• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


Models taken from the HeroArchMage and HighElfArcher models. Skins are all in game skins. Animations are from the HeroArchMage, HighElfArcher, and RiddenHippoGriff models.

To run correctly, set the import path to "HorsebackArcher.mdx" (Leave out War3mapImported.)

Programs used:
Warcraft 3 Viewer v2.3c by David - TheProphet and Marcelo - KDEwolf.
Milkshape 3d 1.7.6 with Warcraft III MDX importer v1.1 by Unikorn.
Milkshape Warcraft III MDL Exporter v.01 by Kyle Walker.
Animation transferer by Oinkerwinkle Version 1.03.
Heading Generator by Oinkerwinkle.
Microsoft Excell, for editing lines and lines of mdl code.
Microsoft Notepad (for a little bit more editing).

Attack - 1
Decay Bone
Decay Flesh
Stand 1
Portrait 1
Stand Victory

horseback archer horse cavalry

HorsebackArcher (Model)

Level 3
Sep 19, 2006
OMG awesome.

Great model 5/5

I'm definately using this in one of my maps.

This model rocks. It would make more sense lore-wise on a cockatrice, but meh, Humans are the HE allies so they could lend them horses.

Just a suggestion but i think u should make a Horse without the archer and then she could mount and dismount like with the NE hippogryhp and archer ;)
There already is a horse in warcraft III, in fact 2. The Packhorse and there is the Riderless Horse. I used the Riderless Horse and a Footman and the ability you mentioned to make it so that footmen could mount horses in my game Fort Wars. By-the-way can you make a male counter part for this horseback archer? I really need one for my game...
I Dub Thee, 105/5 make that 105 TO THE POWER OF 1000006 /5 :p Wow, this is a good model, i'll credit you like, well, awesomely. Thanks! everyone could use this in thier map, could you make a human version though?

and like eyomancer said, can you make a villager version? maybe one with rifleman, swordman, defend, and felguard anims? like a mounted villager with multiple animation tags
Level 1
Mar 18, 2010
hi mr/ms. kaycei

can i use your model for my hero idea at www.playdota.com?
because it's unique and useful for dota game....

and unique skill-imaginable, this will be a very good model.... thanks...

i will include your name and some recognitions, thanks...

Level 1
Mar 18, 2010
i wish, there will be more possible actions and skills that it can use...so it will be flexible in any type of dota map game.... and versatile for hero type...
Level 2
Aug 29, 2010
Good model, but one gripe: I think a model with Hero Glow should come with dissipate animations:(

That being said, still a very good model. 4/5
Level 4
Aug 19, 2009
Oh i would totally use this if it was without the glow. Could you please remove it? People who want the glow can just attach it with that hero glow somebody made.