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Heroes of Newerth

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Level 36
Jul 1, 2007

It's basically DotA with graphics on steroids and many minor changes. It also sports a whole bunch of new content, and got rid of some of the more tedious aspects of DotA. It's already drawing a shitload of the DotA community away from WC3, and once the full release is out and EVERYONE can get it, DotA just might die out. Then again, WC3 probably will as well.

Check it out if you can get your hands on a beta key.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

This looks very interesting, especially to a DotA player. I've merely seen a couple minutes of gameplay footage, and I'm hooked. The graphics are neat, and knowing it's nearly a direct copy of DotA I know the gameplay will be great as well. The interface is much better, while still keeping the WC3 feeling, solving any potential trouble with unfamiliarity. True enough League of Legends looks good as well, but not as good as this. As the bottom of the three, you got Demigod as a teaser for what can be done in AoS games. Now all I need to know is if they utilize P2P (which I certainly hope not) and when they release it.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Why have we got two threads about one game?

Anyway, I'm getting more and more happy with the game, playing BETA.
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
well heres a few reasons why i dont really like it:

1. its dark. on the standard brightness settings, the terrain is insanely dark.
2. its just a dota rip-off. theres very little new content and the game play isnt that different. hell, even the items are nearly the same.
3. theres nothing real new with the terrain either. i know theres a new map, a 2 laner, but its still rather a bore.
4. it might be just me, but the loading time to get INTO a game lobby is long. like... 10-15 seconds.

things i do like:
1. theres something that keeps track of your leaves
2. theres an option for "Pros Only"/"Noobs Only"

i like wc3 dota better than this shite.
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
Lobby to game is 20+ seconds for me. ^^

And once in a teamfight someone ultied or something and my computer freezed for 30 seconds. Then I alttabbed to my desktop and when I came back I was disconnected from the server but I could connect again, but I lost 1 minute and died because of the lag.. 1.61ghz tt
Level 25
May 31, 2007
Then I alttabbed to my desktop and when I came back I was disconnected from the server but I could connect again, but I lost 1 minute and died because of the lag.. 1.61ghz tt

That happened once to me but i wasn't disconnected, when i came back into game the lag was huge it was unplayable... i also have 1.6GHz....+ 1GBram, 512mb graphic card. All my settings are set to high, even the resolution is huge. lol

I wish they made their own heroes and items.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
well heres a few reasons why i dont really like it:

1. its dark. on the standard brightness settings, the terrain is insanely dark.
2. its just a dota rip-off. theres very little new content and the game play isnt that different. hell, even the items are nearly the same.
3. theres nothing real new with the terrain either. i know theres a new map, a 2 laner, but its still rather a bore.
4. it might be just me, but the loading time to get INTO a game lobby is long. like... 10-15 seconds.

things i do like:
1. theres something that keeps track of your leaves
2. theres an option for "Pros Only"/"Noobs Only"

i like wc3 dota better than this shite.

I completely agree. Might I also add that it inherited all of the DotA community. Not only that, but I've played about 35 games of it now, and not ONE and I mean *NOT ONE* match has even been remotely undecidable. Either A) We completely crush the opposing team, or B) we get completely and utterly crushed. It's soo difficult to tell where the fog of war is as well. The item layout totally sucks, and they are missing 90% of my favorite heroes. Phantom Lancer, Tinker, Meepo, Dark Seer...

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Getting into the lobby doesn't take more than 3sec for me, and when everyone has picked heroes, loading the game is nearly instant. Depends on your computer (and possibly connection) obviously.

well heres a few reasons why i dont really like it:

1. its dark. on the standard brightness settings, the terrain is insanely dark.
2. its just a dota rip-off. theres very little new content and the game play isnt that different. hell, even the items are nearly the same.
3. theres nothing real new with the terrain either. i know theres a new map, a 2 laner, but its still rather a bore.
4. it might be just me, but the loading time to get INTO a game lobby is long. like... 10-15 seconds.

things i do like:
1. theres something that keeps track of your leaves
2. theres an option for "Pros Only"/"Noobs Only"

i like wc3 dota better than this shite.

That it is dark, I can agree on, and in the beginning I had difficulties with trees looking like grass, but I upped the contrast and that was solved. When you get used to it, it's not really dark either, and it creates a more realistic atmosphere if you ask me. All the sun makes the DotA map such a joyful place (which is why I usually put on rain in the original).

