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Hosting Warcraft III on hand hamachi

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Level 5
Jan 6, 2010
Hosting Warcraft III on bnet and hamachi

I remember a time where everything just worked. I hosted a game on Battlenet, and everybody could join. I hosted a local game on Hamachi (simulated LAN over internet), and everybody on that network could join.

But at some point, I guess with the advent of Win 7 and all the uber network security, hosting and joining multiplayer games suddenly became so difficult. Even LAN games, which should be the easiest of all to get working, needed some port forwarding hassling with the router to get working. I've basically only been able to play local games for a long time, cause I've never had the time nor energy to really fix the problem.

Anyway, what are your peoples solution to all this? Has everyone a static IP with port forwarding going on? And that fixes it? Any experience with hosting over Hamachi?

I know there's a lot of tutorials out there on different things (tried a few), but I just wanted to hear how you guys are rolling.

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