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G.O.T.A.S v1.34


-This map is a Defense hero map.
-your main objective is to destroy your enemies base.
-pick between 46 hero.
-may have imbalanced heroes and items for 1v1, but when there are more players teamwork and having fun is essential.
-still beta so may contain bugs.
-map Protected.

v1.34 Change log:

-Telecharge damage (60 120 180 240) (140 200 260 320)
-Telecharge Description
-increased Deyess Stats/per level

Skeletal Brothers:
-Fixed a huge bug with skeletal brothers ulti
-fixed a bug that cause the skeletal brothers to lose 3 times more money when they die
-Fixed a Bug with skeletal brothers that make them lose 3 times more money. now when they are killed the bounty is

shared on the 3 (1/3 each) and player lose as if the three are one hero
-Reduced Collision size of Skeletal Brothers
-Added Base Damage to Skeleton King after it was 1-1 (lvl1 50/50, lvl2 75/75, lvl3 100/100)

-Remade blink strike and incresed it damage

Ancient Prophet:
-added birth animation to trees in the sprout spell

-Remade the lumpa warrior ulti, and incresed the number of unit victims to give the effect

-increased the chance of short circuit for the gnoll hero (7.5% 10% 12.5% 15%) (8% 12% 16% 20%)

Mud Golem:
-Remade mud bolder form and added damage/sec to it

-Fixed Gargoyle Stone Form description Bug
-Fixed Gargoyle Ulti Buff

Witch Doctor:
-Fxed witch doctor class name

Fairy Dragon:
-Remade Fairy Dragon's Mind Blaze
-remade toto's ulti

Mana Seer:
-Remade Mana Seer's Chain lightning

-Increased Frozer ulti cooldown

-increased the lava spawn units hp (lvl1 1000 HP) (lvl2 1200 Hp)

-Decreased The Blood elf hero Stats/per level

Demonic Tauren:
-ability (demonic metamorphosis, bury) description and buff

Oak Tree
-thorn shield buff

Holy Golem
-Changed Holy infernal model, changed from black infernal into Holy Golem, and changed his name and abilities

descripyion and story.
-Increased "Holy Body" ability defence/lvl

-Decreased the Moknathal Ulti (3/6/9 -> 1.5/3/4.5)

-Remade Leap ability for the murloc hero and removed all the bugs that cause the unit to get stuck or go off the

map boundries

Dream Clown:
-Fixed a bug in the Dream Clown sleep critical attack at level 3

Brood Mother:
-Reduced the brood mother size

Von Drake:
-Increased "Soul Drain" ability hitpoint and manapoint per level
-Fixed "After Life" position

Speed Demon:
-Fixed a bug with the speed demon that in some cases wont allow a player to pick him
-Removed Leap Strike and added new ability Sonic Strike

Blood Nerubian Lord:
-Changed "Blood Run" ability for the blood nerubian lord and replaced it with a new ability named "Arial Strike"
-Changed the blood locust model

Mad Alchemist:
-Reduced Cooldown/level for the booby trap ulti and it dont cost mana now
-Increased all creatures base damage by 20

-shadow icon


-Remade the Mud man (stone token item) now its summons a cloakwerk goblin and reduced the item cost from 200 to 75
-jar (description)
-Harpy (word)
-Dart shooter(increase damage plus chance plus damage)
-Added Melee description to Splash damage in items
-Shield recipe cost


-Fixed The word Ancient in the Title
-NO MORE REVIVING BY PAYING MONEY!! (taverns are removed after 200 second)
-Remade -AP mode in better and more effective triggers
-New Mode -AR (all random)
-New Command -Random if a player want to choose a random hero alone
-New Command -Repick to repick a hero
-New Command -Ms (to know movement speed)
-Made a trigger for leaving players that allow allies to control and share gold
-Removed -test mode temporarly
-Changed all heroes description, added gender and gameplay, and fixed spelling mistakes
-Remade credits

Official Group: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/groups/gotas/
Join to report bugs and to fix Imbalances and to meet other players here on the hive.

