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Legend of Zelda Epic RPG By EmBeR_NaGa

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Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Legend of Zelda RPG:Dawning Darkness of Time!

I've been working on a great Legend of Zelda project on Warcraft III for about 3 months and am about 42% finished? :xxd:, I was NOT inspired by or will take Nebu_Bei's work. The amount of time I work on it includes 2 - 8 hours of work a day, sometimes I goof off and never get some parts finished. But anyways my game is very VERY different from the Legend of Zelda Warcraft III games you see every now and then. :con:

For example, my map is a planned thought rpg which in this case is a custom-made rpg that couldve been based on a real LoZ quest. Also my map will include 10 - 12 characters from the LoZ series each with 4 splendid abilities. Right now at the moment I only have 6 characters, I will make more characters later in the future.


This is a story about the unification of both Heroes and Villians in the World of Hyrule. This story takes place 2 years after the Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess and in the Twilight Princess game also shows Ganondorf dies, but... in the 2 years he has died and peace spread among Hyrule, a Hyrulian Witch known as a new Vaati revives Ganondorf from his decaying corpse resurrecting the ultimate evil that has cursed Hyrule once more, but within this time he knew there was something, the dawning evil. There is something out there in a beyond and forbidden realm that was kept locked for 2,000 years. Now it is time. The lock that is keeping this terrible evil into Hyrule is now rusting and this beast is far more evil and powerful than Ganondorf and King Zant and all the rest of the final bosses combined. Upon, Ganondorf knowing this info. he has no choice but to ally with Link and co. that is if he wants to live but knowing allying with Link will be harder than expected. Ganondorf also calls upon a test clone he made one year ago before the Ocarina of Time game and asks for its assistance as well. On Link's side he notices that darkness is coming towards the Kokiri Village. Link immediately sets off to the Castle, thinking it is worse over there and all of this is Ganondorf's doing. However the castle was still morning and full of light influence but then a dark storm came over the Castle, Ganondorf finally comes with his death horse riding towards the Castle, Link finally comes in and slashes Ganondorf off his horse, Link, however made a wrong choice to strike down Ganondorf. Zelda all of a sudden comes in using Farore's Wind. Ganondorf than tells Link, "Stop! ... I need your help... Li..nk ... for the time... has come. The Dawning... of... Darkness has come ...!", Zelda then says "Wouldn't you like darkness to consume Hyrule?", "Actually, this is much more... different..." says Ganondorf in a sad-like voice. "What do you mean?" says Zelda. "The Dawning of Darkness is also known also the death vortex which kills everyone. For the Dawning of Darkness is the end ... ... of the world of Hyrule as we know it." says Ganondorf. Upon Ganondorf's request for help from Link, Ganondorf falls to the ground. Finally after Ganondorf recovers and Link accepts his request. Ganondorf tells them a long story of history of the ancient beast and finally the story begins starting to find the 3 gems of Doom. And then finally the 7 Shards of the Elements. How will it end!?!? Who knows?!?!!!

Characters and Abilities
I've been searching the Hive awhile and found a few models of many of the greatest spectales in the LoZ series :spell_breaker:. Now for the characters and abilities...
Link -
Blade Strike
Link strikes his sword on the target enemy unit, then slamming the very ground causing tremor waves to hit nearby enemy units , dealing 50 damage.

Yggdrasil Bombs
Yggdrasil in Japanese I think means "Life".
Link brings upon his next Bomb prototype called the "Yggdrasil Bomb". Causing a lifely explosion in an area dealing overall damage after time but Link must stay in his position in order to maintain the explosion from residing.

Improved Megaton Hammer
Link slams his megaton hammer then causing the ground to shake and reversing the time around him , creating images around him that also uses the megaton hammer each dealing 25 damage.

Fierce Deity Link Transformation
Link places abit of his spirit into his Fierce Deity mask and turning him into a powerful form called the Fierce Deity Link X giving Link demonic-like powers, giving Link to be ranged, and bonus hitpoints. Lasts 120 seconds. (I know he turns into Deity Link by the wearing the mask but I didn't want to make him do that hehe ...)

Young Link - Exploding Arrows
Young Link takes out his bow and shoots an exploding arrow dealing moderate damage to the target and enemy units around him.