I think it was their goal to recreate DotA and give it the justice it deserves, with systems to handle a ladder and better matchmaking, as well as the possibilty to expand easily and as icing on the cake, better graphics and user interface.

Aye, it's a lot of the same, but I bet they'll add more in the future, remember this is beta only. The possibilities are endless compared to DotA as a mere WC3 map (even with the recent upgrade to 8mb BNet maps).

Personally, I'm glad they tried to keep the original DotA map. They'll probably make more variations of maps in the future though, for what other reason would they implement the option to choose a map, not to mention a world editor.

Also, I love the new GUI. It makes everything so easy (though they could've made the level-up bit a tad larger, 'cause I didn't even find it at first. Also, I haven't checked if it's possible to do, but implementing WASD camera control, and moving the hotkeys up to 1 2 3 4 wouldn't be too bad.. only trouble is if the hero has more abilities (like for instance Soulstealer, DotA: Nevermore, with his first ability, 3 different ranges).
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
but they shouldnt have to make you up the contrast, they should make it by default so that it isnt completely dark. i've never actually played diablo, but i've seen my bros play along time ago, and the graphics remind me of diablo.

i agree with either getting crushed or totally crushing, i noticed a little %tage in the lobby over each team, and that would be the change for that team to win, and its always been like 70% to 30%.

I think they should simplify the UI somehow, currently everything is packed into a very slim UI. maybe make it larger and make it easier to see indivdual stats, gold, etc. the abilities placement is nice however, it gives people who click and target a better chance to stand up to hotkeyers (ok maybe not). But, as you said, if they add Nevermore, theyll need to change it for him.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

but they shouldnt have to make you up the contrast, they should make it by default so that it isnt completely dark. i've never actually played diablo, but i've seen my bros play along time ago, and the graphics remind me of diablo.

i agree with either getting crushed or totally crushing, i noticed a little %tage in the lobby over each team, and that would be the change for that team to win, and its always been like 70% to 30%.

I think they should simplify the UI somehow, currently everything is packed into a very slim UI. maybe make it larger and make it easier to see indivdual stats, gold, etc. the abilities placement is nice however, it gives people who click and target a better chance to stand up to hotkeyers (ok maybe not). But, as you said, if they add Nevermore, theyll need to change it for him.

Well it depends on the display and your default graphics card settings. Some screens are probably too bright as well.

As for team balance, I always end up in games with 45%/55% or closer to 50%/50% .. are you playing 'noobs only' and/or isn't the host balancing the teams? No such problems with 'noobs allowed' .. at least not what I've seen.

Nevermore is already added, Soulstealer, and the solution is that it's three smaller buttons inside the spot for the one icon.

I do click and target and I never had trouble keeping up with hotkey players, but it wouldn't hurt to play with hotkeys once I'd get used to it. 'QWER' set-up, default, is much better than 'pretty much random' in DotA (or WC3 in general).. but arrow-keys and QWER is still too far away from eachother, so I can't reach them. My hand is stuck on the arrow keys to move the screen.. so a good solution for me would be 'WASD' control of camera, and hotkeys at '1234' .. I have not checked if it's possible to do that without 3rd party tools yet.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Dreadnought[dA];1264964 said:
I have everything maxed in game. It looks fantastic, but I can't tell where the fog of war starts and ends (same in LoL). FoW is huge in a game like DotA!!!!!!

True, it's easier to make use of it in DotA because it is more defined and, basically, you're already used to it. There's obviously Fog in HoN and LoL as well, and probably not so very different in effect, but it looks different because the transition is smoother.
Level 9
Dec 26, 2008
Lol i was going to make a thread for this i didn't knew there was this already
Well dota rip-off but it looks nice, But there is a way to get the beta key? how do you get it. i wanna test

Also the thing i like is that the game is darker not so "joyfull" like dota,effects look nice, and the page said that the map editor would let you make a lot of AOS maps, Nice!

i can't w8 to play it


EDIT: Watched videos, Omg first, Razor model, with rylais ultimate,
It's PUdge! ther in Hon! now thats lack of originality
A guy with the faceless void ultimate

"Heroes of Newerth" said:
Familiar and new original heroes[/quotes]

original means dota ones right?

Now at least there is more player capacity but it's dota even with heroes alike !
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
Heroes of Newerth and League of Legends have completely opposite problems. League of Legends has problems outside of matches (such as menus and matchmaking), and Heroes of Newerth has problems in the game (Inheriting all of DotA's problems such as lategame/earlygame heroes, no incentive to push, ect.)

