Titan Land - Bring more RPers to the world.

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Level 2
Aug 21, 2010
So i've seen people playing this map called Titan Land.
I've hosted it myself a few times aswell.

As you people keep saying. RP is dying. And LoaP clearly isn't the place to recruit new RPers.
Titan Land players may have a chance tho.

Because Titan Land is like a Melee version of SotDRP, All premade.
The next step from Titan Land would be SotDRP. I'll explain.

Titan Land
There are 12 players.
1 of them are the "Titan" (Red) which is usally the host.
The Titan got several shops (4) which contains heroes that he can spawn, and give to others by moving them into a field. He can also make workers from another shop. These workers can be given to the player he wish. Usally the Titan destroy all units on the map and then hand out workers. These workers includes the default Wc3 ones, Aswell as custom races (Depending on the version of the map)

After handing out heroes, and races he is pretty much done.
The titan can choose to RP with the flok by bringing in his god hero, or make a little hostile camp to create some action.

There are also Blue. which is some kind of Empire King. Not much happens. This player usally leaves because he's useless. He starts with several men, And got almost unlimited resources and overpowered units.
A proper RPer can bring alot of good events with this.

The rest of the players are simply "Players". They start with a race they picked (wc3 default) and can get new races / heroes by asking the titan.

Their "goal" is to RP. Of course this RP will be "War-RP" But it's a start.

Some games include alot of newbies who just want to crack some skulls with his overpowered Tauren / Shaman combo, While others wants to have fun as Illidan for an hour or two.

If people hosts this map more often, and recruits people and show them the way of SotDRP we will surely get more RPers on B.net.
The problem of RP is that it's so advanced, but yet many people like it. SotDRP is really advanced, and not very friendly to newcomers.
Newcomers usally gets kicked because they don't know the 3 commands, But i've met several people who wish to learn more about the dephts of roleplaying in this map called Titan Land..

Find people in LoaP's, Titan Land, Fantasy Life and bring them to SotDRP so we get more roleplayers. Grammar, commands and fluent english should be no requirement for the real roleplayer. The real roleplayer is that little guy inside us who wants to be another one than who he really is.

Bring the message to the people.
Don't be afraid of new people.. they're hiding out there somewhere..

US. East
Level 13
Jan 19, 2008
Although your intentions are sincere, the quality and maturity of players that play LoaP, Fantasy Life, and Titans Land are the type of people who will never roleplay realisticly, use correct grammar, or learn to not god mod. I don't want to sound like a prick, but it's just the truth. There may be some people who actually show some glimmer of hope while playing those games, but with SC2, WoW, and other games, most of the really good roleplayers, although most being elitists, have moved on to bigger and better things.
Level 2
Aug 21, 2010
Although your intentions are sincere, the quality and maturity of players that play LoaP, Fantasy Life, and Titans Land are the type of people who will never roleplay realisticly, use correct grammar, or learn to not god mod. I don't want to sound like a prick, but it's just the truth. There may be some people who actually show some glimmer of hope while playing those games, but with SC2, WoW, and other games, most of the really good roleplayers, although most being elitists, have moved on to bigger and better things.

The truth hurts.. Really.:cry:

It seems like i have to move on to Sc2 in order to find these "elitists".
WoW RP just seems too empty. I tried it once, And it went really good (I started a new character on a realm and a female character of same race decided to help me on journy to Stormwind). It ended all up in some level 80 paladin prick began to spam "oh look at me, I can talk Draeni language too!" jumping back and fourth to squeeze a little attention out of us.

I just have to wait 'till Warcraft 4 arrives in order to play SotDRP again :thumbs_down:
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