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Gems of Unification v13.02.26


Inside this game a plot slowly unfolds around certain gems that carry a great power. A power that has to be kept safe, in your hands.


Gems of Unification (GoU) is Role Playing Game (RPG) which can (and should) be played in multiplayer. I've worked quite a lot on this map and hope you'll enjoy it.

This map is currently still in heavy development, but playable. Of the three acts the first two are largely done. Expect this map to be updated a lot over the coming months.

If you find any bugs or have suggestions to the map don't hesitate to contact me by posting in this thread. Together we can create a new epic map!

  • 1 Class (explained below)
  • 39 Abilities
  • 150+ Items
  • 8 Birthsigns
  • Threat and AI System
  • Equipment System, items influence your hero in many ways!
  • Attachment System, items are displayed on your hero
  • Save/Load System, keep your hero with you!
  • Indoor terrains, varying from homes to caves to dungeons!
  • Combat Text and Casting Bar Systems
  • Epic dungeon's and outdoor bosses!

One hero, all classes!

Pick up your weapon of choice, learn your own spells and do the quests you like. Your choices determine your class, allowing a whole new kind of customization! So will picking up a bow for instance make your hero a ranged damage dealer since bows provide a ranged attack and a damage bonus. Together with the ability to pick up any spell you like (though there is a maximum of spells you can pick) you can create your own class! Any combination is possible!​











What is this game about? What does RPG mean?
RPG stands for Role Playing Game, which in this context means you play a character that explores the world of Gems of Unification. You're pretty free to choose which kind of character you want to be.

In which aspects does this game differ from other RPG's, like Gaia's Retaliation?
I'll be honest, in a lot of aspects it is the same, it's just fresh, new content. In what aspects it differs are these; class customization, you don't pick a pre-made class with certain abilities but you're free to choose how you want your character to be.

The game crashes!
Make sure you have texture quality on highest, else the game can crash. Next to that, suggested resolution screen is 1920x1080. Small resolution and graphic can broke game or improperly display data. If the game still crashes after trying this try running Warcraft III in openGL by adding -opengl to your startup exe.

Help, I can't save in singleplayer! Why is this?!
In order to prevent people from cheating their character up I've disabled saving in singleplayer.

My save code doesn't work.
Make sure you're using the same playername you used while you saved your character.

Restore my code!!
I won't sorry, you'll have to level up again.

I've noticed a serious bug, where can I report this?
You can report this by replying to the uploaded map at the Hive Workshop or in the post on the forums there I have for this map.

Your map sucks!!1
Okay... Play something else than.

Thanks to these people I was able to create this map.

  • Testing: Ken Plattel
  • Main inspiration: Gaia's Retaliation ORPG Team: teh.fellow aka Playmo, Zwiebelchen aka Todeszwiebel, Shapy, muzzel
  • Models/Skins: Born²Modificate, Kitabatake, Lopaki, Dan Van Ohllus, Mr. Goblin, DerReaper2, xXm0rpH3usXx, Pyritie, Mc !, Chriz., JetFangInferno, Vuen, olofmoleman, Nasrudin, jatter2, Kitabatake, Thrikodius, ikillforeyou, Sunchips and dirtytricks
  • Images: Elvira1990, Artistic-Dodger and Gandi24
  • AIDS and Damage detection: Jesus4Lyf
  • DayNightFog System: Viikuna
  • Bag System: muzzel
  • Save/Load: Nestharus
  • Spell: Paladon
  • Hive Workshop in general, the community

Please contact me when we left you out on credits.