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Lol i was going to make a thread for this i didn't knew there was this already
Well dota rip-off but it looks nice, But there is a way to get the beta key? how do you get it. i wanna test

Also the thing i like is that the game is darker not so "joyfull" like dota,effects look nice, and the page said that the map editor would let you make a lot of AOS maps, Nice!

i can't w8 to play it


EDIT: Watched videos, Omg first, Razor model, with rylais ultimate,
It's PUdge! ther in Hon! now thats lack of originality
A guy with the faceless void ultimate

"Heroes of Newerth" said:
Familiar and new original heroes

original means dota ones right?

Now at least there is more player capacity but it's dota even with heroes alike !

It is supposed to inherit most of (if not all) the heroes of DotA, which is why they needed IceFrogs permission to present the game. It's not lack of originality, it was the intention in the first place.

I've got no BetA Keys left to hand out at the moment, but there might be more. Try asking someone else who already have access to the Beta, everyone are given a batch of keys to share every now and then.

So yeah, it's DotA, it is supposed to be DotA, if it wasn't like DotA, they wouldn't have achieved their goal. It's so silly to complain that it's like DotA. It's like complaining WoW is too much like WarCraft.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

There's less lag, better matchmaking, prettier graphics and a lot more potential because it does not suffer from the limits DotA has as a map/mod. It's a full, stand-alone game. Surely it has it's benefits. Though DotA is still my favourite of the two.
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
Really? i played LoL and then HoN, and i must say that they are pretty similar.
LoL is more noob freindly, has a more convinent shop system, player advacment but horrible, bugy menus.

HoN has better menus, is more violent and has some undifend thing that makes you think it's the better one XD maybe cuz i tried LoL first?

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

LoL was a letdown after HoN. The interface is throwing me off.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
How is a mod superior to a stand alone game that is improved in every single possible aspect? It's the same game, but superior all around.

They don't even have all the items and heroes yet, and the game plays a lot slower than DotA.

HoN only has nice graphics going for it (at the moment, not saying it couldn't surpass DotA).

League of Legends is far superior because every hero is good throughout the entire game (almost.. there a few that lack early and own late, or lack late and own early). The stats system is much better and all the champions are designed extremely well (compared to DotA ripoffs). Also, I like that there is no denying.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I played DotA (for 4 years now), tried HoN, returned for a game of DotA than i stopped playing DotA and play only HoN. Why ? Well DotA is a very slow game compared to HoN. HoN map is somewhat smaller and makes it more dynamic. But most important, because it is a stand alone game. . .well hon engine outdates wc3 engine. . .in theory the hon engine has more possibilities than the wc3 one.
Level 5
Apr 27, 2008
If your still giving away that LoL key i would gladly accept it?

I play HoN quiet a bit.
I have seen this with nemurous people, I suck at dota and dont like it at all. Im decent at HoN for some strange reason and like it loads. Cant wait for the release of the game mainly so i can mess around with the world editor.

If you have played dota hon wont change your life, only make it shinear and more awsome looking.
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Level 5
Aug 3, 2007
I really want to try out HoN.
Anyone got a key? or perhaps invite me if you have an account already.
Please. :D
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
Dont people get tired of the same time of game? I mean these are played endlessly...

Its like constantly raiding the same place every day, all the time, just with different classes/races

Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
lol Dread

Well anyway, I've played Heroes of Newerth and it seems like a more polished version of DotA with better graphics. The stats system is cool, but can be a pain in the ass too. The BETA has some annoying glitches, such as your hero randomly deciding to auto-attack creeps at the most random, worst times ever, when you're trying to run back to your own base to heal because you have 10 health left.

Playing with random people is the same as in DotA. 90% of them are dumb, assholes, or foreign speakers who can hardly spell noob correctly. It's a bunch of complaining from the start of the game and retarded name-calling like "noob!" and "call miss fkcing idot!!" so playing public games without friends is terrible unless you'd rather not communicate with the players at all. It's surprising for me that DotA's community is the same as HoN's, since the community of Savage 2 seems rather civilized... or at least much more civilized that the DotA community.

Playing with friends is great though. So far I've only played with Shamanyouranus and Anarchianbedlam. Fun stuff with them. Otherwise you're alone going against guys who say they suck even though they destroy you from the start of the game.
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