Beta 0.96z:
The new version contains many changes and I am really proud to release it. Ashgan and I worked quite a lot, eh… (I worked of course more than Ash, hehe) This is why I wrote a change log for you. In a few words:
We started to implement the new Item System (Combinable Items & Class Items) and added a new Gold System (like in DoE). On top of that I improved a lot of heroes. In my eyes 7 heroes are now perfect (Infernal Duke, Chronomancer, Invoker of Everlasting Darkness, Guardian of the Light, Inquisitor, Mountain Giant and the Paladin). By “perfect” I mean the system how their spells work and NOT their balance.
On top of that I tried to quicken the game by giving the Rangers/Grave Warders a stronger attack against buildings.
Well, I don't want to hide the fact that I work slow since I am pretty... lethargic at times. Due to this, I want to apologise the certain delay in things that could be done quicker. In return, you shall never be disappointed by low quality things by me: Whenever I do get things in my lusting fingers, I make sure to create quality and innovative content. Other than that, DarkMoon already mentioned most of the things that need to be said in his comment. That being said, let's get to the changelog...
Change Log:
New Item System: The Beginning
The new item System is a vast difference to the previous one. While you got used to buying items just like that, this will not be very prominent anymore. To acquire powerful items (balance being a discussion, as always), one must buy a "Basic Item", as I call it, which is stuff that you get at your base, for example a simple Sword. These items you combine with one additional item, for example one of the numerous Resources, such as Wood or Iron. The recipes can be found inside your base. Every "Advanced Item" (the term to refer to mixed items), each have an individual "Story Text", which explains the item's nature, to make the world a bit more alive. I was forbidden to reveal future plans, but due to a lack of content in the System as of now, the Media Market is closed, of course with a small story explanation, found in the Hints ingame. In the next big version, the Market will be open again, and may hold one or another surprise, since all items from the past, are no longer available. The new item system also features a new way for potions to work; instead of instantly restoring outrageous amounts, they will restore a medium amount instantly, and heal an additional amount over 5 seconds afterwards (undispellable). This makes sure that potions do keep their value, but are not as overpowered. There are also some other useful accessoires added to the pantheon of items, be sure to test them all.
Ontop of that, there have been added multiple restrictions: First things first, every hero has been divided into one of three archetypes: Melee, Caster, Ranger. Each Archetype has his own set of available weapons, armors, and recipes. Even if they are vastly different from each other, they are equal in quantity. Naturally, you cannot equip items from multiple archetypes. If you anyway attempt this, the wrong item will be removed, and you will be given back the full amount of money. Additionally to this, heroes can only carry a single weapon and a single armor/shield, at a time. The times of carrying 4 swords and 2 armors are over, yup. Incase you attempt this anyway, the same as above will happen: the item is gone and you are refunded the price. (written by Ashgan)
New Gold System
Gold is no longer gained from killing units. Instead of this I copied the system of DoE (Desert of Exile) because it’s much fairer. Now you will gain gold if your hero stands in near of an enemy unit that dies. Of course you will still gain gold from your expansion as well as long as it is not destroyed.
Example: If two heroes of the Empire stand near a grave warder that get killed of an allied cleric both heroes will gain the 20 gold of the killed grave warder. This system shall give defensive heroes (e.g. Guardian of the Light) the same possibility like offensive ones (e.g. Lord of Winter) to get the same gold.
The only exception is the gold gained by killing a hero. The owner of the killing unit will gain 64-200 money (depending on the level of the dying hero). All allied heroes in near of the killed unit will gain the half of the gold the killing player gained. (written by TheDarkMoon)
Hero Improvements/Remakes (Hero Status 7/18 )
Remake: Dust Weaver
-->Skin Changed (thx@viikuna)
-->Renamed “Dust Weaver” into “Noxious Breeder”
-->While burrowing into the earth “move”-commands will no longer interrupt this process
-->Tir’Shan can now use the Ability “Crash the Earth” while burrowed
(Splits the earth arround the Noxious Breeder dealing 45/90/135/180) damage to all enemy ground units and reducing their movement speed for 3 seconds by 10/20/30/40%.)
-->Replaced the ability “Impale” with “Hatch” that allows Tir’Shan to summon Breedlings, those got the abilities “Burrow”, “Toxic Caparace”, “Crippling Touch”, “Explode!” and “Kiss of Poison”
(Summons a Broodling that has quite a lot of hitpoints but deals less melee damage. The Noxious Breeder can control a maximum of three Breedlings. Those Breedlings posses the abilities "Burrow" and "Toxin Caparace" if Tir'Shan learned those abilites already. They die if their master is destroyed.
Burrow: Orders the Broodling to dig into the ground. There it becomes invisible but not invulnerable because the bug can't dig so deep as its master. Since the bug got smaller claws then his master it can't move as fast as Tir'Shan through the earth. Living because of unholy magic the Breedling doesn't need any breath, so it can stay under earth as long as it'ss master wants.
