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How the hell did everyone learn all about JASS?

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Level 8
Aug 13, 2009
Depends on what you mean. If you mean how we learnt all the random calls non-gui-convertable calls and shit, you can extract files that contain the jass API. If you mean how people start learning now, there are guides and there is always the online JASS Manual site which contains the API. Personally I started out small with custom script lines and eventually got better, using the sources mentioned above. Having previous programming experience will probably help a lot as well.

I never get all that "serious" though; haven't done vJass or anything.
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
yea, I didnt know much of programming when I started with Jass, but I started the way that I took some shitty ability of mine made in GUI and converted it to Jass, played with the spell here and there

Also you can learn most of Jass here or on thehelper.net reading the tutorials.

Ive actually learned the structs from Magtheridons tutorial on structs
Level 4
Nov 1, 2012
Well, I'm still a high school student, and our school taught us QBASIC and VBASIC, so I don't really know about most of the stuff in JASS, though I know some basics/fundamentals in programming.

Can someone give me a site about learning JASS/vJASS for the first time? Many people also say that vJASS is easier to learn than JASS and using the JNGP. So which should I (if ever I happen to have the time) study first? JASS/vJass?

And another: What's GUI? XD
Level 8
Aug 13, 2009
After learning about JASS, I found vJass very complicated to get started with.

GUI -- well, that's a googleit piece of info really, but it stand for Graphical User Interface. In war3 terms, this is using the editor's user interface, without writing any code, to make triggers.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Like most people, I started off as a GUItard only to eventually grow curious about this JASS that all the experts seemed to use. I wanted to learn, but young and stupid as I was, it took time and hardly seemed to be worth the effort.

Further down the JASS road I stumbled upon the very amazing Rising_Dusk of Wc3C who offered me tons and tons of aid with JASS in general and vJass in particular.

Eventually I knew enough vJass to use it in my projects and through that I learned tons more.
hmm i used to stand by GUI ( its just a user friendly editor). but then i heard about the added efficiency and easy typing for JASS. then i downloaded JNGP for vJass about 2 hrs after starting JASS and never turned back. i write everything in vJass its so easy for me i love it. i never used vanilla jass and dont like the syntax for cJass. i thought vJass was the easiest thing to do. the only thing that took me a little to understand was structs but i didnt look for a tutorial on that till recently. after Magtheridon's tutorial for structs it was really easy to understand and i had no prior programming experience. vJass is a very useful tool tho makes systems a lot shorter and easier to manage with the syntax. there are some great tutorials on here i believe. not sure about gui tutorials never looked for them but there r a lot of jass and vJass tutorials.
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012

The basic triggers LOL

whats funny about that? not everyone knows everything gosh...
i didnt know any other programming languages. well i wasnt able to write them. not sure y but i can read the languages if i look at them but i need a tutorial to write them lol. sounds kinda stupid. if u do know other programming languages it shouldnt be hard. i mean the syntax is different but it may be close to that of jass or vJass. vJass structs are like classes in Java if that helps. ( hope i said that correctly) it shouldnt be hard for you once you get started.
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
I had a very small knowledge of C when I first started learning Jass

I had class in school and they teached C but it was soooo slow we didnt get next to anything from it so I can safely say I had next to no knowledge.

I know neither QBASIC or VBASIC so I dont know how much can you know :D

but if you know basics of variables and functions, you are pretty safe to start learning
Level 4
Nov 1, 2012
No no no it's okay that he's (maybe truly) laughing at me or just laughing, he must have been on a roll. I'm like that sometimes. XD

Another question:
Is JASS/vJASS in some way similar to any famous programming languages (maybe like C, C++, or Java or whatever)? Aaand when did any of you learn JASS/vJASS fully?
Level 4
Nov 1, 2012
lol in QBASIC and VBASIC functions to us are way simpler than those of JASS. Like the SQR Function. Obviously squares any numeric data inserted between the parentheses after the SQR.

Compared to JASS..

function blarga takes blyrgu returns AN AWESOME SPELL
call me maybe

tadaaa. okay I know it's not like that, it's just how I depict myself looking at JASS codes. XDD
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
well, afaik some of the features in vJass are took from Java and some are taken from C++ but most of the stuff there is useless or quite useless and thats mainly because of the fact that comunity rejects that stuff

Like hooks or interfaces generate trigger evaluations which are fairly slow, and thats why people will most likely reject this kind of stuff because they consider it "too slow"

the real stuff that is used nowadays is mainly the global freedom declaration, scopes, libraries and the most used is structs
I know maybe 30% of whole wc3 coding, and still I'm able to create almost 90% of things
I need (and I use public resources or find way around to handle rest 10%). You will see
that at some point, your skill will be good enough for you to make something work.
Improving skills even more won't create NEW imaginary things, you will just be able to
improve creation you achieved at first place, make it smaller, cleaner, safer, faster, more
readable and so on (generally speaking, there are exceptions in everything)...
I was just always learning how to code through the makings of my maps.
I just messed with the WE seeing how far I can get with what I new (even when I new absolutely nothing about WE). Actually I could do pretty much anything with what I new with what I wanted, even if my triggering was highly inefficient. Off-course because I started off with GUI(required no memory knowledge what so ever) I eventualy learnt about efficiency and doing things the easier way until I eventually went through the vJass manual when I knew that I was ready, read through it all in about 3 days a month ago and now I can never turn back from vJass.

I would say it is somewhat about experience, persistence, age and intellect..
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Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
No clue. GUI has always been enough for me (more and more, though, I realize that when I say "GUI" I really mean "Object Editor work-arounds with as little GUI as possible"; I'm not a serious GUIer like I've seen around here). I had taken VBASIC, but it didn't help much.

I am now taking Java, and it seems to be a nice stepping-stone. Who knows, maybe I'll step into vJass to really crank up my Trolls to 11. (Then again, I've never really been sure where to start; it all seems so confusing).
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
If it makes anyone feel better, I never learned JASS or GUI. I gave up pretty early and found the terraining forum.
I never liked JASS , but started to like them around afew weeks ago i guess, well i guess it's because i tried to learn C++, it made JASS looked so simple, too damn simple i guess ._., but still it's quite hard unless you have quite the brains to use, my recommendation is just to learn some basic programming if you want to enter jass, it might quite be a reference.
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