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[Import] Good quality rock models

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Level 12
Apr 16, 2010
Sec, yes i remember some post, by Orcnet i guess, in Terrain Board forum he uploaded some terrain and there were rocks in it, HD rocks i remember for sure, and he linked to the rocks, but finding that post is gonna be nightmare! But i'll give it a try!
Edit: nah, it wasn't him... searching!
Edit2: it was Oziris
Edit3: post detected :p http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/terrain-board-267/mountains-185817/ Hope you'll like 'em
1 I recommend high res doodads pack.
Good: Epic textures
Bad: Large size

Can be fixed/improved somehow: Reduce quality of rock textures by 50%.
In game it will look 90% same, size will go down over 75%.
2 2nd good pick *ehm* check other not English modding sites *ehm*.
Good: Better than blizzard and UTM map rock textures
Bad: Unsafe/ripped models

Can be fixed/improved somehow: Well import them into empty map for testing first, don't destroy your project. Maps with ripped models won't be approved, so try to avoid them :)
3 3nd and last pick UTM.
Good: Better than blizzard
Bad: Poor quality

Can be fixed/improved somehow: Nope :razz:
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