Right Click Item Recipes
Item combination/recipe system that triggers when an item is dropped on another (right click item, click on another).
This limits the system to only 2 components for each recipe.
I couldn't find this exact system anywhere in the spells section, but I did find plenty of traditional recipe systems. So here we are.
- MUI, will work for any hero/unit with an inventory
- Disassembly ability that you can add to the hero or a forge-type unit
- Option to allow disassembly when an item is dropped on itself
- Option to have charged items add their charges together when combined
Due to the way it works, there is a small delay when combining. (the system compares the unit's inventory before and after an item has been targetted, a delay is necessary for changes to be registered)
1. Copy the Right Click Recipe System trigger category into your map, making sure the Automatically Create Unknown Variables is enabled on your editor.
2. Copy the Disassemble ability into your map, if you want to use it.
3. Configure the system as described in the RCR Config trigger
System requested by GhostHunter123
As seen in
Phase Killer by Dark.Revenant
Maker - Teaching me a better way of detecting which item was being manipulated.
- Both items in a recipe can now be the same item type.
- Changed the system to only require 1 hashtable.
- Replaced loop with a hashtable check. Now requires 2 hashtables.
- Removed the wait to properly make the system MUI (thanks Maker)
- Fixed an exploit when disassembling charged items - it must have at least 2 charges, and the charges are divided evenly between the two new component items.
- Cached (triggering unit) (thanks Radamantus for pointing that out)
item, item combine, item recipe, combine, recipe,