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Icons: Request your icon here

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Request Icons here:

I know this is probaly done before, but since i found none in the request forum, i'll do it.

Iff you need an icon, or a recolor, or the change of a frame, come request it here, every freehand i make, will be if you allow it, posted in the icon section, else i'll pm you the icon, recolors and frame changes will be pm'ed no matter what, since it against the rules to post them.

What you need to do is to:
1: Describe the icon, what should it look like, wich color theme and things like that, a picture would be nice to.
2: If its a recolor or frame change/frame removal, just say so, not much decribal needed there, in cases of recolor, just say color team, and wich parts whoud have what color, else just say what you need, and i'll make it.
3: Wait, most freehand icons take some time to make, recolor and frame change ofcause take a smaller amount to make.
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Les see if i get you, a railgun fitting protos, not hand hold but sitting some kind of space ship, or on the ground, or just a railgun ''floating in the air'', with btn and disbtn right?
Somthing like this, but in protos style?
Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
think i'll ave me the close up ones and they're fine shiny nice work :)

EDIT: I think I'll use those as my laser research Icon ^^ But it gives me some inspiration for the mass driver one, I was just at the that impass where you have no idea what to draw xD
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
hmmm... how bout... a footman archer. i want the footman to look like this, but zoomed out and aiming with a bow. like these guys:

PM it to me plz.

i would also like a similar knight icon, looking somewhat like the knight icon in bfme for gondor.
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