Fugrim the warrior

Been some time since I first posted this and I know it needed a major update
These are the new versions of my orc warrior Fugrim

Thank you Thuj for the base model: Blademaster Koru
Thank you Vulfar for the commander armor textures: Varok Saurfang
Thank you Bagysta for the warlord weapon: Lantresor of the Blade

  • armor improvements
  • better icons
Hope you like it!
Any feedback is welcomed.

Fugrim commander (Model)

Fugrim commander icon (Icon)

Fugrim commander_portrait (Model)

Fugrim warlord (Model)

Fugrim warlord icon (Icon)

Fugrim warlord_Portrait (Model)

Fugrim warrior (Model)

Fugrim warrior icon (Icon)

Fugrim warrior portrait (Model)

Mr Ogre man
I haven't seen any issues, and the three models look very good, much better than their previous iteration. The shoulderpads sometimes clip over their head, so maybe consider making them smaller or reanimating them a bit so. Nevertheless, the model is...
Level 37
Mar 11, 2017
I haven't seen any issues, and the three models look very good, much better than their previous iteration. The shoulderpads sometimes clip over their head, so maybe consider making them smaller or reanimating them a bit so.

Nevertheless, the model is worthy of approval
Indeed. I understand now why there aren't any blademasters with 2 shoulderpads. Because of the way they wield the weapon the arms/shoulders are clossing on each other. The grom model is easier to use cause his attack animations are with 1 hand. Gonna see if I can improve it for future update. :peasant-ok-hand:
Indeed. I understand now why there aren't any blademasters with 2 shoulderpads. Because of the way they wield the weapon the arms/shoulders are clossing on each other. The grom model is easier to use cause his attack animations are with 1 hand. Gonna see if I can improve it for future update. :peasant-ok-hand:
You can create two bones, set the parent of that bones to the shoulders, reassign the shoulderpads to that bone, and modify the rotation during the attack animation. That's the cheapest solution for this kind of problems

BTW, I forgot to tell you to remove everything from the belly down in the portraits. That alone saves like 300kb or so per model
Level 10
Oct 10, 2020
Just looking through these and realized they could make great models for "Blackrock and Roll too" where there are three Orc bases that have Blademaster's and can replace the Burning Blade Blademaster for each of those bases instead. Glowing red eyes would be magnificent for these guys to.
Level 1
Sep 23, 2023
Pants texture for warlord doesnt show in 3d viewer, does it works ingame ?