingy, when you sign up. It makes you check "I have read and agree to these terms" before you can continue, but honestly, how many people actually read them?
People would just bypass it, "God, these pages always get in my way, they're so pointless"
I hate being a hipocrit and saying this but, there will always be morons who ignore the request rules, its a part of life, we play a game that a decent portion of the fanbase is under the age of 12, if they do find their way onto this site (don't mean to insult anyone under 12) some of them, more than likely, will instantly jump to "OMG DBZ REQUEST LOL"

I support the "have to read the terms of requesting" statement.

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

There, I cleaned up the spelling, and changed the grammar and structure in general.

You make good points, and this is very useful. I will sticky this, and if anyone has any suggestions to add, please feel free to mention it.

Thank you Xlightscreen.
Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
The problem with that idea, is that it'd be essentially the same as the Rights and Regulations thingy, when you sign up. It makes you check "I have read and agree to these terms" before you can continue, but honestly, how many people actually read them?
People would just bypass it, "God, these pages always get in my way, they're so pointless"

so true...
but in the end they wont get the thing they wanted wont they?
i admit now-i was like that before...but as i didn't get anything i wanted so then i (think i) changed.

BTW-this go i really plan to finish up my map...its not TOO ambitious like the previews projects...(but i will return to them, and help is wellcomed at my current project)
I have three suggestions more:

1. How much will requested model be useful also for the others

Modelers usually want their models to be used in more maps if possible. This way, in case your map/project die, it can be still used by other people. Good example are starwars models, even though SWTJ died, still many people use those models. Requesting a random character from the most obscure anime, which only the most hardcore otaku are aware of, greatly decreases usefulness of the model. So generic models are in the end more useful than strictly based on other thing.

2. Try to get the best pictures from different angles (this is basically an addition to Xlightscreen first rule)

A single, blurry and from awkward angle snapshoted picture of the object won't help the modeler too much. Ideally would be like the way vehicles are shown in Red Alert 2 installation (i'm sorry if you don't know the game), but it's hard to find that kind of pictures. So, if possible, for example, avoid to throw just an anime character picture (especially if covered by other characters and objects), try to find him also from other sides.

3. Don't request too many models

If you're going to request like 300 models, it is more likely that you won't be taken seriously and your request would be done even for one model (unless you have in mind that movie :wink:)
2. Try to get the best pictures from different angles (this is basically an addition to Xlightscreen first rule)

A single, blurry and from awkward angle snapshoted picture of the object won't help the modeler too much. Ideally would be like the way vehicles are shown in Red Alert 2 installation (i'm sorry if you don't know the game), but it's hard to find that kind of pictures. So, if possible, for example, avoid to throw just an anime character picture (especially if covered by other characters and objects), try to find him also from other sides.
You mean blueprints?

3. Don't request too many models

If you're going to request like 300 models, it is more likely that you won't be taken seriously and your request would be done even for one model (unless you have in mind that movie :wink:)

Hehe... oops? Mine only has 7... :/
Level 7
Feb 19, 2005
Didnt bother reading the replies but to warn you

theirs a typo in the first post

"In short, look throughly through this thread before posting."

should be;

"In short, look thoroughly through this thread before posting."

Reason: throughly isnt a word
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
I just got registered like 10 mins ago and put up a post really quick, its got EVERY mistake you didnt want in a request >.<, I just read this and i feel like i should apologize , but yeah if you would just read it that'd be just peachy
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