• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Level 1
Feb 22, 2009
You should make it so we can view other peoples rides in the 4 player version.
I mean in first person as if we were riding it ourselves.
Sorry editing again: If there is already a way to view other rides how do I do it?
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Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
Ya it could add to the game, i just don't know how to put it in right...

I mean do you only hear the sound if your watching the coaster as if your on the cart? or if the cart is on your screen? When would the sound go off? only when you have high acceleration?
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
How about you divide the map up into 4 areas for different game modes, 3 of them would be for theme park mode (with specific terrains to make things more challenging) and one of them for sandbox mode?

I would also like to see this.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
Well I was forced to take the shadows off them, and that relly makes them look like trash.
I did this because one side had a shade on it, and when i did loops they looked really messed up.
I Also know in theory this could be all done with one model, but i found it really hard to line them up.
But anything you come up with ill give my best shot to use.

Also, i would like to be able to use a model, and in game say i want no skin on, skin 1 one, or skin 2 on. but i don't have the skills to do that at the moment.
Here it is. Try it, it has birth and death animations. When you give your feedback I can do the other angles.
It has the same proportions as yours.

EDIT: I just made a track car that fits perfectly your track pieces. :thumbs_up:


  • TrackPiece.mdx
    7.8 KB · Views: 220
  • TrackCar.mdx
    10.1 KB · Views: 224
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Level 7
May 8, 2009
How about a mode that changes the terrain and the players have to build their coasters on or around the terrain. ex:mountain (the players have to build around the mountain) if changing the terrain in-game is possible, then good! If not, try setting the camera orientation for the players at a certain point on the map with pre-built terrain. I'd post a screenshot, but I don't have the map :D maybe call it uhhhh.......... terraining challenge??
(not good with names XD)
Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
I Love The Track Piece. But sadly i couldn't seem to open the Cart, said "unable to load siegeEngine.blp. I tried to open it in War3 Model Editor.
I am not great with models, Perhaps you meant for me to do some special path-ing in the game the editor?

If i could get them. Angle 0(current model),15,30,45,60,75,90. I know its possible to do with less but for sake of not rewriting code those models would be great. :grin:
If its possible Try To keep both sides with the same lighting, If not I will have to rework my code or hope it looks fine, At the bottom of the post is picture of a old version but the lighting issue i had, and why i got ride of shadows, even though it made the models look dull.

That should work out just fine. If there it is darker on side it may end up looking bad when it makes the coasters.

Thanks For the help! The Track Looks Great!



I have am pretty sure there is no issue with the track, and i think i figured out how to rotate them and such in the model editor. So give me a day or so to try, I should at least least the basics of model editing.

So Far heres what i got, Its not as noticeable but you see how it all of a sudden gos dark. I Might be able to flip then around so it works even with one side dark. Ill have to think for a bit.


  • Shadow 1.JPG
    Shadow 1.JPG
    236.2 KB · Views: 175
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Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
Currently you can. And its your default color you have on it.

The colors are only to asset you in building you coaster, and then it can be turned off. If you mean to have the coaster to be all blue or red or green not counting the default color, then that will come in time.

The Cart, Looks Great Also. very Impressive. Yes Carts to go After it would be Great. There is one requrest, and if its not possible dont worry about it. And thats if its possible to shove warcraft villages in a cart. or the front cart. So one model with none in it (Current) and a 3-5 with standard villages, and peons in it, even if they are made to be smaller. If not the Cart looks great, and Carts to go behind would look even better. :)

In that picture i was just pointing out how there is a shadow on one side and it makes it look a bit worse because of it. Ill see what i can do with out messing with the shadow but that's about how all the loop will look, a sharp color difference because one side is shaded. here is in example of one color, it should be easyer to tell what i mean.

Let me try to deal with the shadow for now, unless you know how to make both sides have the same lighting.

The Cart, Looks Great Also. very Impressive.

So Request Are These
1. See if possible to keep both sames with same lighting, Remove shadow from one side. (I might be able to deal with this)
2. See if you can get carts to go behind it, the more box looking ones.
2.a See if you can get models with 3-5 set village units + 4 different workers , 1 from each race in both models. head cart plus the follow cart. And have a model with the carts empty like the current one.
3. This is least important, and relly doesn't need done but, see the gaps on the 2ed picture, Part of this is my triggering but alot of this is its impossible to not have a gap unless the there is 4 models for each angle, and each model having one of the 4 parts that stick out be a little longer then the rest. But i am not sure if that would fix this problem or how much trigger room and ect space it would take in the game.