Yggdrasil Bombs (Same ability like Link)
Young Link brings upon his next Bomb prototype called the "Yggdrasil Bomb". Causing a lifely explosion in an area dealing overall damage after time but Young Link must stay in his position in order to maintain the explosion from residing.

Young Link throws a boomerang at a target location going in circular direction dealing anonymous damage to enemy units near the boomerang's range.

Kokiri Armor
Young Link has one of the Kokiri's greatest type of armor (Tunic) and will wear it over time boosting Young Link's damage , hit points, defense , and giving him immoral spell immunity. But for a turn in the worse , Young Link dies in the end. Lasts 60 seconds.

Zelda -
Din's Fire
Zelda calls upon the goddess, Din to kill enemy units in the area with massing fire.

Nayru's Love (This is not based off Big Bad Voodoo)
Zelda calls upon the goddess, Nayru to protect her and her allies for a short duration.

Magic Fist
Zelda chants her power into powerful piercing fist of magic dealing moderate damage to a single unit. The blast is so powerful actually it stuns the enemy unit for 15 seconds as well.

Farore's Wind
Zelda calls upon the power of the goddess, Farore to teleport her and an ally or allies to another allied unit. Also in addition, Farore gives her 200 experience.

Shiek (I know she is Zelda digused but we will consider Shiek a male at this point) - Backhit
When Shiek attacks from the side or behind an enemy unit, he will deal additional damage.

Blade Dance
Shiek slashes a target enemy x10 times doing 15 damage around the target.Also an additional slash at the start.

Tempest Knives
Shiek throws knives , then calls upon illusions of himself around him then the illusions then throw knives around each dealing 10 damage to every unit. In addition to the ability's leveling , Shiek does various amount of damage.

Sonic Speed
Shiek hides himself with a cloak also equipped with a blade. Whenever Shiek moves a trail of flashing images of himself move with him . If Shiek attacks he will damage an enemy with the blade dealing massive damage. Note:Flashing Images do not show on the 1st cast for some reason.

Ganondorf -
Decay Aura
The Hero grants all units around him to lose armor depending on level.

Warlock Walk
Ganondorf summons up some of his dark power and releases it in a blast then gives himself decaying powers and then walking in the path of the blast, dealing 25 damage each second to nearby enemy units.

Warlock Stab
Ganondorf stores up all his dark powers and releases it with a powerful stab that deals alot of damage and pushing the enemy unit back abit.

Hyrule Ghosts of the Past
Ganondorf summons his dark powers on a target enemy unit and calling upon 4 ghosts from Hyrule's evil past and haunting the enemy unit's very soul losing various damage. In addition the ghosts deal 20 damage every second.

Ganon -
Suffer Aura
Ganon calls upon a deathly aura that decreases enemy regeneration and movement speed.

Hell Strike
Ganon calls upon hellic flames from the earth and channeling a meteor spell attacking units in the area.

Grave Danger
Ganon surrounds himself with a protective aura , turns his allies invulnerable for a short time. In addition to the leveling effects , Ganon summons a floating Graveyard to attack his enemies. If Ganon dies or moves, the effects are gone but the graveyard still remains intact til the end of the ability.

Soul Steal
Ganon calls upon a ghost from Hyrule's olden past and then feeds on its soul to heal himself. Ganon is invulnerable when casting.

That is it for now, I'll be putting up the map soon. But I will update this post just about everyday to let you know how its going. Comments/Positive Criticism/Suggestions is allowed. Also I may need some Beta testers later so cmon help me! Plz. :spell_breaker:

Update 1 - 3rd Area Finished! I will show screenshots if someone can tell me how to take a screenshot on an HP Laptop? :confused:

Update 2 - Storyline edited abit. 4th Area begins starting the Shard of Elements quest. Screenshots might come later.

