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[Altered Melee] Hero Concept: Field Marshal with skill based on Dark Conversion(fast)

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Level 7
Aug 19, 2010

I'd like to get people's opinion on the following concept for a Human hero for melee maps.

He is called the Field Marshan and his model is based off of Garithos.

His first unique skill is called Conscript and it permanently converts Pesants to Militia.

His second unique skill is called Heroic Strike and it is based off of Demolish, which can be modified into a version of critical strike which provides different attack bonuses based on whether the attacked unit is a hero or not.

His other skills are Howl of Terror and Dragon Strike (based off of Frostbreath, a shockwave like skill which instantly applies a damage over time effect).

Should unit conversion be the job of a hero unit?
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
His first unique skill is called Conscript and it permanently converts Pesants to Militia.
I'm not a melee enthusiast, so my opinion may be wrong, but I have my doubts about this ability's usefulness.

I mean, you're giving a player an ability where they have to spend their hero's mana and sacrifice a worker to get a weak combat unit that they could get for free via the Town Hall. You could say that it has the advantage of being permanent, but it also has the disadvantage of not being as flexible, because it can't go back to being a worker, so I'd say it kinda evens out. The only scenario where I could see it quite useful is some turbo all-in rush / cheese, but other than that, I think the ability is pretty weak to begin with and only gets worse as the game goes on.

Seems kinda pointless, especially given that you sacrifice a precious hero ability slot for it.
Level 7
Aug 19, 2010
"Seems kinda pointless, especially given that you sacrifice a precious hero ability slot for it."

I have the same doubts about my own idea as well.

I am newb with melee myself however in my mind's eyes.

I was initially thinking of slaping this ability on a summon for this hero, but then later considered that if I strap this ability on a hero, then on subsequent ranks I can improve the quality of the converted unit.

For example on rank 2 you convert the Pesant into an upgraded version of the militia unit called the Conscript who retains the repair ability but can't initiate building structures.

Problem is, I don't know how to further improve this ability at level 3.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
Problem is, I don't know how to further improve this ability at level 3.
The problem is that it's not worth investing points into this ability - the only time it can prove somewhat useful is early game, after that you can train much better units, so you don't need permanent Militia anyway. Heck, even if level 2 was upgrading the Peasant to a Footman, it'd still be questionable as you'd only gain a little bit of gold / train time per cast at the cost of not having an actually good ability on your hero.

I think you should scrap this ability completely and come up with something else, e.g. for instance what @cleavinghammer suggested.
Level 7
Aug 19, 2010
Maybe you could call it a "Promote" ability that improves a footman instead to keep them useful in the late game, say by turning one into a Sergeant/Lieutenant/Captain.

The problem is that it's not worth investing points into this ability - the only time it can prove somewhat useful is early game, after that you can train much better units, so you don't need permanent Militia anyway. Heck, even if level 2 was upgrading the Peasant to a Footman, it'd still be questionable as you'd only gain a little bit of gold / train time per cast at the cost of not having an actually good ability on your hero.

I think you should scrap this ability completely and come up with something else, e.g. for instance what @cleavinghammer suggested.

Ok, I am going to go with your advice and do that.

Thing is, Lieutant is a ranged unit for the campaign mission with Jailer Kassan.

Could you guys recomend me some appropriate stats for this units (baring in mind they will be affected by Blacksmith upgrades)
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