• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Holy cow.. My oldest account online!

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Level 3
Jul 13, 2008
So I was googling my internet name, "Zapleaf" and I found this place. I am amazed it is still up and running, that is awesome! I am now an indie game developer and it all started here! Wc3 Map editing and huge help from the community in here. One day while making a map for me and my cousin he said yea what you do is impressive... but what about the guys who made the map editor? So I got my start into C++ from there. I worked for years in c++ and one day found flash. Been coding in Actionscript 3.0 now for a long time and I even made one game that got 275,000 plays! Just wanted to make a post on this site thanking all the people running it and keeping it a live. This was the birth grounds of my life long dreams.

Cool icons.. :vw_wtf:
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Woah that is really awesome, its good that you still know your account here, there's been a lot of changes lately, as well on a lot of resources improvement. Perhaps I(we) might test one of your indie games? congrats for being an indie game developer anyways. :thumbs_up:

Cool icons.. :vw_wtf:

lol, if you were around during 2011 or not, you might want to check this mini-workshop out, its closed though but some of the users made and requested some cool icons during that time.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Hey bro, good to hear you made it through to programming games, and it sounds successful too :D. That was my aim too when I joined but I never got past the dreaming phase lol. Anyway, welcome back hive brother, even though you just passed by lol.
Level 3
Jul 13, 2008
Hey bro, good to hear you made it through to programming games, and it sounds successful too :D. That was my aim too when I joined but I never got past the dreaming phase lol. Anyway, welcome back hive brother, even though you just passed by lol.

Well you see, I am not quite sure what this site is for anymore. I've never been one to actively take part in a forum community, but if something here can catch my interest enough I'll stuck around. I wouldn't call myself successful though. I just found a genre of game that is big enough for indie developers to get noticed by a lot of faces, but small enough that big companies would never make a presence and overshadow us small guys... for now. :goblin_yeah:

I'm looking into new fields of gaming though, now that I've got a rather nice sized fan base. I love to code and I love to help others. If you ever feel like taking that scary first few steps into coding send me a message on here and I can see if I can help you out. :ogre_hurrhurr:

You can show off non-Warcraft or non-Starcraft game development related things here.

Sounds awesome!
Level 3
Jul 27, 2005
I just logged in today to see whats goin' on. I never participated here much, used wc3sear.ch for the longest time as well as wc3campaigns.

Anyways, I miss Warcraft 3 and the good ol' days. Any speculations or rumors about a Warcraft 4?
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
There have been attempts to rally people for making a new game around here, but usually they fail due to a lack of clear vision.
A game is very unlikely to work out unless it's created in the mind of one person and the core of it coded by one person.
A freelance project like that would need equal partners. For example, artists with a talent for one specific thing, trying to find common ground, such as a cohesive artstyle. You go into it with no expectations for yourself, and discuss most things with the group.

If we have two texturers, we talk it out and see who has a better style for basic units, like those that wouldn't be focused on during cutscenes, and who would be better suited for making Hero textures. If we have two modellers, we do the same thing. If we run into problems, such as a texturer being particularly bad at something, either the modellers or other texturers can help to compensate. Once we come up with a storyline, we run it by the entire group, to point out flaws, oversights or general continuity errors, aswell as our personal opinions of the story as is.

Artists like myself, with multiple talents, would at most, take an advisory role, if we haven't focused on a specific task. Nobody leads, so nobody follows. We set our goal, and move forward together.

The problem with most projects is that, one, there isn't usually a clear goal, or two, the project is led by the wrong sort of person. That, or the project is full of people intent on taking or restricting creative control. On your first day at work, you don't show up expecting to do this or that.

Again, I believe that we could, as a group, do some great work.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
The problem with not having a leader is that sometimes tough compromises have to be made. I've not yet been part of any team that has managed to make much progress without a leader.
At a minimum there has to be a person who knows the vision in such detail that he can advise other members of the team and overall act as an authority on this. It is a leadership role, although not necessarily the classical "I say what you do" type.
So you need a goal. For example, lets say we disregard WoW entirely. Skip ahead a few decades, possibly a century. Let's say that there were massive wars, that stressed the relationships between the various horde and alliance races. The Lich King is still around, being forced to rebuild the Scourge.

Now, you have a foundation to work from. Next, lets come up with a goal. For example, we could talk it over for a few days, upto a week, and decide on the ending of each campaign, aswell as the end of our storyline as a whole. After that, we try to test the waters. Artists, like myself and the texturers, could come up with a model or two to help us determine a style we can stick to.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Usually it's best to have a Designer/Producer that determines direction and goals, then leaves the "how" to others.

If you have a leader that is constantly butting in and telling you how to do something, it's called micro-managing, which is extremely inefficient in most cases.

The problem with Wc3 seems to be that most maps are done by a one man team, and it's difficult to transition into a role where your word and opinion isn't the end-all, be-all.
Level 3
Jul 27, 2005
Valid points in here, but it sounds like some of you are saying this community is incapable (whether its true or not idk, I don't know this place very well). However various games have began at modding communities such as this, reached completion, and sometimes come to be quite successful.

You never know until you try I guess.
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