  • Solved a bug where unattainable items used for the upcoming dungeon 3 (Cathedral Catacombs) were already available via gamble
  • Buffs from abilties will now properly be removed if they would have expired when the hero was dead
  • Moved some wrongly places creeps from ogre area to Cathedral Catacombs
  • Save/load system removed and replaced by Nestharus, all related bugs are fixed by this (clones heroes, invalid codes, laggy load, incorrect items, etc)
  • Improved items will now properly be removed when an other character is loaded
  • Ranks will now also be saved
  • Origin of the Gems quest will now work properly and end with a quest to go into dungeon 3
  • The quest A Warning Sign will now rewards Rank 3
  • Fixed an issue where summons could cause loads to bug
  • Fixed an issue where backpack items weren't properly saved
  • Fixed an issue where no save code would get generated at all
  • Centaur and Tauren creeps should no longer grant experience when killed while being allied to them
  • Intimidation Shout now properly applies AoE threat
  • Added an additional vendor in Windfell who sells common weapons
  • Lowered the duration of Bash for Orc Grunts in Act III from 2 seconds to 0.25
  • Increased the damage of Keli'dan the Breaker and Feral Swine
  • Seal of Vigor can no longer procc off Quill Aura
  • The King now casts Dominate on himself
  • Save codes now no longer contain spaces, making them easier to copy
  • Recalculated the shadow map, improving shadows on some places
  • Elite creeps (dungeon non-boss creeps) now have their proper base health
  • Solved an issue with the quest The Chieftain's End
  • Save codes have been reset due to exploits, these should be fixed this version
  • Solved a bug causing double hero stat calculations
  • Solved a bug causing Impact to trigger off any unit even without the ability
  • Items owned by a player now get properly removed when loading a new character
  • The long awaited Act III has been released! It contains a new leveling area for level 38 - 48. This brand new act contains the following:
    • A whole new part of terrain, including the main capital Armadale
    • All new quests that continue the story from Act II
    • Brand new creeps which drop fancy new items
    • 7 new abilities
    • And many more things!
  • All save/load bugs are fixed, saving should now always generate a code, as well as loading should now always load your character fully
  • Because of save/load bugs, all save codes have been reset unfortunately
  • Mana per intelligence has been lowered from 15 to 10 per point
  • Base hero mana increased from 0 to 15
  • New Birthsign added, Birthsign: Panda provides +30% healing done
  • New Birthsign added, Birthsign: Dragon gives the hero a 10% chance on attack to deal additional elemental damage
  • Birthsign: Owl now gives +25% spell damage instead of increasing spell power
  • Birthsign: Boar now in addition to a health bonus gives +5% resistance to all types of spells
  • All spell power based abilities have their coëfficient reduced by ~30%
  • All creeps have their base health increased in order to increase difficulty (including elites and dungeon 2 creeps)
  • Player creep scaling has changed, health went down from 75% to 50% per player, damage from 25% to 10% per player
  • Gold gained by quests has been normalized depending on hero level, big differences in the supposed level and the hero level reduce the gold reward, experience and skill points still stay independant on the hero level
  • Ranks for the Armadale Army now give 2% dodge and resistance down from 3%
  • Gold sharing to an ally is now no longer possible
  • Ensnare is now no longer usable on bosses
  • Knuckle Punch can now be relearned by Innkeeper Valdr in Bridgewater
  • Harpy Hag now has two additional abilities to increase her difficulty
  • Internal creep recylcing engine improved
  • Creeps now spawn with a new fade in animation
  • Added additional troll huts for the quest No Home, No Future
  • Reduced the selling price of herbs (berries)
  • Potions and herbs now stack properly, there should no longer be an error message
  • Potions and herbs can now stack up to 10, increased from per 4
  • Fixed a typo in Master Healing Potion recipe
  • Fixed a bug that caused creep player settings to affect players instead of creeps
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the hero to stay in combat after surrendering the troll Warlord
  • Fixed a bug causing animation errors when dropping weapons
  • The following bosses have gained a new unique ability to make their fights more interesting: Gareth the Greedy, Ember Skeleton, The King and Dragon Turtle
  • Both dungeons now have an easy way to leave them at the last boss (a teleport)
  • Dungeon bosses now have a shout message when engaged in combat
  • Added a notification when a player leaves the game, in addition creeps will scale down (less health/damage/etc)
  • All casting bars are now visible for all players (including creep casts)
  • Tauren and Centaur now scale with the amount of players as normal creeps do
  • Attack speed should now properly be displayed when viewing stats, this was a display issue only
  • The quest Stopping the Trolls can now no longer be started twice
  • Shadow Dagger debuff now properly lasts 3 seconds instead of just 1
  • Shadow Dagger will now go on cooldown when killing a unit with it
  • Solved an issue with Flaming Arrow
  • Gambling now always gives an item
  • Its no longer possible to gain a material when gambling
  • Gambling has been added; you can now gamble for a random item by paying a heavy sum to a NPC
  • Quest items should no longer be saveable, which should prevent a lot of bugs from happening
  • Almost all spells which scale with Spell Power have their coefficient lowered
    • Protective Shield down from 7x to 6x
    • Arcane Burst dowm from 3.5x to 2.5x
    • Barkskin down from 4x to 3x
    • Heal down from 7x to 6x
    • Fireball down from 2x to 1.25x
    • Shadow Embrace down from 6x to 5.5x
  • Save files are more readable now
  • Additional quests have been added; one for Bounty Hunter Miles and one concerning Warlord Ula'elek
  • The quest Ain't That a Kick in the Head now works correctly
  • Troll huts that get destroyed should now play their fire animation for all players
  • Birthsign: Serpent now provides 15% critical strike damage down from 25%
  • Bounty Hunter Miles now offers different items for sale
  • Resistance should now work properly again, all bugs resolved
  • Barkskin no longer forgets its armor added when equiping or de-equiping a ranged weapon
  • Mark of the Wild now adds the proper amount of agility upon buffing
  • Mark of the Wild disabled icon has been added
  • Improving Furbolg Relic should now provide the correct stats
  • Creeps now scale with the amount of players, with each player creeps gain +75% health, +25% damage, +15% experience reward and +15% item drop chance
  • Fixed an issue that could crash the game when playing WC3 with a different version
  • Fixed a bug with loading certain save codes that would not restore a hero correctly
  • Added a questgiver in Palemane Hills just after the bridge
  • Fixed a bug with the Murloc or Serpent birthsign being lost after reviving
  • Potions and Ability scrolls are saveable from this version on
  • Casting while wielding a two-handed weapon should no longer cause animation issues
  • The model of Gladius is now properly attached
  • Inner Courage tooltip improved
  • Pets should no longer become stuck near the entrance of dungeon 1
  • A lot of exploits and bugs have been fixed, because of this earlier save codes do not work with this new version, I apologize
  • The game can now be played in singleplayer LAN games!
  • Two new commands have been added: -roll (displaying a random number between 1 and 100) and -clear (clears all text messages)
  • View Stats, Rest and Spellbook now have their hotkeys displayed in their tooltip
  • When playing the game in singleplayer an ingame message is displayed at the start of a game that saving has been disabled
  • An aweful lot of bugs concerning loading a character have been solved (Birthsigns disappearing, faction choice for tauren/centaur, etc)
  • Mana cost of a lot of abilities have been rescaled
  • Deadly Poison now deals 1x Agility down from 1.5x Agility
  • Gold cost for improving items increased and now dependant on item quality as it should be
  • Gold cost for recipes reduced
  • Birthsign quest is no longer available if you already have a birthsign
  • Improving high leveled items should no longer cause disappearing stats
  • All bugs concerning bows becoming melee items have been resolved
  • Slaying the last boss of dungeon 1 (Mother) prematurely no longer causes the quest to bug
  • Higher ranks should no longer collide with lower ranks when obtained
  • Guard next to the ambassador in the centaur camp now has proper talk text
  • Solved a bug concerning destroying troll huts with multiple players
  • Solved a desync bug with Lost Merchandise quest
  • A preview image has been added
  • Bug fixed concerning equiping improved items and colliding item classes
  • Two new Birthsigns added, check them out!
  • Terraining improvements like Army Encampment in the northeast, grass pitching and bridge between Act I and Act II
  • Heroes now have normal names now
  • Herbalism has been added, you can now gather berries from bushes and convert them into potions, more to be added in the future
  • Improve Items has been added, you can now (for a fee) improve your items, increasing their stats
  • All desync issues should now be solved, the problem was found and fixed
  • Three new abilities have been added, they drop off dungeon 1 bosses or dungeon 2 trash creeps
  • Unlearn Skills has been added, you can now reset (for a free) all skill points of your hero
  • A Sign From the Stars / Foreign Market can now both be started without having completed their pre-quests
  • Troll Cookbooks will no longer be floating
  • An additional path has been made through some trees down the hero's home house
  • Hydro Jet should now be working correctly again
  • Hippogryph above Windfell should be flying once again
  • Solved a bug with AIDS when selling items with bag
  • Solved a bug with TTBars (casting bar) when killing a casting unit
  • Credits is now updated, all resources authors have been tracked as far as possible and added
  • Items now require a minimum level, this is also displayed in item tooltip
  • All abilities now have an unique hotkey
  • Inner Courage now increases threat done by damage by 50% up from 35%
  • Taunt now generates additional threat equal to 3x hero level up from 2x hero level
  • Intimidation Shout now generates slightly more threat
  • Pathing of some rocks near Windfell fixed
  • Quest text dialogs from some quests in Bridgewater improved
  • Added vendor items, who carry no stats but earn you some coin
  • Items are now bound to player when saving/loading
  • Resolved a bug with Heal not working
  • Loading a hero should now no longer bug non started quests
  • Resolved a bug with Summon: Hawk
  • Display text of save code now displays longer (30 secs)
  • Disabled some debug stuff that shouldn't be in-game
  • Initial Public Release

