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Good guys defet Bad guys

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Level 5
Jan 8, 2008
the goodguys have to win o.o
if the bad guys would win, mostly inoccent people would suffer o.o

and its a thing of karma ^.^

hmm if you watch star wars:
the bad guys won often o_O
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Good and Evil are relative.
A perfect example is Star Wars (thank you HoroHor0)
Anakin Skywalker thought he was saving his wife and the galaxy from turmoil.
But by "saving" the galaxy, he pretty much destroyed it and held power through tyranny.
But the Empire still thought it was right and "good"

"Good" is a point of view. Though society generally accepts some things as good. Like peace, justice.. etc..
Level 5
May 20, 2008
I know there was one movie the bad guys won, but it's old. It also seems that the bad guys
win (or atleast good guys lose) in adult novels, like those of Stephen King. Have you seen the ending to "The Mist"? (I know It's different from the book).
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Oh god, I better pull up my pants sleeves before I wade in this shitfest.

why do all ways but allways good guys defeat bad guys in movies,games,other.. i dont get it why dont bad guys win some time?
1. They do.
2. But most often, the protagonists win because the audience likes to feel good, and they almost always sympathize with the protagonist the most.
3. And also, they usually like to send messages. The kid who believes in himself will overcome any evil, the guy who uses the power of friendship to defeat evil, the people who uphold their Christian values to overcome evil, the man who stays away from evil to overcome evil, etc.
4. What the hell is a "good guy" in the first place? Is it the main character, or the guy who is morally right? Antihero, anyone?
GST_Aboutman said:
Im not your guy, buddy!
He's not your buddy, friend!
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
the good winning is a boring cliche idea to make stupid people feel good.
Sadly American movies/novels usually involve the underdog overcoming the big bad tyrant.

or Americans vs The British.

The country was founded on underdogs winning.
Most movies and entertainment(large scale) is based on american stylings.
(I prefer foreign films)
In Foreign films anti-hero characters are much more prevalent and also the good guy losing is a common occurrence.
Tragedies create the best movies.

Seriously my favorite movies involve the main character not being a good guy fighting the not bad not good people and losing in the end.

I want gore, death, failure, and pain. THAT is entertainment.
Level 7
Dec 16, 2007
Well according to some of stories I make... The bad guys win, 8/10 times, lol.

In your perspective good has won. But then again... Maybe the villeins came up with a plan to overrule the heroes, hm?
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
Will that is completely untrue.
The "good guys" are for the most part the protagonists.

v for vendetta.
the good guy is a terrorist.
the bad guy is the people and government.
after the good wins: LOTS OF DEATH AND WAR, CHAOS, ANARCHY.
if the bad guys won? Life continues as normal, no extra pointless death.(terrorists wouldn't exist.)

(you can argue that he good guy is the narrator and the bad guy is tyler(in which you can say the bad wins as the main characters life is in ruins and the building are blown up. however he gets the girl and rids himself of tyler. so you could say the good wins but he is the bad guy))
goodguy: terrorist/crazy fuck/chaos
bad guy: capitalism, government, current social life.
after good wins: shitloads of peoples credit is fucked, peoples lives ruined jobs lost. economic decline, (his goals)chaos death anarchy.
if the bad guys won? Life continues as normal, no buildings are blown up.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Happy endings really aren't that common. In fact, I haven't seen any horror movies at all with happy endings for quite a while. They think they're so fucking clever to make some inane twist to kill off the main character in the very end.