If you dont have time to do any of this thats fine, ill do my best to work with you have given me so far. Great Models man there makeing this game look alot better.


  • Shadow 2.JPG
    Shadow 2.JPG
    276.2 KB · Views: 244
  • Gaps.JPG
    307.8 KB · Views: 161
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Level 12
Feb 23, 2008

K, I haven't fully token in what you just said but i don't think i get what you mean.

Are you saying use one model for everything?
Are you saying have about 24 models?

Currently that's how it was but i couldn't get the shadows right, But maybe "all
the inverted versions" would fix that.
What is a inverted Version? Fliped? or like it sounds inverted.
How do that with War Model Editor?
Can you say again, in lamans terms i am a little slow when it comes to models, and understanding things.

I Just added the ability to make your coaster, MulitColor, Default Color, or teal,red,pink,teal,brown,and blue.

As for a small scaled attachment points, if you could send a map with an example that would be great, other wise ill try to figure i out, when you get that.

I Am now trying To figure out how to make it so you can have 2 skins. for one model. Or do i need two models that are the same that have different skins? I Think it would be nice if people could use your skin, but also use the wooden skin.


Posted New Map. Tell me if i got the models right. I think there's still a issue with the shading but. This time i only used 3 models. But if i can find a way to make the shading better ill change it next version


Added you to the team. Under Models.
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Both models are updated.

You never heard about attachments?
It's like the orbs attached to units weapons.
search for it, and you will probably get some help.
The attachment names are:

- hand left (front row, left seat)
- hand right (front row, right seat)
- hand left (back row, left seat)
- hand right (back row, right seat)

The size of the units attached will reduce to 20% of their actual size. The villager model is the best looking one in the ride, most probably (I didn't test it)


  • TrackCarSegment.MDX
    10.9 KB · Views: 110
  • TrackCar.mdx
    11.3 KB · Views: 123
Try getting rid of a little bug when the cart is going upwards, it goes under the track piece, while it should go right on it. Also, when the inclination is 90º the cart "flips" around the Z axis, quite weird.
In addition, I believe that the speed factor in the downfalls should be much bigger, I know it may look jumpy if you do it, but it would look much more real.

Also I will do a model of the lifting chain track piece, so you can add the feature that if the coaster is impossible, the cart doesn't make it to the end, and will only climb to bigger heights if the chain is there.

What do you think?
Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
"Try getting rid of a little bug when the cart is going upwards, it goes under the track piece, while it should go right on it." This was much less noticeable before, ill have to tweak it a bit, But i am aware.

Also, when the inclination is 90º the cart "flips" around the Z axis, quite weird.
It also does this at 270 degrees. Ya this is planed for version 2.5.

"speed factor in the downfalls should be much bigger"

I disagree with this unless i get the cart to go fast then 522. If 522 is the max, then the increase in speed is a bit high currently i think, because you max out pretty fast right now. I have considered learning to do sliding triggers but again this is something i plan on doing later after i have a few other things that i find to be more important. (AI Challenge Mode, Theme Park Mode, but this is something about half the people who play suggest so it should come at some point.)

"Also I will do a model of the lifting chain track piece, so you can add the feature that if the coaster is impossible, the cart doesn't make it to the end, and will only climb to bigger heights if the chain is there."

This is a feature that could be cool, i am gonna suggest not for the time being, as i need to focus on the main features of the game and some tweaking. But perhaps much latter in the development.

Those are just my thoughts, but i am not 100% on anything i guess, take a look at the page. Look at the part that says... "Version by Version Planed Steps"

And anything that's not in there, or you feel is out of order (should come sooner) i would like to hear.
Level 4
May 16, 2004
Ok, a few things here that can be probably added once the coaster system is completed.

>Obviously people have suggested as before, supports are a must to add realism.

> Secondly perhaps a competitive mode, kind of like rct, where every so often people will spawn outfront your area and pay $$ to enter your rollercoaster. The better the rollercoaster, the more the people will pay, therefore the larger you can build it. You would probably need to work out how to judge the rollercoaster on a few different criteria. Like Max Speed, Intensity, Fun Etc.

Anyways this project is amazing, keep up the great work.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
">Obviously people have suggested as before, supports are a must to add realism."

This relly depends, as this is very possible, with out alot of work, but i dont know how much it would limit the users. I mean, by adding support beams every 5th track or so, when possible, may take up some resources. And i would rather have it be 8 player so.. We will see on this. The more i think about this though the more i like this idea.