  • More quests
  • New abilities
  • Dungeon 3
  • More items
  • Bugfixing and balancing: priority
  • Additional stuff in the world (gatherable plants, etc)

Game is optimized and can't be opened by WC3 editor.
Make sure you have texture quality on highest.


Gems, Unification, ORPG, RPG, Gaia's, Retaliation, Hero, Multiplayer, Epic, Terrain, Class

Gems of Unification v13.02.26 (Map)

Vengeancekael - Date: 2012/May/26 20:15:05 Reasons: Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall...
Level 9
Aug 26, 2010
In last version this code loads 1 lvl, while it was 37:
-load cYpp-RAQf-h5vG-oqVr-3ixo-sG1G-9JoO-E6gd-0W6J-TL4v-oVMv-TjXu-JxoJ-V3ac-Rr

This loads no items and some agi is freed:
-load u4ej-eeQa-bH0F-CUwV-DPlm-YB2C-KX1T-dpfn-FVPE-ePUn-Guwu-0JNl-GJlv-lKD5-s

1st lvl instead of 33:
-load i6hK-fSwz-BIb8-McPn-g29v-yghV-aqak-8gWx-lTs6-skkX-12vd-Rdms-MaXT-J6dn-a
Level 10
Aug 14, 2009
In last version this code loads 1 lvl, while it was 37:
-load cYpp-RAQf-h5vG-oqVr-3ixo-sG1G-9JoO-E6gd-0W6J-TL4v-oVMv-TjXu-JxoJ-V3ac-Rr

This loads no items and some agi is freed:
-load u4ej-eeQa-bH0F-CUwV-DPlm-YB2C-KX1T-dpfn-FVPE-ePUn-Guwu-0JNl-GJlv-lKD5-s

1st lvl instead of 33:
-load i6hK-fSwz-BIb8-McPn-g29v-yghV-aqak-8gWx-lTs6-skkX-12vd-Rdms-MaXT-J6dn-a

Thanks, but could you PM (personal message) me your playername, that way I can debug the code.
Level 2
Dec 16, 2011
Yeah it sounds awesome that we need to collect different items to form together which makes an incredibly powerful item; however I think it would be nice to be told or shown somehow where we can find all those pieces...perhaps we can buy a map or something which shows us, u have to buy the map, and it tells u where and how to find each item part.
Level 10
Aug 14, 2009
Will you add some kind of craft? I mean not just upgading items for gold, at least some indredient there which are hard to get. Or may be full crafting of new items. It would be imba cool.

Yeah it sounds awesome that we need to collect different items to form together which makes an incredibly powerful item; however I think it would be nice to be told or shown somehow where we can find all those pieces...perhaps we can buy a map or something which shows us, u have to buy the map, and it tells u where and how to find each item part.

I honestly think these are nice ideas but the problem would be the inventory slots. At the moment I have quite a good system (6 hero slots, 6 bag slots) if I say so myself. Adding a larger inventory (like an on-screen one) would be quite a complex task to add.