Of course, if you're watching some action or suspense movie containing some half-baked government conspiracy or terrorist agency, you will never, never see a sad ending. Whether the main character dies or not, he ends up saving the world, and order is restored. Bullshit. I want to see a movie where in the end, the world is thrown into chaos, or the oppressive government continues on their communist regime. Yeah. That would fucking rock. But I guess the target audience of these kinds of movies are way too simple for that kind of stuff.
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
i think its actually good that the good always win, that makes the event that "the bad guys win" more unique than the other way around, and better also

think about it, what if the bad guys would always win, and then in some movies, we would find out that the good guys seem to win. It would not be as badass for either of them to win

Another reason for the good guys to always win is becouse (oftenly(yeah, funny word :p)) we like to position ourselfs in the good guys point of view. Like "oh no, i have to save the world", imagine failing at that aspect "oh no, it seemes like the bad guys are going to win, oh well"

oh, and only becouse they are the bad guys doesnt mean they dont have good intentions
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
I watched house of wax yesterday and laughed my head off when paris hilton had that stick threwn right trough her head XD

In most horror movies the evil seems to win but loses at the end... then at the very end it seems not to have ended >.> thats cool about horror
Because if they didn't, guys couldn't have good sex with their girlfriends after a sad movie where the girlfriend cries to sleep.
Lol, no, really, it's just that good is a view of perspective. Take Gladiator - the emperor dies , but the Gladiator does too. Basically, 'good' has won, but the emperor's 'goodness' has won too by killing him.
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
Good guys vs. bad guys eh..?

Its not really like that.There are a bunch stereotypes of the winning sides in all movies where a bunch of people,animals,or flying Japanese guys are fighting each other over something helplessly dumb.

1)The good good side:

Often found in Disney cartoons,Bruce Lee movies,and all other kinds of visual entertainment meant for children that have less than 13 years.The characters that win here are good to the bone,and if you see them on the street somewhere,they would probably be giving change to a bum,or helping an old lady cross the street.These are the people are brave,never lie,when they see someone drop a wallet,they pick it up then chase after them to give it back.People like this do not exist.

2)The patriotic good side:

Often found in Chuck Norris and Bruce Willis movies.These characters don't have to be kind or just to be the heroes,they just have to say "God bless America" ten times during a movie.You rarely see them help old ladies.If they do help old ladies for 2 minutes,they have to be aimlessly patriotic for at least ten minutes.They kick the asses of terrorists/meteors/bank robbers/kidnappers or other typical bad guys that laugh when a 2 year old kid drops its ice-cream and starts crying.

3)The bad-ass good side:

This is the most popular stereotype of all the "good guys" ever.Just play a Steven Seagal movie or "Kill Bill" and youll see what i mean.They fight for the right cause(prevent bomb explosions,mass murders etc.),or just go on a rampage because a local mafia killed their girlfriend/brother/friend.They are the people that protect the endangered by killing the "bad guys" in a variety of pretty sick ways.If you see them in the church at 11 am,that probably means that they will be standing in a pool of blood and limbs around noon.And yeah,they aren't really "good" either they are just less bad because anyone who is capable of decapitating ten people and then laughing isn't exactly a Mother Therese.

99% of the good-guy vs. bad-guy movies suck.In the real world its: im-doing-what-suits-my-greedy-interests-the-best guy vs. the im-doing-what-suits-my-greedy-interests-the-best-guy.

I really dont have an idea why i typed all of this.
Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
You know what really pisses me off about action good guys vs. bad guys movies?

The Stormtrooper effect.

7 baddies with submachine guns, shotguns, any other type of highly powerful weaponry. They will fire thousands of rounds at the good guy, and every bullet will miss him. The good guy will then pop up and pick them off one by one with a 9mm handgun.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
You know what really pisses me off about action good guys vs. bad guys movies?

The Stormtrooper effect.

7 baddies with submachine guns, shotguns, any other type of highly powerful weaponry. They will fire thousands of rounds at the good guy, and every bullet will miss him. The good guy will then pop up and pick them off one by one with a 9mm handgun.

One word: Halo.
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
Just to make things dramatic and more real,the mentally impaired directors sometimes make a bullet scratch the main characters arm or leg,then he is in pain for about 10 seconds but after that he picks stuff up easily and jumps around like super mario.Like nothing happened.
Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
Just to make things dramatic and more real,the mentally impaired directors sometimes make a bullet scratch the main characters arm or leg,then he is in pain for about 10 seconds but after that he picks stuff up easily and jumps around like super mario.Like nothing happened.

Looking at you Die Hard.
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