Hey, I copied a tutorial on how to create revive timer windows for dead heroes.
Heres my trigger:
Heres my trigger:
Revive Hero
- Unit - A unit Dies
- ((Triggering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
- ((Triggering unit) belongs to an ally of Player 9 (Gray)) Equal to True
- ((Owner of (Dying unit)) slot status) Equal to Is playing
- Custom script: local timerdialog WINDOW
- Custom script: local integer HEROWAIT
- Custom script: local timer OURTIMER
- Custom script: local unit OURHERO
- Custom script: set OURHERO = GetDyingUnit()
- Custom script: set HEROWAIT = 45
- Custom script: set OURTIMER = CreateTimer()
- Custom script: call StartTimerBJ( OURTIMER, false, ( I2R(HEROWAIT) ))
- Custom script: call CreateTimerDialogBJ( OURTIMER, GetPlayerName(GetOwningPlayer(OURHERO)) )
- Custom script: set WINDOW = GetLastCreatedTimerDialogBJ()
- Custom script: call TimerDialogDisplayForPlayerBJ( true, WINDOW, GetOwningPlayer(OURHERO) )
- Custom script: call PolledWait( HEROWAIT )
- Custom script: call ReviveHeroLoc(OURHERO, GetRectCenter(gg_rct_basecenter), true )
- Custom script: call PanCameraToTimedLocForPlayer( GetOwningPlayer(OURHERO), GetUnitLoc(OURHERO), 0.60 )
- Custom script: call DestroyTimerDialog(WINDOW)