I'll think about it however. Noted the suggestion :)
Level 2
May 18, 2012
New issue (BIG):
Remember I said the harpy mission bug prevented you from saving? Well I was wrong (NPC and quest interaction issue still happen after that one). I finally isolated the issue. It's an item.
The "Ember longbow", dropped by the big skeleton archer in the cave near freewind, is the problem. Got it to drop today, saved, and I could. Picked it up, tried to save, and I couldn't. Dropped it, tried to save, and I could. So, that's the trigger. If you have the Ember Longbow on your hero, or on your backpack, YOU CANNOT SAVE. which is bad, since it's one of the (if not the) best bows so far.
Addition: it's not only that bow. Just got the spinescale longbow from a turtle, and same thing. picked it, can't save. dropped it, can save again. damn, Archer was not the right way to go apparently...
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Level 4
Jan 19, 2012

whats the best robe,accesory and misc for a caster atm? i found the purple named staff which i dont theres any other better but for the other gear?
Level 3
Feb 7, 2011
With the robe , i still have to use Lv16 Robe , but i have 2 good items for misc and accessory , this is my inventory
Accessory : Voodoo doll (green)
sp 9
inte 2
shadow resist 5%
improved intel 4
Misc : Seal of the king (purple )
health 30
mana 30
intel 2
imp sp 4
Robe :Winchaser wrap
Weapon : Soulkeeper
Head " Traveling hood
My stats : Str 15 Agi 1 Intel 32 ( at Lv 45 )
Ihave 140 sp . it's nice because i can finish one monster with one hit spell and 8~10 hits spell with boss . Sometimes Critical hit more 1000 damge:ogre_haosis::ogre_haosis::ogre_haosis:
Level 4
Jan 19, 2012
With the robe , i still have to use Lv16 Robe , but i have 2 good items for misc and accessory , this is my inventory
Accessory : Voodoo doll (green)
sp 9
inte 2
shadow resist 5%
improved intel 4
Misc : Seal of the king (purple )
health 30
mana 30
intel 2
imp sp 4
Robe :Winchaser wrap
Weapon : Soulkeeper
Head " Traveling hood
My stats : Str 15 Agi 1 Intel 32 ( at Lv 45 )
Ihave 140 sp . it's nice because i can finish one monster with one hit spell and 8~10 hits spell with boss . Sometimes Critical hit more 1000 damge:ogre_haosis::ogre_haosis::ogre_haosis:

u are able to have with seal of king? i cant save with it /:
Level 10
Aug 14, 2009
New issue (BIG):
Remember I said the harpy mission bug prevented you from saving? Well I was wrong (NPC and quest interaction issue still happen after that one). I finally isolated the issue. It's an item.
The "Ember longbow", dropped by the big skeleton archer in the cave near freewind, is the problem. Got it to drop today, saved, and I could. Picked it up, tried to save, and I couldn't. Dropped it, tried to save, and I could. So, that's the trigger. If you have the Ember Longbow on your hero, or on your backpack, YOU CANNOT SAVE. which is bad, since it's one of the (if not the) best bows so far.
Addition: it's not only that bow. Just got the spinescale longbow from a turtle, and same thing. picked it, can't save. dropped it, can save again. damn, Archer was not the right way to go apparently...

when having seal of the king (2nd dung last boss purple misc) cant save, fix pliz :) great game (;

Sorry for this. As a temporary workaround I can advise this; drop any quest related items and try to save. This will probably fix the issue.
In the next update quest items will not be saveable anyway which should solve this problem.
Level 1
Apr 21, 2010
from my experience casters are far superior than other classes, because you don't go oom, your spells hit really hard, you have enough slots for heals, what basicly means you can't die, but still kill everything...

some suggestions: please differentiate between casting time and cooldown, because those two are fundamentally different... (e.g. fireball has 2 sec casting time, but no cooldown)

reset skills is useless, why pay money, if you can just restart the map, gain the same amount of skillpoints and relearn for free?... why should anyone pay 50g per level...?

it would be nice to see which stat of an item gets improved (different color)

there is some problem with an item that gives too much stats (I don't remember exactly, it was a drop from elven area, I think a pendat or someting like taht that gave +1 all stats and improved +2 agi, but in reality it was 4 agi instead of 3)

after some game time all floating texts and casting bars are broken, they don't show or immediately disappear or always show that they crit

resistances are broken, 3% shadow resistance are enough to block every spell, kinda lame...

armor system seems to be broken, sometimes reduces too much damage...
Level 9
Aug 26, 2010
I think u should lower skill slots limit to 6. That will make players to make heroes more 1target-oriented, cuz I have all archer and all rogue skills and every non specific skill with agility... And as he said mage have tons of dd spells with tons of heals. And make casting time instead of cd for every mage spell, else he just spams all his spells making him really op.
Level 1
May 25, 2012
I think u should lower skill slots limit to 6. That will make players to make heroes more 1target-oriented, cuz I have all archer and all rogue skills and every non specific skill with agility... And as he said mage have tons of dd spells with tons of heals. And make casting time instead of cd for every mage spell, else he just spams all his spells making him really op.

That's bad idea in my opinion, On my rogue i must have skill to generate mana on attack + every skill is working better or worse on other enemies. And i must have off hand weapon to use my skills. Even with this 8 skills i can't use it all becouse i'm oom in one moment.

But there's still a big bug for multi. Some players can't turn back quest with harpy boss and for killing 15centaurs. Tested 3times and only host can turn back that quests.
Level 10
Aug 14, 2009
from my experience casters are far superior than other classes, because you don't go oom, your spells hit really hard, you have enough slots for heals, what basicly means you can't die, but still kill everything...

some suggestions: please differentiate between casting time and cooldown, because those two are fundamentally different... (e.g. fireball has 2 sec casting time, but no cooldown)

This is true and I've heard it from more people. I'm probably going to downscale spell power scaling with spells on next update.

reset skills is useless, why pay money, if you can just restart the map, gain the same amount of skillpoints and relearn for free?... why should anyone pay 50g per level...?

