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Hosters Please Read

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Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
Hello Everyone,

I am posting this because I'm sick and tired of people trying to kick people who are ... not so good at spelling or grammar... I think that all people should have the chance to role play... I just recently joined a clan OSRP and am seriously thinking about quitting after a previous experience with a few members, they were about to host a game and one of them said, "Let me pick the GN, Name it SotDRP No Illiterates"... I honestly think this needs to stop if Role Playing is ever going to revive... Theres the chance that Role Playing diden't just die... We could have killed it.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Roleplaying is going to die either way, if not die, it will become an abomination of naruto RP's and illdain raping night elf themes.

Either way, if we stop encouraging proper grammer, or if we do. Either the amount of RPers will decrease, or the amount of Rpers will decrease.

Thats right. People who can spell, begin to stray away from the RP, because all the public ones are filled with people who cant spell their own god damn name.

And if we force it, then the amount of RPers will decrease (the people who cant spell) and due to a lack of games because of the decrease, the people who can spell will also decrease.

Wc3 Rping is going to die. Simple put. But we can delay it, atleast.
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
Wow man... i really like your enthusiasm... i seriously think we should atleast try to revive it...
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Hello Everyone,

I am posting this because I'm sick and tired of people trying to kick people who are ... not so good at spelling or grammar... I think that all people should have the chance to role play... I just recently joined a clan OSRP and am seriously thinking about quitting after a previous experience with a few members, they were about to host a game and one of them said, "Let me pick the GN, Name it SotDRP No Illiterates"... I honestly think this needs to stop if Role Playing is ever going to revive... Theres the chance that Role Playing diden't just die... We could have killed it.

You mean Eva Unit? He is a douche, he made me make a game with his game title and then he left when I started.
CLIDUS should kick him from the clan xD!!
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
Alright its final I'm leaving clan OSRP, its not only the one person you mentioned but the leader CLIDUS as well... a direct quote "You see Zan, unlike most clans, i don't just host pubs and let noobs join.I look for talent, I don't want a bunch of scrubs in my clan like COTR or LERP." In response to this (I'm getting all this from in wc3) i say "Are you calling me a noob?" he says next No, I'm just saying, thats why I don't have many people in the clan yet." I once again say in response "Well I'm going to go host my pubs and play with some scrubs" he says, "Rofl? What are trying you saying? I would rather RP with pros not noobs." in response i say "I believe this is why RP is dieing."

I do believe this is why its dieing, everyone is so stuck up that they wont let "Noobs" play so that no one ever learns to play anymore, and the people who do know partially how to play but need a little help aren't allowed either, they are considered "Noobs." I'm not saying you should give up your fun RPing just to help Noobs, but once in a while host a Noob training game...
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
I emphasize proper grammar because it makes people think before they type, eliminating conversations like this:

BAD said:
(game name RP themed)
1: host whats the theme?
H: We will vote for the theme.
1: ok can we do castle theme?
H: We will vote in game.
1: k
2: whats the theme?
3: can we do castle theme?
H: Did you read what I said?
2: dude castle theme is gay
1: ya castle theme!!

And theoretically replacing them with conversations like this:

GOOD said:
(game name RP themed)
1: What's the theme?
H: We will vote in game.
1: Ok.
(2 reads before typing because it takes more time to type)
3 (joins game): What's the theme?
(instead of getting a flood of responses from the game, the host has time to type)
H: We will vote in game.

Also-- I don't ask for commands in game. If you don't know the commands, that's fine. As long as you aren't an idiot who loves uber stuff and doesn't know how to actually roleplay, and as long as you can take your time and listen to the host.
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
I can see asking for people to use proper grammar but... i mean what about the people who don't have proper grammar ... seriously they should get a chance to RP too
Level 1
Feb 24, 2008
Roleplaying is going to die either way, if not die, it will become an abomination of naruto RP's and illdain raping night elf themes.

Either way, if we stop encouraging proper grammer, or if we do. Either the amount of RPers will decrease, or the amount of Rpers will decrease.