"> Secondly perhaps a competitive mode, kind of like rct, where every so often people will spawn outfront your area and pay $$ to enter your rollercoaster. The better the rollercoaster, the more the people will pay, therefore the larger you can build it. You would probably need to work out how to judge the rollercoaster on a few different criteria. Like Max Speed, Intensity, Fun Etc."

This is very much planed. except to see this in the coming months. (My goal is 2 months from now to have that in the game, as i have a few other things in the game that need to be done first.)

Thanks for the suggestions.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
This was disabled a while back.
And it worked . :)

But It give the users so many controls they couldn't handle it. They would go nuts with to much functionality.

But perhaps in the future this is something that can be brought back in. But I would have to think of a way for users to easily use get to it, with out new users getting blogged down by it.

The issue with my game is that its warcraft 3 on battle net. If most users don't figure out how to play from 2-8 min, they almost always quit. So Ill have to think on this for a bit, but expect other things to get done first.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
Any suggestions to make that easier?

I have considered having a setting to do chucks of a coaster at a time. Like small loop, mid loop, large loop, go upside down/upside up,wide twist, mid twist, tight twist, 90 degree turn, 45 degree turn, 15 degree turn, go straight small distance, mid distance, and long distance.

By doing it this way users would have about 4-6 options, and each option would have 1-3 ways of changing it, like loop would be (one of 4-6) and (small,mid,large) would be one of the (1-3).

The Plus side of this, would allow users to much more quickly and easily make a coaster (like going from upside down to upside up). Also Save load codes would be do-able using this method. The Bad side of this is the game is much less flexible.

But perhaps i should add the ability to do one or the other. But most likely doing both would cause big problems. As the pre-built one i could make sure everything lines up and getting the ground would be very easy.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
Ya, this can be Done! :)

But, now the players have another set of controls... So many freak-en controls.
I don't want 500 controls for my game that's no good.

But this is something i really like. I had this in my original plans. But i was thinking ok, maybe i have too many plans so i cut it. Hmm.. Ill need to think on this some.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
I know this is common issue.

Most players that take the time figure it out. But the issue is many don't.
  • Colored Tracks, To help tell what angle your going at
  • Darked Tracks when your upside down (I just added this).
  • When you hit the ground it tells you, that you need to angle up
  • There is a set of Tips, that help with such things, suggesting you use the green track, (when multi-color is on, it is by default)
  • A Question Mark to help new players (The part about the getting the bottom isnt in this current version)

What i am saying is you would figure it out if you put enough time into it. But i agree, that the learning curve is too high for warcraft players. I am considering getting another set of controls, called Easy Controls, It will do loops and chucks of a track for you, and a spell that says, Go To Ground (This spell will try its best to get you to the ground upside up).

But my issue is i only work on this project so much, and i don't know where to spend my efforts, as I am so close to adding a few great game modes to keep users coming back. So In other words you can likely expect a more things to help you get to the ground, and even a spell to do to it for you at some point. But don't expect it soon.

I also am planing on (not 100% sure when...) to remove many of the controls in the builder, such as multi color and change track type, to a different unit so your not so bloged down with so many controls.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
K, this is likely because i made you look down wards towards the track when your upside up. and when your upside down it most likely reverses that. making it so you hardly see the track when your upside down.

also when you are doing a major 360-720 turn, it just seems like you're getting spinned around.

I don't think i under strand this, when you do a 360 turn you feel like your getting spinned around... that makes scene doesn't it?
Totally agree. I believe we tend to think that the speed factor is low because we can't notice the track passing by as fast as it does, just seeing the sky.
You should make the coaster camera look downwards a little bit.

My laptop crashed, but if I retrieve data, I can make some themed coaster cars, like Spooky ones, Western ones, etc...
What do you think?
Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
Ill work on the riding part so it feels more real.

About the new model idea.

I am thinking that would be cool, but they way i have it set up so the carts turn using the one model is a bit of a pain to put in. And i am hands deep doing a few large changes. But I would get to putting them in at some point.

I still gota make it so people can get in the cart still. and a few things like that. (I am in the middle of adding all the other game modes, and the hole park)

So basically cool idea, i am just not ready for it yet, and might not be for a few months. So your call if you want to do that now.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
Hmm, I wasn't planing on adding one but hmm... I think i like it.

Let me think on this for a day or two. Ill get back to you if i want to add it or want one very much like it.

It looks Good , just gotta figure out if its worth the 300k. Hmm I will likely add it or ask for something much like it.

Good Job either way! And thanks for the roller coaster excitement, the more I here people want me to continue working on this game the more I feel like working on it.
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