If you restart you'd have to level up again. Its just a small fee used as a gold sink especially on higher level.

there is some problem with an item that gives too much stats (I don't remember exactly, it was a drop from elven area, I think a pendat or someting like taht that gave +1 all stats and improved +2 agi, but in reality it was 4 agi instead of 3)

after some game time all floating texts and casting bars are broken, they don't show or immediately disappear or always show that they crit

resistances are broken, 3% shadow resistance are enough to block every spell, kinda lame...

armor system seems to be broken, sometimes reduces too much damage...

I'll look into the bugs.
The 3% shadow resistance shouldn't block every spell.

I think u should lower skill slots limit to 6. That will make players to make heroes more 1target-oriented, cuz I have all archer and all rogue skills and every non specific skill with agility... And as he said mage have tons of dd spells with tons of heals. And make casting time instead of cd for every mage spell, else he just spams all his spells making him really op.

Some people want more slots, some people want less :p
While I do see your point I think that with more spells being added in the future 8 slots will probably be needed (remember support spells like buffs).

But there's still a big bug for multi. Some players can't turn back quest with harpy boss and for killing 15centaurs. Tested 3times and only host can turn back that quests.

Looking into this issue.

2 rog skills + manasteal + poison
I don't remember more usefull skills for rogue, I mean agi based.
Also agi buff always give u 1 agi

Gift of the Wild gives 10% of your agility with a base of 1 (so you'll always get at least 1 agility).
Last edited:
Level 9
Aug 26, 2010
Yes, but I had 40 base agility and it stil gave 1. That is the meaning of the word "always". :D Do you want a prooving screenshot? ^_^

About buffs. That role is called support. ^_^

About harpies. Never had such a bug, I have done it 5-6 times already, only once it became repeatable - after making I still had a glass, when used it quest started again. And again. And again. But after 3 times it stoped, there was question on her hed, but she (only she) became uninteractable.
Level 1
May 25, 2012
Yes, but I had 40 base agility and it stil gave 1. That is the meaning of the word "always". :D Do you want a prooving screenshot? ^_^

About buffs. That role is called support. ^_^

About harpies. Never had such a bug, I have done it 5-6 times already, only once it became repeatable - after making I still had a glass, when used it quest started again. And again. And again. But after 3 times it stoped, there was question on her hed, but she (only she) became uninteractable.

Player on last slot can't turn back this quest. And about quest with centaurs we had this problem every time, only host was able to turn this quest and progress with story.
Level 1
Apr 21, 2010
ah no sorry you didn't understand what I meant to say...
save->restart map->load->make the quests to increase your amount of skillpoints->delete all skills for free->buy the skills you want

(even if you only got to furbolgs, you'll have all skills you need, additional 300-500+ gold depending on drops and what skills you choose and 3-6+ levels depending on when you saved and restarted... as a mage that takes about 20-30 min)

the thing is that you get skillpoints multiple times from the same quest, at least skillpoint quests should be limited to 1 time per character or least only have the skillpoint reward the first time.


about the 3%: well I blocked the murlock's, gnoll's, and undead mage's spells every single time, after that floating texts got broken so I can't say for sure, but I think even after that I didn't take any spell damage (don't remember what fired it harpy and some trolls if I remember correctly)
Level 1
May 25, 2012
More about quests. Player on last slot (for example 2nd if there are only 2players) can't turn more quests than i expected. Harpy, all three for trolls (huts, killing and cookbooks, so player can't progress with story), water for waterfall quest also is broken, idk what about quest from second dungeon, i will try it later.
Level 2
Mar 3, 2011

I just played GoU up to the Act III bridge and I must say I definitly like the map.
I played with my brother and we used a tank/healer + ranger/crowdcontroller combination, quite effective I must say ;)

Good stuff:

  • Originality of item dependant spells
  • Terrain
  • Quests, even with the type of quests that were similar to quests you've seen before - the flavor surrounding them was nice
  • The way your "class" was created during gameplay and the option to deviate and mix and math your own setup of spells
  • The map was not too easy.
  • No annoying camerawork

would be balance issues with items, spells, birthmarks.
The two main ones I recall right now are:

  • Summonings are too strong and have no drawbacks. They are only powered by hero level instead of stats so they work for all builds no matter what you pick.

  • The Serpent birthmark is WAY stronger than any other birthmark.
    "+25% crit dmg and +3% accuracy" represents 25str and 6 int = 31 total stats. No other birthmark was even close.
    The "+5% spellpower" birthmark was probably the weakest of them all. If you have 100 int (which seems out of reach for Act I-II) it represents 5 additional int. I suggest adding some mana regen or some other interesting bonus to the spellpower birthmark.

Possible balance issues aside, the map was great!
Looking forward for Act III


Level 1
May 23, 2011
I really appreciated playing this map!
It's very well made fun to play, and I continuously noticed details that made playing this map go smoothly and made me enjoy playing it a bit more :)

Can definitively recommend this.
A'ight time to give this marvelous map a rating.

First off, I'd like to say that the environment is just amazing!
Usually, a big scale-rpg has some nice areas and some bad looking areas because of the creator's motivation and inspiration. However you've literally made every area look unique and just amazing.
The lighting work is also really great, especially in dungeons, it really makes them darker and more mysterious.
The questing system is also well done and polished, you can talk to a lot of people and simply have to click a button to accept a quest.
There are also completely optional quests everywhere, scattered around the world!
Also something to note would be the lore, written in books, which you can all read! They're actually quite interesting.

