Thank you, Hive!

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Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
Hello, Hive!

I'd like to say thank you, by sharing my story on how I got into mapmaking and how I found out the Hive. How it changed my life. So, here I go:
6 Years ago
So, in 2009 I happened to be on a vacation at the seaside with a couple of friends. During the afternoons when the heat was almost unbearable we were playing video games at this internet cafe. The game we played the most was Warcraft III. Our favourite mods were Enfo's Team Survival and Elemental Tower Defense. God, we spent so many hours playing these... During that vacation I got an asthma attack and I was in great pain. My life was in danager... it was that bad. My parents immidiately brought me back in our home city - straight to the hospital. The doctors said that if I was to be brought later, my case would've had lethal ending. Fortunately I quickly got stablizied. When I got better, the hours in the hospital started to feel like days, so I asked my father to bring me my laptop...

I was so eager to play some Warcraft III again. I wanted something different. I started browsing through EpicWar for some maps, but I couldn't find the game I wanted. I wanted something that felt vast like an RPG. To have the story of an RPG. To have the epic heroes of a Dungeon Crawler. And to be filled with secrets, puzzles and mysteries. I found many great mods, but nothing was this game I had in my mind. So I started my attempts at making it on my own. I had never opened the World Editor before. I had no idea what a "trigger" is. The object editor was like a huge labyrinth. But little by little I started to figure out tiny bits and pieces of how this works. The result was a Dungeon Crawler based on the Dungeon tileset with 0 triggers, 0 custom monsters and heroes that had a mash-up of default warcraft skills. I showed it to my friends and for reasons still unknown to me they loved it. It seemed that the Dungeon Crawler genre was very intriguing to them. How could they know? Except warchasers, it was hard to find a quality Dungeon Crawler map. Instead of updating the existing map, I started to make new ones. Same premise, same idea, different layout or tileset. Until one day I tried the Sunken Ruins tileset. It offered so much more to work with for a Dungeon Crawler environment. The sense of ruins, of an ancient civilization... of a past long gone. Just by having this tileset, you could feel the mystery all around you. It made you look for answers. My friends loved it once more, but one of them told me: "Why don't you upload this somewhere?". Upload a map with no triggers? Messed up tooltips? Little to no imports? Why would I even try that? Then I found the Hive. A modding community that helped members improve and offered a home for their projects. I got inspired and on 25.05.2010 uploaded the first version of Sunken City, which at the time was horrible. You can still see how very basic it was. But it wasn't the map and it wasn't my friends that made all of my experience here possible. It's the community. I immidiately recieved feedback on how to improve, what to change and how to be a better mapmaker. I took everyhting very seriously and gave my best to improve. It was Cweener that gave me my first push. He added some core triggering and made this map something that could work. And so began the 5 years of constant development of a single map.

But I am not here to talk about my map, I am here to say thank you. To everyone that ever gave me advises, thoughts, suggestions. To everyone who have created resources in this site, no matter if I used them or not. Their existance made everything feel alive. To everyone who comes here every day and helps people improve. And finally to everyone responsible for the existence of this site. I can't express how many hours of joy and experiences I've had over those 5 years - all of that because this site gave me the possibility. The possibility to create something that makes others have fun while playing it.

Thank you, Hive.
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Thank you, Hive!
First of all I'm pleased to hear about your past endeavors and how you came to be as a map maker/modder.
You just stumbled upon this place at the right moment.
That's truly marvelous to me.

I like this kind of attitude and gratitude towards something/a community.
Even though you've been a lil' longer here than me I still have to say that I am pleased to be a part of this great community(now now, don't laugh guys).
It truly offered/offers so many possibilities/feedback daily with so little effort.

It's like a giant web of nice people(maybe some are lil shits but that's another story) that aids in every way possible when it comes to modding and others things as well.
It's a good place to be in times of need.

Last but not least,

Thank you for being a part of all this and not giving up on our hobby/favorite past time activity.
You offered us a true piece of art on which we can manifest and enjoy our time.

Keep up the great work :)
Even though you've been a lil' longer here than me I still have to say that I am pleased to be a part of this great community(now now, don't laugh guys).
Okay (laughters can be heard on the background)
*screams behind* STOP LAUGHING!

Spasorc, I'm glad that the community has become something very invaluable to you, your masterpiece has given the community another special art that is very wonderful for us, a marvelous creation of yours which can benefit for the entire community.


Map Reviewer
Level 33
Feb 19, 2011
It's always so sweet to hear stories like this. I find it cool to hear how people ended up where they are now, who they are, what they've become and what's to become.

Some times I go to see me profile and check out the first messages and attemps that I made on Hive and I feel so happy that I did not give up. I can be reading one post again and again and I think in my mind "what if this guy never sent this post"? One post can be essential. One sentence said by another human being can change your idea and shape your future.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Grand Sunken City Team Leader said:
It was Cweener that gave me my first push. He added some core triggering and made this map something that could work. And so began the 5 years of constant development of a single map.

Anyway, I wish I could have thanked you but all I did was comment once or twice about your map and a hero I enjoyed. I enjoyed reading this, +rep :)
Level 9
May 21, 2014
That's a good environment to start modding. Great to hear all of these. Such wonderful results.

The people here around me are small thinkers; they think that it will all end in failure and that the output won't be epic.
I don't listen to these, but what can I do to feel hearing these?

Stay away from these people.
They are a poison. You know they're a poison, but it affects you unknowingly through deprivation and their foolish comments. Slowly, I'm becoming negative about myself.

Most of my maps failed; only one made it, but not that good.
I will soon move to another engine to start anew in developing things.
I can only hope that I don't get the same people again, else I'm pretty much screwed.

Anyways, how come I wrote this long ar*e post? Well... Sorry about that.

Continue to stay awesome. It's a value.
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