Update 3 - Character Screenshots!! Check these links! :thumbs_up:
Link (Credits to N0001 for Link model)
Zelda (Credits to Jigrael for Impaler model)
Shiek (Credits to Black_Stan for Hero Hattori Hanzo model)
Ganondorf (Credits to Sephiroth_VII for Dark Kael model)
Ganon (Credits to Dan Van Ohllus for Ganon skin)
Apparently there is no Young Link screenshot at the moment for there is one person making a Young Link, I wouldve made a screenshot but then again I don't want to :xxd:.
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Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Why cant people just make singleplayer rpg based on awesome game? Sheesh...
Well you are kinda lucky I am working on link young model, I might finish it
I hope this one turns out to be better than other zelda maps, and at least get to beta state.

Haha ... true, true. There is only one mod thats out there right now that is a single-player rpg but it kinda sucks in my opinion but its just until someone makes another one or finishes another one.

Oooohhh thanks I hope you finish your model before I finish my map. Although I thought noone was never gonna make another Young Link. There was this person that made this model that had no exact look as Link but it was good enough for my Young Link I guess.

And yes this will turn out much MUCH more better than any other LoZ map, you might see some bugs but i'll fix it later. THIS MAP IS GOING ALLLLLLLL .... THE WAY ... in this case meaning I won't stop making this map until it is finished.
Level 8
Jul 24, 2007
Yeah I wish. But my older computer crashed so I have an HP Laptop does anyone know how to take a screenshot on a laptop? . If you can tell me I can put up screenshots of my characters!

To take picture in the laptop.

First,find the key fn.

Then,hold the fn and press prt sc.

After,open paint shop and press ctrl + v.

Then your done.:infl_thumbs_up:
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Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
I just played a mod today that had 10 peeps able to join. Played as 10 characteres of the game and went around do what you did back in the ocarina. No custom models but it was pretty fun, had alitle custom music for the background that gave it that feel.
Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
I'm sorry but this story doesn't properly fit.

Ganondorf died in Twilight Princess. Also how is Zant going to help hes in the Twilight Realm?
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
I'm sorry but this story doesn't properly fit.

Ganondorf died in Twilight Princess. Also how is Zant going to help hes in the Twilight Realm?
Heh heh sorry forgot to put how Ganondorf revived and how the story all fitted. I'll do it right now ... :zip:. Also I never said Zant was gonna be in the story, I just meant this map's final boss is stronger than Ganondorf, King Zant, etc. combined together.

I just played a mod today that had 10 peeps able to join. Played as 10 characteres of the game and went around do what you did back in the ocarina. No custom models but it was pretty fun, had alitle custom music for the background that gave it that feel.

Uhhhhh ... ook ... but really what does that have to do with anything? :huh:

To take picture in the laptop.

First,find the key fn.

Then,hold the fn and press prt sc.

After,open paint shop and press ctrl + v.

Then your done.:infl_thumbs_up:

Hmmmm ... I should try that, thanks. If it doesn't work then I don't know. Also what would you mean by paintshop? :confused:

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Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
You can't have Ganon and Ganondorf in the same game unless its like an ultimate for Ganondorf or something. Ganon would have to be over powered. Ganondorf teaming up with Link is a stretch but Ganon would never team up with Link. You really can't have Ganon as a playable character as Ganon isn't in the Twilight Princess era.
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Wow, very persistent on every detail. In actuality I never posted the entire story :razz:. This is the first paragraph of a fifth paragraph storyline. :spell_breaker: -100th Post XD-
Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
I was getting the impression the story was finished, my apologies, but you have Ganon has a separate hero to Ganondorf. Which is fine but there not from the same era.
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Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Haha ... :alol:! Have you read anything? Then in this case I will tell you ... Ganon is also known as Ganondorf's little clone. :xxd:. Oh wellz! I'll put everyone's abilities screenshots soon and maybe the 2nd paragraph (or rather the 2nd part of the story) of the storyline. Thank you for showing my mistake in the story. :grin: (Off Topic:LOL posts! :D)
Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
Ganon is Ganondorf's little clone? You mean the other way round right? Ganon is stronger than Ganondorf, not just Ganondorf's power ups I mean the separate Ganon.



Level 2
Jan 9, 2008
Actually, Ganon is what Ganondorf becomes when he unleashes the might of the Triforce of Power. Alternatively, it is the monster that another Ganondorf becomes in Four Swords Adventures once he wields the Trident of Power. Either way, Ganon and Ganondorf are one entity, not separate ones.

Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
Actually, Ganon is what Ganondorf becomes when he unleashes the might of the Triforce of Power. Alternatively, it is the monster that another Ganondorf becomes in Four Swords Adventures once he wields the Trident of Power. Either way, Ganon and Ganondorf are one entity, not separate ones.


Er no... Ganondorf can use the triforse of Power to gain abilities and appearence of Ganon but Ganon the actual character is a separate person from Ganondorf...
Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
You don't just go by what Wikipedia says. I'm sorry for sounding aggressive but you don't seem understand that they are indeed to different people. Ganon is the almighty king of evil in a devilsih pig form who died in Zelda 2. His Heir than rises in OoT but hes no demon pig. Ganondorf is a Gerodo who threatens Hyrule's peace once again. Then the split timeline occurs and Ganondorf is trapped in the sacred realm in the Adult Link timeline. But in the Child Timeline Ganondorf's plan is found and this gap has yet to be properly filled yet eventually he is captured and sentenced to death which of ocurse he escapes. Back to Adult Link Timeline come the Windwaker where Ganondorf des at the end of it. Then in Twilight Princess Ganondorf is killed in this timeline to. Ganondorf can use the triforse of power to give him familiar powers from his predecessor.

We've already debated about Ganondorf's death but you explained that he is revived. However by Twilight Princess Ganon is long gone dead and has an heir.



Level 2
Jan 9, 2008
You don't just go by what Wikipedia says. I'm sorry for sounding aggressive but you don't seem understand that they are indeed to different people. Ganon is the almighty king of evil in a devilsih pig form who died in Zelda 2. His Heir than rises in OoT but hes no demon pig. Ganondorf is a Gerodo who threatens Hyrule's peace once again. Then the split timeline occurs and Ganondorf is trapped in the sacred realm in the Adult Link timeline. But in the Child Timeline Ganondorf's plan is found and this gap has yet to be properly filled yet eventually he is captured and sentenced to death which of ocurse he escapes. Back to Adult Link Timeline come the Windwaker where Ganondorf des at the end of it. Then in Twilight Princess Ganondorf is killed in this timeline to. Ganondorf can use the triforse of power to give him familiar powers from his predecessor.

We've already debated about Ganondorf's death but you explained that he is revived. However by Twilight Princess Ganon is long gone dead and has an heir.

Your timeline is all wrong. Ocarina of Time is the first game in the series, chronologically speaking. Ganondorf steals the Triforce and another shard is imparted onto Link and Zelda, respectively. Ganondorf is imprisoned and the split timeline occurs. Adventure of Link is the last game in the The Wind Waker timeline.

In A Link to the Past, Ganon is what Ganondorf becomes when he enters the Sacred Realm: the beast-like shape is a reflection of his heart's greed. In Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf is capable of becoming Ganon by using the Triforce of Power. In any event, Four Sword Adventures clearly states that Ganondorf becomes Ganon when he wields the Trident of Power. Ganondorf and Ganon are one and the same, but the Ganon appelation applies only to his monster shape.

There are multiple Ganondorfs, so there are multiple Ganons. However, every Ganondorf corresponds to one Ganon. The "original" Ganondorf is slain in The Wind Waker and in Twilight's Princess, one for each timeline. We then have a new Ganondorf born some time after The Wind Waker, corresponding to the one that plays the role in Four Sword Adventures.

Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Your timeline is all wrong. Ocarina of Time is the first game in the series, chronologically speaking. Ganondorf steals the Triforce and another shard is imparted onto Link and Zelda, respectively. Ganondorf is imprisoned and the split timeline occurs. Adventure of Link is the last game in the The Wind Waker timeline.

In A Link to the Past, Ganon is what Ganondorf becomes when he enters the Sacred Realm: the beast-like shape is a reflection of his heart's greed. In Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf is capable of becoming Ganon by using the Triforce of Power. In any event, Four Sword Adventures clearly states that Ganondorf becomes Ganon when he wields the Trident of Power. Ganondorf and Ganon are one and the same, but the Ganon appelation applies only to his monster shape.

There are multiple Ganondorfs, so there are multiple Ganons. However, every Ganondorf corresponds to one Ganon. The "original" Ganondorf is slain in The Wind Waker and in Twilight's Princess, one for each timeline. We then have a new Ganondorf born some time after The Wind Waker, corresponding to the one that plays the role in Four Sword Adventures.