The combat and spell casting systems are also fresh, there are casting bars, lots of spells you can buy and you don't have to choose your class, you make whatever you out of a simple character!
There are also always different damage/etc. modifiers for spells, all of them appropriate of course, magical spells require Spell Power, while bow skills require Agility, etc.

There are also item attachment models for a lot of the items, all of them fitting! For example when you're wearing a Green Scale Armor, the armor piece really is green.
You can also craft items with different ingredients and some NPCs can even improve your equipped items, giving them new stats.

Even though there's no real intro or dramatic cutscenes, the story is still captivating and interesting to follow, it starts with a tragic incidence and then goes on with betrayal and at one point you even have to choose sides.

Even if the project isn't done yet, there's still lots of content to check out and I would recommend this RPG to almost any roleplayer.

Rating: 5/5 - Highly Recommended

As for some minor suggestions:

  • Illyana has both an exclamation and question mark above her head after I've finished the Rageclaw quest
  • Add a teleporter at the end of a dungeon which will teleport you to the entrace of the dungeon (similar to the system used in DIII)
  • Add even more dialogue to enemy NPCs you fight, not just some of the bosses and so on. (Now you die!, etc.)
  • Show a dialog window asking you what to do with an item you're trying to pick up, with the buttons "Move to Backpack", "Drop current item and replace it with the picked one"
Level 10
Aug 14, 2009
Thanks everybody for the replies, I'm glad you like it :)
I appreciate all the high ratings, keeps me motivated to keep this going.

About all the mentioned bugs; I'll look into it and hopefully have them fixed next version. Still strange that somethings only work for one player, but I'll try to figure it out.

Even if the project isn't done yet, there's still lots of content to check out and I would recommend this RPG to almost any roleplayer.

Rating: 5/5 - Highly Recommended

I'm honored, thanks for this rating :)
changed something in this new update from the other 22??? o_O

If no changelog is posted no new version has been uploaded. Next to that the version number reflects the date of the version.
Level 1
Jun 25, 2011
meh, I had a little problem with saving, and this made me to ragequit the game and never play it again (maybe later I will play it when it's ready)

when first I tried the map everything went smooth, I saved my hero and went afk
after that, I loaded my hero, played hours and hours till I was level 35 and got bunch of nice items
there was a problem: I could not save my hero, I typed -save, but nothign happened
I had to hit quit and leave my hero and items unsaved :(
Level 2
May 22, 2012
meh, I had a little problem with saving, and this made me to ragequit the game and never play it again (maybe later I will play it when it's ready)

when first I tried the map everything went smooth, I saved my hero and went afk
after that, I loaded my hero, played hours and hours till I was level 35 and got bunch of nice items
there was a problem: I could not save my hero, I typed -save, but nothign happened
I had to hit quit and leave my hero and items unsaved :(

It might be a quest item in your inventory, or you are playing in a single player mode..? (⊙ㅡ⊙)
Level 2
Dec 16, 2011
I am archer and I can solo everything (with 2 players). But don't max it, make str at least 10. Else you will have no health.

lol what do you mean you can solo everything with 2 players?? That is a contradiction . . .

And if I want to be an agility based hero, I am forced to start with a strength based ability :(

Thats a bit annoying. . .?

*EDIT sorry I'm wrong.. the spell is 4 + hero level.. oops.

Oh actually one annoying thing I do remember, is the problem with "knuckle punch" spell, and "frenzied strike".

Sometimes when you use knuckle punch, it auto escapes out of that spell book place, even though you still have enough mana for Frenzied Strike.. its very annoying as you then miss the opportunity to deal 20% extra damage :((( Anyone else experience that?
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Level 10
Aug 14, 2009
meh, I had a little problem with saving, and this made me to ragequit the game and never play it again (maybe later I will play it when it's ready)

when first I tried the map everything went smooth, I saved my hero and went afk
after that, I loaded my hero, played hours and hours till I was level 35 and got bunch of nice items
there was a problem: I could not save my hero, I typed -save, but nothign happened
I had to hit quit and leave my hero and items unsaved :(

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Next update this issue will be fixed.

Oh actually one annoying thing I do remember, is the problem with "knuckle punch" spell, and "frenzied strike".

Sometimes when you use knuckle punch, it auto escapes out of that spell book place, even though you still have enough mana for Frenzied Strike.. its very annoying as you then miss the opportunity to deal 20% extra damage :((( Anyone else experience that?

Noticed this too, will look if I can solve this issue (its probably a weird Blizzard thing).
Level 10
Aug 14, 2009
Oh yeah have you thought about adding an exclusive save system for singleplayer? :p So that you could at least resume your singleplayer game, without having the code work in mp.

Great suggestion! Will try to implement it on next update.

EDIT: Wait, you can just play LAN singleplayer because you don't have to add a player there, saving works then :)

Blizzard have))) f10 - save game :p

I disabled this option (wont work ingame with this map) because it would probably cause loads of bugs. If I remember correctly optimized maps can't be loaded correctly in singleplayer also.
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Level 2
Jan 23, 2011
I've noticed some bugs during a LAN game:

1) Cast bar disappears sometime during the game? Look into that;
2) I can no longer deliver certain quests even if I've finished them, the quest button does nothing --> mainly in Gekmund Inn ( or w/e it's called );
3) The Hydro Pump spell works only if targeted directly on creep, if I click on ground it will only push them but not hurt the first unit hit;
4) I'm not sure if the Troll boss is not supposed to die? He's easily farmable for loot.
5) And by the way, after I get "recruit" rank, I "resist" every single spell from every boss in the game, it's a bit OP. That 3% is actually bugged or something.