Toxic Caparace: Upgrades the carapace of the Breedling with chitinous spikes, that reflect 5/17/29/49% melee damage taken, and poison the attackers for 4 seconds, which damages enemies for 3 damage each 2 seconds. In addition, it recieves a permanent 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0 armor bonus.
Crippling Touch: Injects the victim a crippling poison with each attack. The poison reduces the attack rate of the victim by 15% for 3 seconds.
Explode!: The Broodling is a living toxin bomb. With this command it will explode spreading its contact insecticide to all enemy foes around it dealing 90 damage to each of them.
Kiss of Poison: Gives the Broodling a 10% chance on each attack to paralyze the victim for 1 second with a special neurotoxic substance disabling it completly.)
-->Added the Ability “Crippling Touch” to the Locusts of the ability “Plague of Locusts”
-->Replaced the spell “Cocoon” with “Art of Weaving”
(Art of Weaving: Tir'Shan hurls a web sack into the air. The web will explode trapping all enemy units in a solid cocoon of spiderweb. The struck units cannot move for 3 seconds.)
Remake: Infernal Duke
-->Changed Model of the Duke from Pitlord into Fire Lord
-->Renamed “Vaglor” into “Cynder”
-->Replaced the spell “Boiling Blood” with “Boiling Presence”
(Boiling Presence: Wherever the Infernal Duke marshes, shall ashes remain. Every 3 seconds he has a chance of 25 + (3 x His own Level) to incinerate a random enemy unit in 350 range. The incinerated unit instantly suffers 50 damage, and reduces the armor by 3 for 7 seconds due an overheating and meltdown of the armor.)
àReplaced the spell “Fireball” with “Splitfire” (the most complex spell in the map, I think)
(The Infernal Duke sacrifices 17% of his maximal life while literally ripping out a chunk of himself, creating a Fireling at a target destination. This Fireling's current health is equal to the life sacrificed to summon it times 2. The maximal life is equal to the health sacrificed times 2.5. The Fireling's attack is rather weak yet rapid, and can slow victims for 10/20/30/40% for 2 seconds. The Fireling gains certain bonuses when Cynder is near, those being an increased life regeneration by 1/2/3/4 hp/sec and a reduction on magic / piercing damage by 15/30/45/60%. The Fireling can also suicide in a violent explosion at any given time, damaging enemy units near him for 1/4 of his current life. Finally, the Fireling can be re-absorbed to restore life to Cynder, equal to half of the current life of the Fireling, at the point of absorbation.)
-->Renamed “Hellfire” into “Shatterflame”
-->Replaced “Searing Edge” by “Searing Strikes”
(Searing Strikes: By activating this ability, Cynder turns into a living inferno. While active, every hit he does has a chance of 15 + 5 x Ability Level % to cause an explosion on a unit that is already burning. This explosion deals 15 x ability level in damage instantly. This explosion also costs the Infernal Duke 10 mana. If the unit was not burning, it will instead be put ablaze and burn for 4 x ability level seconds, dealing 4 damage per second. (Thus making it viable for the explosion). Note that if no explosion occurs, the hit only drains 4 mana from the Infernal Duke.)
-->Changed the ability “Burning Skies”
(The Infernal Duke calls up to his most powerful infernal magic to conjure 6 meteorites to crash down in a target location. These lifeless meteors will transform into hellish golems for 15 seconds, fighting for Cynder and dying in a violent explosion. |n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - 100 death explosion damage |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - 200 death explosion damage)
-->Renamed “Doomblaze” => “Blazing Wish”
-->Icons changed
Improvement: Mountain Giant
-->”Rampant Growth” is now Groshs Limit
-->”Provoce” is now Groshs Ultimate
-->”Sandstorm” is now a Standard ability
-->New Initiate Ability “Earthfall”
(Summons a pillar of dust that adds a 10% miss chance to all attacks of all units below it. Lasts 30 seconds.)
-->Replaced “Mountain Shell” with “Adamant Musclepower” and combined the effects (Being made of solid rock, Grosh reduces all incoming physical damage by a certain amount and additionally, his thundering strikes have a 20% chance to unleash a rippling shockwave that deals 20/40/60/80 damage to enemies in front of him. This shockwave can only occur but once every 4 seconds. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - 1 point damage reduction, 20 damage |n|n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - 2 point damage reduction, 40 damage |n|n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - 3 point damage reduction, 60 damage |n|n|cffffcc00Level 4|r - 4 point damage reduction, 80 damage)
-->Changed Ability “Wandering Earthquake”
(Casting this ability on a target unit will deal a certain amount of damage to it, and all nearby enemy units and buildings in 250 range, stunning them for 0.5 seconds. This effect will repeat a few times every 1.5 seconds. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - 15 damage, 4 intervals |n|n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - 25 damage, 5 intervals |n|n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - 35 damage, 6 intervals |n|n|cffffcc00Level 4|r - 45 damage, 7 intervalls)
àIcons changed
Improvement: Bone Chaser
-->New Initiate Ability: “Restless” (The Bone Chaser is always restless, never resting, never ceasing to hunt. Not even death (in terms of bodily mutilation, since life has abandoned them long ago) can stop them. This allows the Bone Chaser to reduce their ressurection time by 30%.)
