//This function updates the coordinates of a circle, also spinning it by its specified spin
//You need to call this function after directly changing values in the Hashtable or with the Set functions
function UpdateGCOS takes integer instance returns nothing
//Creates a GCOS and automatically updates its position using the UpdateGCOS fucntion
function CreateGCOS takes real angle, real centerX, real centerY, real radiusX, real radiusY, integer numPoints, real tilt, real spin returns integer
function DestroyGCOS takes integer instance returns nothing
//Set/Get functions that are hopefully inlined
function GetGCOSDefAngle takes integer instance returns real
function GetGCOSCurAngle takes integer instance returns real
function GetGCOSCenterX takes integer instance returns real
function GetGCOSCenterY takes integer instance returns real
function GetGCOSRadiusX takes integer instance returns real
function GetGCOSRadiusY takes integer instance returns real
function GetGCOSNoPoints takes integer instance returns integer
function GetGCOSTilt takes integer instance returns real
function GetGCOSSpin takes integer instance returns real
function SetGCOSDefAngle takes integer instance, real angle returns nothing
function SetGCOSCurAngle takes integer instance, real angle returns nothing
function SetGCOSCenterX takes integer instance, real X returns nothing
function SetGCOSCenterY takes integer instance, real Y returns nothing
function SetGCOSRadiusX takes integer instance, real X returns nothing
function SetGCOSRadiusY takes integer instance, real Y returns nothing
function SetGCOSNoPoints takes integer instance, integer number returns nothing
function SetGCOSTilt takes integer instance, real angle returns nothing
function SetGCOSSpin takes integer instance, real angle returns nothing
function GetGCOSPointX takes integer instance, integer pointNumber returns real
function GetGCOSPointY takes integer instance, integer pointNumber returns real
function SetGCOSUnit takes integer instance, integer pointNumber, unit u returns nothing
function GetGCOSUnit takes integer instance, integer pointNumber returns unit