5/5 and looking forward to more updates. +rep

Suggestions: When you have time please make more spells based on STR and AGI, right now mages have a shitload of spells based on INT.
Make some STR + INT and AGI + INT spells ---> Paladin and Bard like spells.
Buff Captain David's spells, those 3 spells are utterly useless right now, I mean the -10% dmg aura, the +1% health gain on hit and that passive with the spell is pretty ok-ish, but we need more 1handed + shield spells, try doing that.

Visual: I'd love more shield models? It's pretty lame having that wooden shield model on higher lvl shields.

Creeps: Do those tortoises have spells? It would be fun if you could give them a mini hydro pump? Overall make creeps have abilities so they are more challenging, not that they aren't right now, but at the moment they win only by being more in a group with same attack and hp as you? You could nerf those and balance it out by giving them spells/ passives. Like backstab & gouge to thieves or give them spell that they loot you dunno, make creeps more fun.
Level 2
May 22, 2012
I've noticed some bugs during a LAN game:

1) Cast bar disappears sometime during the game? Look into that;
2) I can no longer deliver certain quests even if I've finished them, the quest button does nothing --> mainly in Gekmund Inn ( or w/e it's called );
3) The Hydro Pump spell works only if targeted directly on creep, if I click on ground it will only push them but not hurt the first unit hit;
4) I'm not sure if the Troll boss is not supposed to die? He's easily farmable for loot.
5) And by the way, after I get "recruit" rank, I "resist" every single spell from every boss in the game, it's a bit OP. That 3% is actually bugged or something.

5/5 and looking forward to more updates. +rep

Suggestions: When you have time please make more spells based on STR and AGI, right now mages have a shitload of spells based on INT.
Make some STR + INT and AGI + INT spells ---> Paladin and Bard like spells.
Buff Captain David's spells, those 3 spells are utterly useless right now, I mean the -10% dmg aura, the +1% health gain on hit and that passive with the spell is pretty ok-ish, but we need more 1handed + shield spells, try doing that.

Visual: I'd love more shield models? It's pretty lame having that wooden shield model on higher lvl shields.

Creeps: Do those tortoises have spells? It would be fun if you could give them a mini hydro pump? Overall make creeps have abilities so they are more challenging, not that they aren't right now, but at the moment they win only by being more in a group with same attack and hp as you? You could nerf those and balance it out by giving them spells/ passives. Like backstab & gouge to thieves or give them spell that they loot you dunno, make creeps more fun.

I strongly agreed with your Paladin and Bard skill recommendation, this makes the game more fun with more variety of class builds ❛ᴗ❛.
This mean more variety of spells plus weapons for Paladin and Bard~
Gospel and Music skills anyone (❂ㅅ❂)♥.

Btw, the shield model is not just wooden shield model on higher level shields, I seen many type of variety of shield model display on the hero... so maybe something to do with your warcraft video setting... (⌐■_■)
Level 2
Jan 23, 2011

Yes, there more shields than u think , i 've collected at least 2 good shields , one blue shield drop by The King at dungeon 2 , and one green shield drop by Troll boss

Thanks for pointing it out, had no clue about The King's items. +rep

I strongly agreed with your Paladin and Bard skill recommendation, this makes the game more fun with more variety of class builds ❛ᴗ❛.
This mean more variety of spells plus weapons for Paladin and Bard~
Gospel and Music skills anyone (❂ㅅ❂)♥.

Btw, the shield model is not just wooden shield model on higher level shields, I seen many type of variety of shield model display on the hero... so maybe something to do with your warcraft video setting... (⌐■_■)

Truth is I only found 3 shields and only wore two so I guess it was maybe bad luck for finding same model used. I hope author has same enthusiasm about these ideas as we do.

Add a teleporter at the end of a dungeon which will teleport you to the entrace of the dungeon (similar to the system used in DIII)
Add even more dialogue to enemy NPCs you fight, not just some of the bosses and so on. (Now you die!, etc.)
Show a dialog window asking you what to do with an item you're trying to pick up, with the buttons "Move to Backpack", "Drop current item and replace it with the picked one"

I really hope you consider what Vengeancekael suggested, it would really add more style to your map.

Now for some suggestions:
  • A reset button at entrance of dungeons. Could be placed on the selection circle, also it would be fun if you could select from different difficulties in this circle that stay until reseted. I could suggest that highest difficulty has higher drop chance only drops only rare items+ [spoil]No white or greens[/spoil]. In this difficulty you can't save while in dungeon and items found are kept only if dungeon is successfully completed. <-- consider this please( for those waiting new content etc this can be a fun time to kill time or simply a challenge ).
  • You could animate towns more by placing invulnerable citizens that walk around in a certain area and from time to time have floating texts above their heads, saying stuff etc. Even with every interaction it would be interesting to see a text above their head saying something, makes the game feel lively. You could do this for every character in game, I know it takes time and stuff but you with the community's help(me included) can find a solution. It adds a whole lot of atmosphere walking around and seeing gnolls asking each other something like "You smell that? pesky humans around!" etc.
  • In act III or where you see fit we could use a BIG TOWN. Like big, and full of units patrolling, citizens talking, shops, vendors, smiths etc. You could in the future start with 3 professions: leatherworking, tailoring, smithing this could be coupled with mining, skinning, merchantile. If you're worried about inventory space you could always create +2-3 bags only for mats etc. Or you could even craft / buy bags, depends if this is do-able or not.
  • Like I said in previous post, more class oriented spells: like paladin spells Str + int, Bard like spells with Agi+Int etc. At the moment as you know, mages are OP.
  • Last but not least, PVP arena with tournaments, prizes and PvE modes. Mainly a gladiator's pit where you can fight your friends or fight with your friends, stand and watch as spectator as your friends fight and place bets etc, make it in a place such as a bandit town where you can gamble, fight as a gladiator and do all nasty stuff --> have quests where you steal, murder people etc.
  • And really last point on this wall of text which I hope you read so far, ACHIEVEMENTS. Do not announce them, just let players know when they acquire them, maybe they could be saved with the code since it's in a txt file. You could place a button like view stats that shows achievements you have, what they mean etc and an interact button where you could see what others have achieved. In here ofc bosses go in etc