Next Versions:-new item
-new Hero (bombardier)

Defense, Hero Defense, Holy, Damned, Heroes, Hero, Not Dota, some AOS

G.O.T.A.S v1.34 (Map)

VGsatomi: Approved. Top-notch terrain, wide selection of heroes, an AoS map with a very "Dota" feel to it in that this map is almost a hero arena rather then an AoS map. The spawned mobs are nothing more then weak fodder.
Level 8
Dec 18, 2008
My opinion about this Map:
Tarrain: Very Good
Triggers: Very Good
Models: Good
Spells : Good
Creeps: Medium
Abilities on units: Bad
Modes: Medium
Bases: Medium
Lines: Good

Now i will explain you my opinions.
About Tarain: The tarrain is very good! Nice enviroment!
About Triggers: You are very good in triggers, you use them with nice way!
About Models: Your models are good, but in some models you have do wrong choice.
About Spells: Good Spells! Really some of your spells was great!
About Creeps: With creeps i have a problem! They move very slow and in some wrong choice!
About Spells on units: This is your problem! You have edit wrong spells in some units! You have to take care for it!
About Modes: Your modes are good but not many! Only 2! You are in 1.33 version how can this happen.
About Bases: The bases have some wrongs in tarrain and units possitions.
About Lines: Your lines are enough good i can say! With this you are perfect!

You are perfect Map Maker! You know lot of how to make maps but..i think that you dont have lot of fantasy. I hope my post will help you to make your map better. Keep the good Work!
Last edited:
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
well thanks for the review, don't worry there is a lot of improvements in the next version (like the holy infernal, his model is changed and he is now renamed into holy golem, he is 100% better) as for modes i am trying to make a perfect AR mode but i am facing problems with it, so don't worry, you will see it soon (trying to make less modes) some spells will improve and others will change is the new version, and there will be a lot of leak fixing.
posting comments and suggetions will always make the map better and improve it ^^
(some of the spells that will be changed or improved:-alchemist ulti(change), murloc leap(fix), blade master leap (change), blood nerubian lord's blood run (change), and some others)

and i will try to change the heroes description (add difficilty or something similare)
Level 5
Sep 26, 2008
Good job Joe :) Tarrain: Very Good
Triggers: Very Good
Models: Good
Spells : Good
Creeps: Medium
Abilities on units: Good
Modes: Medium
Bases: Medium
Lines: Good
:thumbs_up::thumbs_up::thumbs_up: :spell_breaker: :spell_breaker: :infl_thumbs_up::ccool:
Level 15
Aug 14, 2007
hero camera problem
screwed cooldown spacing
scroll of town portal description
tower damage too high
memory leak is aweful
Middle lane spawn does not meet at specific mid point at the river
random mode shouldnt be disabled at later part of the game

Ice Lord
Frost nova's hotkey of ice lord
frost elemental frost armor should be passive
Ice lord's ice shard cooldown glitched, not following cooldown
ice lord attack missile

Troll demonhunter
Spirit Javelin should be flame model with flame buff
Imbalanced critical for troll demonhunter consider him a ranged hero
Typo in berserk buff
Typo in Troll Regeneration buff
Typo in Spirit Javelin text
Berserk gives 100 bonus hitpoints instead of 150 hitpoints

bad name for stupidity
short circuit makes it imbalanced if bugged is used, try making his attack have no swing time
"stupidity should cause mana, else too imbalanced
Typo at mana drain
chance of short circuit seems to be higher than the chance stated

Holy Golem
the disabled icons are screwed
description for holy skin is not clear, "immolation bomb?"

