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General Feedback and Suggestions

Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
This thread is supposed to be a center for your ideas, improvements and feedback. If you have any ideas that you like to see in the game write them down. Please take your time and write a complete text. Not just a single sentence or even word. Those posts will be deleted due to spam.

Please try to understand, that it will be nearly impossible to realize all ideas that may come up. But some cool stuff will come around and would be useful.

Feedback regarding screenshots or videos will be moved to the specific threads to keep this thread clean.
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Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Don't worry, there will be a questlike tutorial. When starting a new game you'll be ask if you want to play the tutorial or start directly the real game. Once you understood the interface, it's very easy. Cause all menus work in the same way. There will be a very detailed questhelp. Further has everybutton its own detailed tooltip that tells what a click on the button will do.
Level 8
Dec 20, 2008
Hmm, I thought a bit and why don't you add a customize character interface like in WoW so you can change the face or the hair etc. Isn't it just to have a normal model, and then add attachment when you press a button and it will change the face or hair and such? ^_^
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
That was planned for the hairstyle of your hero. You'll be able to choose out of several hairstyles. Further you'll be able to edit your starting attributes and chose some professions and skills to give your char a start in the direction you want.

Changing the face would be very complicated together with the feature of changing clothes/armour on the body(both can only be done by changing the replaceable texture. Too bad a model can only use 1 replaceable texture. So the number of needed textures for every chest + legs + face would go up in the 1000s).

Neverthess, thanks for you suggestion :)
Level 2
Aug 27, 2009
I thought that mabye you should add a extra menu which when you select an object a small tab pops up asking if you would want to drop it or equip it, and anything else that it might be used for like if you make a teleport object which teleports you to a certain location in the game and had another use you could open it up and select what use you want to use it for.
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Level 8
Dec 20, 2008
It it so you could buy a whole set-equipment? Or is it the invindual items of the set you can buy? So I thought you could make like if you had 3 things of the same set you will get ex. 3+ agillity. And if you had 6 of the same set 3+ agillity and 3+ strength, and so on.
Orions Thunder Gloves
Orions Thunder Helmet
Orions Thunder Armor
etc :)
Now you will get 3+ ag.

What you think? ^^
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Setboni will be in the game. And they will be way more complex than adding simple to a single attribute. Their will be attribute boni(bonuses), boni(bonuses) for a specific talent/skill, a state f.e. evasion, a weapon time f.e. swords or a unique ability. If the sets consits f.e. of 7 items your will get a bonus for wearing 2 , 5 and 7 items of the set. By that way you'll be able to combiny different sets with their boni(bonuses) to make your gear fit your desire.

About your first question. There won't be many sets you can buy from vendors. you'll be able to craft sets via blacksmithing, letherworking or tailoring. And bossmonster will have setitems in their droptable. I know that sounds a lot like WoW... but why not if it turns out well?^^
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Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
I don't know if that is the correct english plural for bonus, but in german you say "ein(one) bonus, zwei(two) boni..."
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I would love it if you made a sort of "clicky" type combat system, where you have the option to attack every time you click.

Or, you can make it so that whenever you select a target, his origin is highlighted with a colored circle (red for enemy, yellow for neutral, and blue/green for friendly), and say... his health is displayed along with his name on the screen? And also, when you select a target, you automatically select your hero afterwards. If it's a merchant or a questgiver, his merchant's inventory or dialogue is displayed automatically.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Yeah, such a combat system is planned. I think it would be big fun in combination with the actionbar. I will create a custom HUD thats shows icon,hp/mana, name and behavior(enemy, neutral or allied) for your melee and your spelltarget.

Keep it up, more useful suggestions.

Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
No problem. And thanks for the reputation!

Here are some more suggestions: for the armor and weapons, I think you should make it so that the lower level armors look more... mundane. If my character is low in level, his armor shouldn't be incredibly extravagant and layered with gold and diamonds and such- it should be plain, very plain. The higher the level of the armor or weapon, the more extravagant it COULD be (doesn't have to be).
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
No problem. And thanks for the reputation!

Here are some more suggestions: for the armor and weapons, I think you should make it so that the lower level armors look more... mundane. If my character is low in level, his armor shouldn't be incredibly extravagant and layered with gold and diamonds and such- it should be plain, very plain. The higher the level of the armor or weapon, the more extravagant it COULD be (doesn't have to be).

