Hello, I want to humbly say that I am new to this website and have not visited it for a long time. I use to really be into creating maps for warcraft 3. I enjoyed playing games such a DBZ Tribute, Dota, and many more well-created rpgs.
I have an excellent idea that I know will sell, that everyone will enjoy. I'm hoping to form a team of experts that can make my vision come true. I am not a video game programmer, nor am I an expert in design. I am only the visionary, the steve jobs for the next Super Mario product.
My idea is this, a super mario arena with role playing and special objectives for each character. It would be based on a dodge-ball kind of game where once everyone is defeated on either team, determines the loser and winner. However, before it gets to that point, it would be way into the game where much of the role playing for all the characters have been completed and such. I hope this is making since so far. If you need an idea of what I'm talking about, think about DBZ Tribute for the wc3 mod. Each dbz character had role playing objectives to complete with the ultimate purpose of whipping out the other team. Each player that would be eliminated would have to wait a certain time to respawn as a penalty and as a reward for the enemy. In other words, each player must endeavor to build momentum and complete their specific goals as fast as possible in order to come out on top, such as in the game of Dota. There would be teamwork involved, coordination, competitive missions that any player can complete, and etc...
Again, I have many ideas for I am an expert on Super Mario and the stories that have been told. I have played all the games and such, in other words. We can really make something happen here if there are enough people who can see this vision and help me realize it. This idea can be presented to nintendo, and this game can come out for future nintendo consoles. IT would be a supersmash bros/Dota/RPG kind of gaming.
I'll close this here and see what you say or think. Thank you, I apologize if this message annoyed you. I'm trying to get this out there.
I have an excellent idea that I know will sell, that everyone will enjoy. I'm hoping to form a team of experts that can make my vision come true. I am not a video game programmer, nor am I an expert in design. I am only the visionary, the steve jobs for the next Super Mario product.
My idea is this, a super mario arena with role playing and special objectives for each character. It would be based on a dodge-ball kind of game where once everyone is defeated on either team, determines the loser and winner. However, before it gets to that point, it would be way into the game where much of the role playing for all the characters have been completed and such. I hope this is making since so far. If you need an idea of what I'm talking about, think about DBZ Tribute for the wc3 mod. Each dbz character had role playing objectives to complete with the ultimate purpose of whipping out the other team. Each player that would be eliminated would have to wait a certain time to respawn as a penalty and as a reward for the enemy. In other words, each player must endeavor to build momentum and complete their specific goals as fast as possible in order to come out on top, such as in the game of Dota. There would be teamwork involved, coordination, competitive missions that any player can complete, and etc...
Again, I have many ideas for I am an expert on Super Mario and the stories that have been told. I have played all the games and such, in other words. We can really make something happen here if there are enough people who can see this vision and help me realize it. This idea can be presented to nintendo, and this game can come out for future nintendo consoles. IT would be a supersmash bros/Dota/RPG kind of gaming.
I'll close this here and see what you say or think. Thank you, I apologize if this message annoyed you. I'm trying to get this out there.