PS: Sorry if I hurt your eyes with so many colors. I just wanted to highlight good and bad things in my suggestions, sorry once again for this wall of text, I hope you read it, and I hope you find it useful! Subscribed, 5/5 and +rep
Level 9
Aug 26, 2010
About bandit quests and taurens/centaurs. I think it is a good idea to add reputation and quest will change it.
I don't think achivements are good idea cuz usually it is something like "You have got an achievement: 'First step' - you moved your hero first time!!!". I mean it is often easy to get, useless and annoying.
But PvP is a greate idea. It will also help ballancing heroes.

By the way. There was a very nice underground passage in the begining and cave passage near tavern in act II. This things are very cool ^_^ I love it.
But you have TONS of passages in trees. Like u can go to free space near firsst town.
Level 2
Jan 23, 2011
Bug: Not sure if only staff in seen picture, but for sure that staff wielded by player 2 (my friend) affected my vision in every building not just dungeons. Every building I went in I couldn't see the floor or anything, only if he came near me could I barely see the floor as far as he could see.


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Level 10
Aug 14, 2009
Thanks all for the replies, suggestions and bug reports. Everything is kept track off.

I'll add abilities in Act III that are more hybrid (AGI + INT, INT + STR, STR + AGI).

Just mostly a bugfix update this time, I have had two busy weeks and hope I'll get more time so I can really start making some new content the coming weeks.

  • Gambling has been added; you can now gamble for a random item by paying a heavy sum to a NPC
  • Quest items should no longer be saveable, which should prevent a lot of bugs from happening
  • Almost all spells which scale with Spell Power have their coefficient lowered
    • Protective Shield down from 7x to 6x
    • Arcane Burst dowm from 3.5x to 2.5x
    • Barkskin down from 4x to 3x
    • Heal down from 7x to 6x
    • Fireball down from 2x to 1.25x
    • Shadow Embrace down from 6x to 5.5x
  • Save files are more readable now
  • Additional quests have been added; one for Bounty Hunter Miles and one concerning Warlord Ula'elek
  • The quest Ain't That a Kick in the Head now works correctly
  • Troll huts that get destroyed should now play their fire animation for all players
  • Birthsign: Serpent now provides 15% critical strike damage down from 25%
  • Bounty Hunter Miles now offers different items for sale
  • Resistance should now work properly again, all bugs resolved
  • Barkskin no longer forgets its armor added when equiping or de-equiping a ranged weapon
  • Mark of the Wild now adds the proper amount of agility upon buffing
  • Mark of the Wild disabled icon has been added
  • Improving Furbolg Relic should now provide the correct stats
Level 2
Jan 23, 2011
Thanks all for the replies, suggestions and bug reports. Everything is kept track off.

I'll add abilities in Act III that are more hybrid (AGI + INT, INT + STR, STR + AGI).

Just mostly a bugfix update this time, I have had two busy weeks and hope I'll get more time so I can really start making some new content the coming weeks.

You're welcome and I hope you can ninja a fix for that staff that darkens the interiors, I've posted pics hope you saw it. And I also hope you can ninja some abilities for pure STR and pure AGI before you give those hybrids a try. Atm mages have soooooooooo many spells... it's kinda unfair.
Level 10
Aug 14, 2009
You're welcome and I hope you can ninja a fix for that staff that darkens the interiors, I've posted pics hope you saw it. And I also hope you can ninja some abilities for pure STR and pure AGI before you give those hybrids a try. Atm mages have soooooooooo many spells... it's kinda unfair.

True, I'll probably adress both these things in the next update. Just a lot of stuff going on this week but after that I probably got loads of time to create new things :)
Level 2
Jan 23, 2011
True, I'll probably adress both these things in the next update. Just a lot of stuff going on this week but after that I probably got loads of time to create new things :)

Ah, of course man, I understand and respect your free time as do all of us. I'd recommend a few more abilities in starting town and along the way.

Thing is at beginning mages have 3 heals, 1 dot and 2 normal spells. Str has only frenzied strike which doesn't really do much... and Agility only have that arrow skill w/e. At first dungeon mages get another spell, also rogues but... really? 6 abilities vs 1 or 2 ? Not cool. Oh and later on... Rhino Sweep very useless really? Shield Pound as well.. too much of a cooldown these spells don't do anything, they barely scratch the creeps. Rhino Sweep has same hotkey as Summon Hawk or Attack spell of Hawk. I'd recommend hawk as something more agi + int based? <--- bard-like pet?

Having played a ton of rpgs i'd recommend:
- you somehow differentiate between heal and damage in SP, ok versatility is nice but it's also OP the way it is atm;
- you try to balance out the number of Int, Agi, Str spells in all 3 acts, especially in act 1. In act 1 you should have str spells for dps/ tanking and tanking + dps etc. From act 2, players can have access to spells that require more than one stat ( this is where people really focus on their character's direction ). And from act 3 they get the rest of the arsenal.

So act 1 has str, agi and int spells. Act 2 has stat+stat spells. Act 3 Further deepens the customization. Dunno just my penny for a thought.