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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Hey friends,

here is my interpretation of Ganon from 'the Legend of Zelda'.

He is (aside from the obvious Razormane Mesh and Collar) complete selfmade.
Collar by @PROXY (Credit him for it)

The Animations: (Inspired by Hyrule Warriors)
Attack -1/Attack - 2 = He swipes his claws towards his enemies; damaging them

Attack - 3 = He smashes both of his claws towards the ground.

Attack Slam = He summons his trident and pierces the ground with it; damaging multiple enemies (like the ability of the tauren)

Spell - 1/Spell - 2 = He summons demonic lightning in a 45 degree angle.

Spell throw = He summons his trident and throws it at his enemies

Spell Slam = He spews fire for a short period of time and because of his exhausting he has to a break

Death = The Diamond on his Head explodes and he dies.

(The rest is selfexplained)

---16. Jul. 2017---

Attack Spell Slam = A sort of 'Boss Killer' or 'Death Blow', if the enemy is low on health.

-----Update 23. May. 2017-----
-> Tweaked the animations a bit and made them a bit (and i say this with Caution) faster.

-----Update 26. May. 2017-----
-> Tweaked the animations (not all) a bit and made one (or more) a bit faster.
-> He has more mane/quills on top of his body/head
-> Added BTN/DISBTN & Scoresceen-Icons

-> I personally don't know what to do anymore in terms of animations.
I mean this:
I tweaked the Walk-animation (and others) like i had thought it was now right (after reading several comments).
He doesn't run per se; you can tweak the animation speed in the World editor, but normally he has a walking pace of a Razormane/Quilboar (well a bit a slower, because of his size), but because he is a Hero his speed is increasing per level. Meaning it is up to you how fast he is ingame.
IF he would actually run then there would be massive cracks in the ground. (He weigh's more than an Elephant, but much less than a blue whale.)

-----Update 16. Jul. 2017-----
Well another update after other a month. I updated him, because he has an important role in my future campaign series.

-> Tweaked and edited almost, if not all, animations completely.
-> repursoed the former 'Stand - 1'-animation and renamed it 'Stand Ready'
-> Added a new 'Stand - 1' animation.
-> Added a new 'Stand - 2' animation.
-> Added a new 'Portrait Talk- 1' animation.
-> Added a new 'Attack Spell Slam' animation. (I will explain it in the notices of this update)
-> Reanimated the 'Death' and 'Dissipate' animations.

-> The 'Attack Spell Slam' animation is not meant to be a normal attack. It's like a 'Death Blow' or 'Final Attack', before the enemy dies. It's purpose is meant to be only used against Bosses like 'Mo'arg Overlord' or my future modelling project 'Manhadla'.

-->Anyone who can draw or likes to make BTNs/DISBTNs is encouraged to do this with this model.

If you use this model then give credits to me for this idea,
but don't distribute him and don't edit him without my permission!?!

BTNGanon (Icon)

Ganon (Model)

GanonTridentMissile (Model)

Looks good overall regarding its mesh and texture. And works well in-game, with the exception of the health bar showing way above. That must have to do with wrong animation extents. Recalculating extents might fix it. And regarding its animations...
General Frank
No updates. Moved to sub-standard.
Glad to see that. I had already made it fast even before i uploaded that.
but you still need to learn a bit of timing on your keyframes, like the faster swing is always after the half of the animation, where the arm first goes into the pose for swinging and then pauses for a frame or two. :3 the arm returning into the default pose after the swing makes it look fast
This isn't meant to be demeaning, insulting, or anything of the sort. Simply genuine advice that I hope you take, and remember, for future reference.

The animations are obscenely slow. The attacks have no weight to them. Imagine that creature in the room with you. Ask yourself, "would those attacks hurt?". The walk animation is much too slow, and the hip doesn't move at all. Walk back and forth, at the pace you want your model to go, and note the motion of your hips, and how your legs move and bend with each step. At the very least, the model should bob up and down, side to side, ever so slightly.

For now, this is all the advice you really need. If you need examples, I'd suggest you study the models in this list:
Model Viewer | HIVE
Model Viewer | HIVE
Model Viewer | HIVE
Model Viewer | HIVE
Model Viewer | HIVE
Model Viewer | HIVE
Model Viewer | HIVE

Those are some of my favorites, both for their attacks and walk animations. I'm looking forward to seeing what you learn from these.
Level 30
Mar 14, 2014
This isn't meant to be demeaning, insulting, or anything of the sort. Simply genuine advice that I hope you take, and remember, for future reference.

The animations are obscenely slow. The attacks have no weight to them. Imagine that creature in the room with you. Ask yourself, "would those attacks hurt?". The walk animation is much too slow, and the hip doesn't move at all. Walk back and forth, at the pace you want your model to go, and note the motion of your hips, and how your legs move and bend with each step. At the very least, the model should bob up and down, side to side, ever so slightly.

For now, this is all the advice you really need. If you need examples, I'd suggest you study the models in this list:
Model Viewer | HIVE
Model Viewer | HIVE
Model Viewer | HIVE
Model Viewer | HIVE
Model Viewer | HIVE
Model Viewer | HIVE
Model Viewer | HIVE

Those are some of my favorites, both for their attacks and walk animations. I'm looking forward to seeing what you learn from these.

I appreciate your advice and all, but the animations aren't slow. They may slow seem slow for you and you can fault me for that. But have you ever downloaded the Model and tested the Model without Hives Model Viewer?

In Magos they are fast. But i also agree that the attack animations lack the 'swipe' and 'smash' theme i wanted them to have.
I can work on that.

And i can work on the Walk animation too, but i already learned my lesson when it comes to speed.
Looks good overall regarding its mesh and texture. And works well in-game, with the exception of the health bar showing way above. That must have to do with wrong animation extents. Recalculating extents might fix it.

And regarding its animations, the problem with them isn't that they're slow. They're low quality, in a sense they are too simplistic and unnatural. There's a lot of room to improvement. A good way to find reference to improve them is playing regular WC3 units animations in Wc3 Viewer. (You're able to reduce speed in that program, so you can pay attention at each detail)

It would be good if you reworked your model's animations - at least walk, so they have more impact. At the moment he moves around with his waist completely still, as if he wasn't stomping his hooves on the ground. (That generates impact)

Awaiting update.
Level 2
Sep 14, 2015
Nice mode. The trident animation are awesome but strange because the trident materializes from thin air. It would be nice if you made a variation whit a trident atached somwhere. I know that it is based on ganon from legend of zelda but people will most likely use it as a razormane hero or someting like that and the trident attacks are to awsome to not use. PS: Sorry if my english is bad.