Goblin anti-assasine (should be assasin not assasine)

These is all I looked, might review again some other time, this will make me a second viewing of this maps, hope you fix them!
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
Here is my rating and comment:

Rating system

Altered Melee:
1 - 10 points go on originality
1 - 10 points go on terrain
1 - 10 points go on bug free
1 - 10 points go on gameplay/fun factor
1 - 10 points go on lag
1 - 10 points go on balance
1 - 10 points go on drops
1 - 10 points go on Object editor work
1 - 10 points go on proper submission and crediting
1 - 10 points go on scripting
1 - 10 points go on camera work
1 - 10 points go on music and or voice acting
1 - 10 points go on dialog
Percent Grade Status

0 - 34%
1/5 Rejected

35 - 49%
1/5 Reviewed

50 - 64%
2/5 Reviewed

65 - 79%
3/5 Approved

80 - 89%
4/5 Approved

90 - 100%
5/5 Approved

The table may vary if needed.


Originality: 8/10
This map is basically a Dota clone. It has some nice and original heroes, but the overall idea is the same. Don't think that it is a bad thing, since if you are tired of Dota, this map will do the trick for you. The lack of a story is covered up with some nice heroes and items, and a gameplay where you spend more time PvP then fighting creeps.

Object Editor Work: 4/10 X
Problems I found, on each hero I played, so I think all heroes have similar problems:

- Passive spells don't have learning hotkey
- Taverns don't have select hero hotkey
- Druid Undead - stomp doesn't show how much it lasts
- Bear Bash - no learn hotkey (Passive)
- Same as Taurens Pulverize
- Demonic Metamorphis - No learn hotkey
- Bury - Spell tooltip begins with a non capital letter

Bug Free: 7/10
I played this on LAN only, since I didn't have time to expand it on Online Garena play. I haven't found any bug, but the game begins to lag after a period of time, probably caused by the leaks, that you said there are some.

Terrain: 9/10
I can't complain here, the terrain is much better then Dota, much better then any today's AoS. Not something complicating, but fresh and nice.

Scripting: 7/10
I didn't find any problems, the Multiboard worked fine, the creeps were spawning normally and didn't block anywhere. You could make triggered spells, I don't know, maybe you have them on some heroes, but on the three I played I can't say I saw any.

Gameplay/Fun Factor: 8/10
The heroes are mostly original and you will have a good fun time playing them. The terrain enhances the experience, and well the entire concept that revolves around PvP more then PvCreeps is great and enhances the play experience even more.

Balance 5/10
Well most of the heroes are balanced, but there are some that aren't and a huge problem:

- Skeleton brothers, you get three heroes that are a bit weaker then the rest, but in three they can own anybody. I know if one dyes all die but I think they are overpowered.
- Cash flow, you get too much cash every second, lower the amount, this makes the game imbalanced.
- Rest is mostly fine, the lanes are symetrical.

Lag: 5/10
Long loading time, lag starts after 15 minutes on my old Laptop.

Proper submission and crediting: 7/10
Make the changelog in hidden tags, add images, more info. Check this submission, perfect: Brotherhood Of Kenji - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site.



In overall: 60 / 90
minimal 50% met.
For the hive grade: 3/5
In overall it is a good AoS that no doubt you will have fun time playing. It has great terrain and some really nice heroes. However the biggest problem still is the Object Editor Work, you must implement hotkeys to every function and ofcourse fix some of the tooltips. The game an get a bit imbalanced and it has a long loading time that I highly don't support.
Good Luck, bounty hunter2
I might not be checking this topic for some time. If you have any questions about the review or you update the map and want me to check it again, feel free to PM me or Visitor message me at any time.
Level 9
Nov 23, 2009
Wow! I'm Chocked! This map is so GooOOood that it's almost impossible to write about it. One of my Favorite maps. First of all I like AoS maps, Second Nice terrain and last Fun gameplay with well done and original. 10/10 PURE AWESOMENESS!:xxd::xxd::xxd::xxd::xxd:
OFC somebody will care if it's DEAD! LOOK AT ME!