you can go over the food limit with triggers...
You can even get over 300 food in the gameplay constants by shift + clicking, but that's off-topic.
I will try this map once I get home (I've waited a long time for this
) and then post my ideas here.
Gravity Hook is a very interesting and highly unique physics-based game.
RtC has been implemented very well and is the main component of this game.
Although the game may look easy (just click the mines and go up, as high as you can), in truth it is pretty hard at first.
Once you get used to the game, you can easily get higher scores (I couldn't even get over 415).
Once you get higher, the number of mines also drastically decrease (once above 300 it's noticeable), at least that's what I noticed.
Something that could be improved is the use of different mines and/or upgrades: you only have 1 mine type and no upgrades.
I do realise that adding several mine types and upgrades isn't the most entertaining job, but if you could add some sort of upgrade system based on a full-screen inventory and mine types with different effects (or even orb types with different effects), it would greatly improve the game.
I don't know what else to say... it's an amazing game which is more advanced than most maps, yet very simple and straight-forward: anyone can play this and I really suggest they do.
This gives a completely different view on the possibilities in Warcraft nowadays and may reveal new uses.
Rating: 4.5/5 (4/5) - for being the most unique map I've seen ^^
(the 5/5 moderator rating stays, since another moderator rated it 5/5, the total rating would be 9.5/10 or 4.75/5 -> 5/5).
I can only hope more people will use RtC, I'd really like to thank MindWorX and SFilip for their brilliant work ^^