Is there anything you guys cannot do? :xxd:. Also can a moderator change my Thread title cause I decided on a title for the game! :razz:. My new title is "Legend of Zelda RPG:The Dawning Darkness of Time". Any suggestions? Am up for a new suggestion title :thumbs_up:.
Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
Your timeline is all wrong. Ocarina of Time is the first game in the series, chronologically speaking. Ganondorf steals the Triforce and another shard is imparted onto Link and Zelda, respectively. Ganondorf is imprisoned and the split timeline occurs. Adventure of Link is the last game in the The Wind Waker timeline.

In A Link to the Past, Ganon is what Ganondorf becomes when he enters the Sacred Realm: the beast-like shape is a reflection of his heart's greed. In Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf is capable of becoming Ganon by using the Triforce of Power. In any event, Four Sword Adventures clearly states that Ganondorf becomes Ganon when he wields the Trident of Power. Ganondorf and Ganon are one and the same, but the Ganon appelation applies only to his monster shape.

There are multiple Ganondorfs, so there are multiple Ganons. However, every Ganondorf corresponds to one Ganon. The "original" Ganondorf is slain in The Wind Waker and in Twilight's Princess, one for each timeline. We then have a new Ganondorf born some time after The Wind Waker, corresponding to the one that plays the role in Four Sword Adventures.

Now your getting into theory in which can not be claimed fact. First of all no other Zelda game released so far can comes after Windwaker except for phantom hourglass. There is no more Hyrule after the Windwaker in that timeline time line but that doesn't mean the adventures stop there. No Ganon / Ganondorf is reborn after Windwaker yet. Fourswords Adventures has no confirmed place but we can tell it comes before Ocarina because he is Ganon. The games after Ocarina of time have chronological order but the games that feature Ganon come before the time of Ocarina then the heir Ganondorf is born. What does the trident of power have to do with this? It features in two games that both feature Ganon. And yes they are two different people. Your arguements keep jumping from fact and theory so let me point out the chronological order so far:
Games with feature Ganon - Ocarina of Time - Split
Hyrule A - Majora's Mask - Twilight Princess
Hyrule B - Windwaker - Phantom Hourglass

Back to the topic though I'm interested to see how this game will turn out. Good luck with it.



Level 2
Jan 9, 2008
The games after Ocarina of time have chronological order but the games that feature Ganon come before the time of Ocarina then the heir Ganondorf is born.

Actually, both Miyamoto and Aonuma have already stated time and again that Ocarina of Time is the first Legend of Zelda game in chronological order, so that's not right at all. Secondly, large, sea-like bodies of water are an exclusive feature of Adventure of Link and Legend of Zelda; no such bodies appear in Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess. Since Link's Awakening is the sequel to A Link to the Past, as stated in the game's manual, seas exist in that game as well. It is more than reasonable to state that those games follow chronologically from The Wind Waker, given the flood and the sea it created - one that did not exist in Ocarina of Time.

About the RPG: shorten the name. All Legend of Zelda games have a title that's directly pertinent to a key item or process that takes place in the story. A long one like that sounds out of place. Implement a key item that has an important role within the game's structure and use its name in the title instead, perhaps?
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Actually, both Miyamoto and Aonuma have already stated time and again that Ocarina of Time is the first Legend of Zelda game in chronological order, so that's not right at all. Secondly, large, sea-like bodies of water are an exclusive feature of Adventure of Link and Legend of Zelda; no such bodies appear in Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess. Since Link's Awakening is the sequel to A Link to the Past, as stated in the game's manual, seas exist in that game as well. It is more than reasonable to state that those games follow chronologically from The Wind Waker, given the flood and the sea it created - one that did not exist in Ocarina of Time.

About the RPG: shorten the name. All Legend of Zelda games have a title that's directly pertinent to a key item or process that takes place in the story. A long one like that sounds out of place. Implement a key item that has an important role within the game's structure and use its name in the title instead, perhaps?

Perhaps ... I'll think about it :smile:. I'll put ability screenshots later today! :grin:
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