It seems we think the same way^^ Of course the lower level armour/weapons will won't look too powerful. Cause the player should get the feeling when seeing a npc wearing a highend armour: "Wow, I want that thing too!!11".
Level 8
Dec 20, 2008
Remeber the bigger (size value) of the enemy unit is, the harder is it to control the 3rd person camera, because it will end up clicking the enemy itself all the time. (If ya don't use keyboard to control the hero ofc ^^)

the best thing for gameplay experience is to have NPCs talk when you go near them or click at them.
For instance when you go near them
Guard: Ahh, this shift will never end. When's the next post guard comming up? gadamit.
Blacksmith: Is it me, or is it a hot day today?

Click at them:
Weaponary Dealer: Oh yeah, I've got some special offers for you today.

If you want, maybe I could try to be a voiceactor for you ^,^
Well well, just a suggestion..
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
I want to keep the interaction with npcs as easy as possible. That means you will start an interaction by right clicking an npc. If your hero is close enough the interaction dialog will pop up, if not your hero will try to get close enough for an interaction. In the interaction dialog you'll have different options to chose from. You can talk about different things or ask a trader for his goods etc.
Level 8
Dec 20, 2008
would that be text based?

if not, maybe you could add a sound to a guy randomly blabbering about the weather (etc.) whenever you come near him/pass by him. I think it would create more realism in the game.
Like when you walk in a street, you'll always hear people talk about something, right? :p
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
In the demo and in the first version the dialogs will be only textbased. But after the first version gone public and all the bugs are fixed we'll release an extended version. In that version will be custom sounds for speech of every character in the gameworld.
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
instead of having Textbased , or sound based interaction may i suggest " Dialog box " interaction ? Because sound will take up lots of space, and dialog boxes are simple and more RPG like if you know what i mean.

dialog boxes are clumsy and annoying to make.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
There are not sooo many ways to tell the player what he should do. There must be something like a text or at least a note to tell him what to do and where etc. Making the sequences skippable will help. And giving explicit advice in the questog will help too. You'll be able to see the reward, the amount of exp and other things when you are asked about accepting the quest.
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
is there a way u can make a custom UI for it ?

like it doesn't have to be complicated, but make the quest log look like a peice of parchment with script writing on it that describes your quest, and using an ability, opens up the quest log. Something along those lines would make it really cool. Though i do not know how possible that may be .
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
I planned to create a custom interface for the quests. The text won't be animated but it will look like the thing you spoke about. Kinda WoWish... but who cares if it is well executed^^
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Of course I can, but I won't. don't get me wrong, DGUI can do almost everything but can't catch mouseover events. That can only be done by trackables. And I WANT mouseoverevents like a highlight function for the buttons or quests etc. So I have to create a combination of units for the textures and trackables for the click/hover events. But trust me, it will look good^^
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Of course I can, but I won't. don't get me wrong, DGUI can do almost everything but can't catch mouseover events. That can only be done by trackables. And I WANT mouseoverevents like a highlight function for the buttons or quests etc. So I have to create a combination of units for the textures and trackables for the click/hover events. But trust me, it will look good^^

However the delay with trackables is huge.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
I never encountered problems by using trackables. They are only for the hover events so tooltips etc can be shown up.
Level 8
Dec 20, 2008
1.How about adding some angel wings / demon wings behind the char.
like if you have killed xx amount of demons you'll get angel wings and angels killed visa versa.

2. How about adding somekind of 'rank' overhead a NPC/solider/etc. That you'll know if he is like a weapon dealer etc. The weapon dealer must have somekind of weapon smith overhead.
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
1.How about adding some angel wings / demon wings behind the char.
like if you have killed xx amount of demons you'll get angel wings and angels killed visa versa.

2. How about adding somekind of 'rank' overhead a NPC/solider/etc. That you'll know if he is like a weapon dealer etc. The weapon dealer must have somekind of weapon smith overhead.

The first suggestion is lulsy.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
I think I'll add kind of icon tags over npcs to make them easier to find. The wingthing won't fit into the concept of the map. but nevertheless the world will change as your char grows. Depending on your actions the behavior of the people will change too.
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
hey thyrael if you ever need a terrainer u can call on me whenever you want man.although i know you like to work solo. i dont blame you i like to work solo too.

just look at my maps and terrains and tell me if u ever need me. ill be more then welcome to help u out lol
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
I want to keep the team as small as possible to stay independent. Syltman works as a kind of advisor who gives me constructive feedback about my creations like UI usability etc. As soon as there is an testable alpha built I wil recruit some alphatesters.
Level 2
Feb 27, 2010
Hey, i've recently read everything about this mod and i'd like to say that its really awesome, keep up the good work!
Its especially amazing that Thyrael is creating most of everything, i can tell that he puts a lot of effort into it.