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Favourite Ganon Poll

Which Ganon do you find better?

  • Ganon (The Legend of Zelda)

  • Ganon (A link to the Past)

  • Shadow Nightmare Ganon (Link's Awakening)

  • Ganon (Ocarina of Time)

  • Ganon (Oracle of Ages/Seasons)

  • Ganon (Four Swords Adventure)

  • Dark Beast Ganon (Twilight Princess)

  • Yuga Ganon (A Link between Worlds)

  • Ganon (Hyrule Warriors)

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Level 6
Apr 14, 2017
The one from oot is neat because of how the battle is; first you have to basically play baseball with him until he missed the ball (he gets hit) then you have to shoot him with a light arrow, and only after that do you get to grab your sword and slice him a bit, now that's hard work. Then after your done the tower collapses so you have to run out with zelda and then once you think its over guess who re-appears...
Level 16
Mar 24, 2017
I remember those games, white OOT was really good Majora's mask was just weird, if you guys played it remember that Ikana place where you have to do that well dungeon in order to get into the castle...and that stone tower temple..after you beat the Garo boss you shoot a switch on the outside of the temple and the whole temple turns upside down...then you face like 3 subbosses before finally being able to fight those twinmolds....now that's one weird level, plus the temple's music...
Level 12
Jan 25, 2017
Oh dear, above poster, I think Stone Tower Temple is my favorite dungeon of my favorite Zelda game, but this is also slightly off-topic.

Favorite Ganon?

First off: I kind of think Ganon/Ganondorf is sort of an underwhelming villain. At least compared with the other villains of the franchise (which also aren't fantastic but w/e) he lacks the chaotic insanity of Zant or Majora or the nuance of Skullkid or ... Vaati?
In fact- all we see of Ganon in pretty much every game is the last fight- while his henchman do all the dirty work. He's distant, but in a bad way, and his triforce of power makes him into an ugly giant pig monster (or maybe he seeks the triforce because he is one).

Two exceptions exist: WW Ganon(dorf)- who's dialogue is much more interesting than the typical "grr.. I want power" and OoT Ganondorf where we see pre-ganon rule and post-ganon rule, not to mention various cutscenes which make him seem more fleshed out and an all-around better villain than other games.


Pre-Post Edit: Oops, nevermind I just scrolled up and saw that you hadn't listed WW- rightly so- as it doesn't contain a Ganon but rather only Ganondorf. I guess the other posts got me confused. So disregard my psychological mumbo-jumbo.

I think I understand your post now- So to answer your question- OOT Ganon > all the rest. He's less an ugly pig and more... something else. Obscure minotaur? Dragon-ish? His ambiguous presence adds to the allure and his twin gold weapons are kinda cool. Twilight Princess had an interesting take on his beast form too but it was secondary to his human form.
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
From what I remember stone tower was a weird level, but a good weird, I mean it wasn't what you expected, I actually enjoyed beating it...the music was interesting to say the least, it was a very memorable experience.

But that's besides the point, of all the Zelda games I've only played Ocarina and Majora's mask, so I can't tell you which Gannon is the best since I only faced off with one.
Level 16
Mar 24, 2017
Major's mask was a weird villain, I liked the battle though

first you battle the mask

then majora's reincarnation

then majora's wrath

that moon part with all the kids running around with masks is really weird, reminded me of my own childhood in a way
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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I have to give it to Twillight Princess, that Gannon was just all over the place with a several-phased battle which all felt diverse, not to mention you fought alongside Zelda against him.



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
The Ganon from A Link To The Past, because it is the only official Zelda game I played from start to finish.

[...] that Gannon was just all over the place [...], not to mention you fought alongside Zelda against him.

@Razosh: These two excerpts reminded me of something else, related to the franchise's convoluted timeline (and the many incarnations of Ganon in it):

Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Not entirely what I had in mind but damn that's funny. Also can we take the time to appreciate how absurdly strong Zelda is, this is her bow:


Holy crap that thing puts the longbow to shame and she's wielding her bow like it's nothing, she would demolish any bodybuilder in Hyrule as she not only manages a massive bow but also fires spear sized arrows. What the hell... The most extreme bodybuilder in the world could hold an arrow on a longbow for about 30 seconds, and that's with arrows, Zelda's firing harpoons! And don't forget, size matters, this is links bow:


Come on Link, that ain't even a war bow, that's a hunting bow, unless your enemies walk around bare-chested you ain't killing anybody, how strong doesn't Zelda have to be in comparison to Link? Forget Link, Zelda is the true bad@$$ of this story she could smash Ganons face in using one fist.
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
I liked the Gannon from Ocarina of time, especially since you first have to fight his familiar in the forest temple first, and the 2 (or 3 if you count escaping the tower) part battle was very unique and memorable.
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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
What about phantom Ganondorf in the Forest Temple?
That's the first Ganondorf I ever encountered (only finished OOT, only played OOT and Majoras). He felt badass, and I was actually overwhelmed and tought "holy shit, I'm fighting ganondorf" when I first saw him.
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
What about phantom Ganondorf in the Forest Temple?
That's the first Ganondorf I ever encountered (only finished OOT, only played OOT and Majoras). He felt badass, and I was actually overwhelmed and tought "holy shit, I'm fighting ganondorf" when I first saw him.

That's the encounter I was talking about it, I thought I was fighting in the real thing the first time I encountered him, but then I realized it was just his phantom...good times., good times
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
@Rufus : Indeed oot is a great game, one of my all time favorites, the forest temple area with the 4 ghosts comes to mind when I think of the game, very interesting temple with an even more interesting boss (comes out of pictures like a rider from your nightmares, plays baseball with charged particles, etc. . . definitely gives some good inspiration)
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
OoT was a great game no doubt about it although I think Majora's Mask did a better job, although Ganondorf wasn't in that one so he was rather irrelevant. But the highlight of any Zelda game is the Temples and no game so far has done a better job of those than Twilight Princess.

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