20:46, 31st Mar 2009
Dan van Ohllus:
Now that an epic campaignscreen with lots of great usefulness.
Approved because it looks very nice, but I have some small criticism on it.
- The fire particles needs to have that tail effect checked to make it look more fire-esque like.
- I can spot a flying gray rock which looks a bit off.
- The sword looks a bit off as well, but that's more of a personal opinion.
But it still gets an approval from me. Good job.
Dan van Ohllus:
Now that an epic campaignscreen with lots of great usefulness.
Approved because it looks very nice, but I have some small criticism on it.
- The fire particles needs to have that tail effect checked to make it look more fire-esque like.
- I can spot a flying gray rock which looks a bit off.
- The sword looks a bit off as well, but that's more of a personal opinion.
But it still gets an approval from me. Good job.