-->Replaced the ability “Everlasting Tenacity” with “Skull Bomb” and changed the effect (The skeletal aberration that the family "Borison" has become releases all the necromantic energy contained within their forever cursed bones, detonating in a violent explosion, damaging all nearby enemies for 250/500 damage in 450 range, killing the Bone Chaser in the process.)
Improvement: Inquisitor
-->Changed the effect of “Thurst of Mana” steals now 8% of the victim’s maximum mana and Eldorath gains the doubled value somehow
-->Changed Ability “Doubt of the Unworthy”
(Doubt of the Unworthy: The Inquisitor forces doubt upon an enemy unit (that is able to cast) for 10 seconds. Whenever this doubting unit casts a spell during this duration, it will create an explosion that damages all units near the doubting unit (including the casting unit). On top that all units except the caster will loose a certain amount of mana. If the victim is a hero the amount of life/mana loss depends on it’s intelligence value, otherwise it depends on the maximum mana points of the unit.)
-->Ability “Arkanum Interdictum” will no longer set the mana of it’s victims to 0 instead each enemy unit in the area will loose 15% of its maximum mana per second
-->Changed the effect of “Defiance” (The Inquisitor wards himself from all spells for a 3/6 seconds, using powerful magic charms.)
Improvement: Alchemist
-->Replaced “Chocolate Fury” with “Chemical Surprise”
(Experimentation and Randomness are key words for Dr. Zippy. Every attack of him has a 20% chance for one of 4 random effects. |n Fire: Additonal 12/24/36/48 damage over 4 seconds |n Ice: Slows the victims movement/attackspeed by 25% for 1.0/2.0/3.0/4.0 seconds. |n Earth: Reduces armor of the victim by 2/4/6/8 |n Lightning: 8/16/24/32 additional damage.)
-->”Alchemy” uses now a dialog instead of a chat system (thx@viikuna for that idea)
-->Replaced “Artifical Life” with “Tinker”
(While channeling this ability, you select the potion type of the potions you mixing into a single item, creating a unique super-potion. You require at least two potions of that type.|n - (Lifebrew) |n - (Spellbrew) |n - (Acceleration Brew) |n - (Vanishing Concoction) |n - (Healing Salve) |n - (Potion of Spellward) |n - (Potion of Longevity) |n - (Mana Fuel))
-->Changed Icons
Improvement: Paladin
-->Changed “Aura Mastery”:
-“Thorns Aura” reflects now 25% Melee Damage
-“Brilliance Aura” is replaced by “Command Aura”
-Each Aura activation cost now 5 Mana
-->Reduced the mana costs of “Light of Retribution”, “Blessed Hammer”, “Holy Water” and “Tribute of the Fallen” slightly
-->Renamed “Holy Shield” into “Sacred Shield”
Improvement: Harbinger of Bloody Demise
-->Changed Takurius primary attribute from “Strength” to “Intelligence”
-->Redesigned the effect of “Blood Bath”
-->The Ability “Shared Pain” is Takurius Ultimate, while “Gore Leech” is his Limit now
Improvement: Invoker of Everlasting Darkness
-->The ability “Prison of Darkness” lasts only 10 seconds at daytime, while the effect takes 20 seconds at night time
-->Renamed “Prison of Darkness” into “Dark Prison”
Improvement: Master Engineer
-->Renamed the “Master Engineer” into “Engineer”
-->Removed the ability “Flare Owl” from Mechnics “Gadgets” (new gadget(s!) will follow next version?)
Improvement: Confounder
-->Jane’s Limit “Total Confusion” no longer reduces attack speed instead of that it provides a 75 % chance to miss for victim
-->Skin changed (finally I found a way how to implement the skin I want – thanks to a mistake, yay! I hope you like the new skin!)
Improvement: Shadow Warden
-->Renamed the “Shadow Warden” into “Warden of Shadows”
-->Renamed “Legendary Pain” into “Shadowblast”
Improvement: Chronomancer
-->Renamed “Genius Timestop” into “Aeon” (thx@kami)
-->Renamed “Time Ripple” into “Ripple of Time”
Improvement: Raising Vampire
-->Renamed “Vampire” into “Craving for Blood”
-->Improved Terrain slightly
-->Removed some animated doodads (performance reason)
-->Added more Towers
-->Moved the undead expansion for more balance
-->Split the middle way at the undead base for more balance as well
Media Market
-->Closed (Anyway, if you select now the media market and your hero is in the near he will automatically be ordered to enter the store.)
-->Removed Bugs and improved the Balancing
-->Colored certain Heroes
-->Removed the annoying kill triggers of the fountain sections… and added hidden defenders
-->You will now regain your gold if you can’t wear an item that you bought (and the item is removed )
-->Updated Hints
-->Updated Loading Screen
-->Removed version history
-->Added a “Scroll of Teleportation” to each hero
-->Added a stronger attack against Towers to Rangers & Graver Warders
-->Increased Start Money to 500
-->Moon Wells will now restore only mana