revived due to author's request.
Thanks a lot Blink
Aye, so after almost 1 year of
inactivity procrastinating, I decided to start posting some stuff again. Yeah, I really haven't modeled much in the past year :/.
The big thing that motivated me to start modeling again lately is the awesome Valve. They started doing, since last week's Thursday or so, one of the most awesome things a developer could do to a multiplayer game: introduce user-created content

. They now accept submissions for models and avatars for Team Fortress 2 (which is like my most favoritest gamest everest since a little more than 1 year ago), and if they like it enough they'll put them in the game, so other people can see the awesomeness that you did. Of course, other people will be able to get your stuff too via the random drop system and they'll know that you made it.
This is an opportunity that I just can't miss.
As soon as I found out about this, I started working. So the first day I made what I'd like to be a new hat for the Soldier (my favorite class). It's a wooden bucket dubbed "Old Faithful":
in-game image:
high res model that I used to bake normal and ambient occlusion maps:
And today I started working on a different model for the Soldier's rocket launcher. I wanted to make a cannon-like thingy which I'd like to name "The Admiral" (better suggestions welcomed). I didn't stray too far from the original's proportions and overall look, so it could be easily identified as the rocket launcher when taking a glimpse at the model in-game.
The world model is finished, the view model is barely started on and the texture is just a placeholder that I made just to see the general colors in-game:
on the left it's the original rocket launcher. Original RL triangles: 2808, TheAdmiral triangles: 3236; triangles limit is 8000:
world model, in model viewer:
world model, in-game:
view model, viewmodel_fov (field of view) 54 (default):
viewmodel_fov 75:
viewmodel_fov 90:
viewmodel_fov 100:
view model, ambient lighting:
view model, indoor lighting:
view model, during reload:
I hope to finish this completely in the next 2-3 days, the faster the better.
If they'll get approved (they won't), I'll jizz my pants...