Thats right. People who can spell, begin to stray away from the RP, because all the public ones are filled with people who cant spell their own god damn name.

And if we force it, then the amount of RPers will decrease (the people who cant spell) and due to a lack of games because of the decrease, the people who can spell will also decrease.

Wc3 Rping is going to die. Simple put. But we can delay it, atleast.

What about the people that just don't care about grammar? I myself do use proper grammar and spelling but I couldn't care less about what other people do unless it directly effects me, you've completely left the neutral people out of the eqution, I'm hurt, truly I am.

And yes I realise I came into this late, everyone in this topic seems to have a valid argument, and if most of the people here heed my good friend Zan's advice we might actually be able to revive rp's, and hopefully eliminate the narufag rp's. (BTW Zan this is Munk I finally registered :D)
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
Woot Munk my man... thank you for supporting my point on this. And neutral people... that should be the way we all are... and Void instead of saying no Illiterates say No Slang... Ask them to please not use abbreviations and stuff like that.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
What about the people that just don't care about grammar? I myself do use proper grammar and spelling but I couldn't care less about what other people do unless it directly effects me, you've completely left the neutral people out of the eqution, I'm hurt, truly I am.

And yes I realise I came into this late, everyone in this topic seems to have a valid argument, and if most of the people here heed my good friend Zan's advice we might actually be able to revive rp's, and hopefully eliminate the narufag rp's. (BTW Zan this is Munk I finally registered :D)

Well I think it's more like use it while in character.
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
Sorry for coming into this late i am a neutral person concerning this i spell properly except for some big words :),of course type-o's happen.
Well if we dont train noobs then who will play when we quit WC3 (if that happens).Of course that grammar is important, especially when characters talk.So like there shouldnt be something like this:

Gronnash:we orkis r kool
Gugrok:Yeaa wer kewl
(i know stupid sentance but couldnt make up something else)

My point is if we dont train noobs were killing RP-ing,and if we do train noobs theres a small chance that we could revive it.But as time passes by more and more i think that Steel_Stallion is right.
I myself was a noob 2 or 3 months ago i thought everything myself (sorry for bad grammar but i kind of forgot how to properly write that).
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
Well i would advise everyone that in your time of rping... train at leest one noob... that way if you go out you have some one taking your place!
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
Two would be nice too... if every rper trained at least two people... the community would increase dramatically...
Level 4
Jan 19, 2008
LoL, long time no see Zan. I agree, but it's tough to find people who want to RP. Try aiming at an older crowd, and most of them say, "WtF? No way!" (But not all...).
I suggest recruiting the younger kids, just 'cause they still have a natural imagination in them (even if it may be bad grammar and odd spazz-moments, it's still worth it to get more people in who will eventually wisen-up). The younger players may tend to be annoying or not-so-good at RPing at first, but after awhile they will get better and learn how to RP at the best. We've all been idiots when we first played RPs, it takes time.
Level 4
Jan 19, 2008
Also, this might help a bit. Host LOAPs or wargame that are RP-able (like europe before rome, undead assualt, europa, etc.) and find the people who can RP or atleast try to in it. I could find a group of atleast 7 people within one day who could RP in those (which are actually interested and try to RP). After a day or two, I'd get them to join a priv. game with me and a few other RPers who could teach them the basics to RPing. You have to be patient, though.
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
Lol yea... well thats great advice and i hope that more people will read this thread so that they can get this... its a matter that really needs to be taken into more thought... rp is really kind of dieing people and lot of you have helped it...
Level 2
Jun 22, 2008
If it were SC, it would be different. All they want is someone that can type and make a story.

That's why I sorta want Starcraft 2 to come out sooner. I'm gunna say that it'll bring old RPers and newer ones to it for sure. That'll boost the RP timez, eh? :smile:
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
Exactly when i first started rping it was on SC and a friend told me to do it... he tough me and i learned... it wasn't so hard to figure out... maybe some one should look into making a informational rping map... kind of like semi cinematic but teaches the basics?
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