Frost Orb v1.2

Another spell made by me with vJass

Frost Orb

Creates an orb which surrounds the target. Each unit hit by the orb will be damaged and frozen for 2 seconds. Each unit can only frozen for one time.
Level 1 - The orb deals 90 damage. Max. 10 units can be hit by the orb.
Level 2 - The orb deals 140 damage. Max. 18 units can be hit by the orb.
Level 3 - The orb deals 190 damage. Max. 26 units can be hit by the orb.

The Spell Requires:


- release
- Cleaned the script
- Removed unnecessary script lines
- Now there is a better overview
- Removed the interface-system by Hankey, Replaced it with the timer stacking method
- Added a Group Recycler (For more information check the GroupRecycler Trigger
- Changed + Removed some constants
- Reduced the range of the Orb-Missile to 85
- Removed DUMMY_DURATION constant
- Fixed a bug with the missile pathing

library GroupRecycler
//* Group Recycler 1.0 by xD.Schurke
//* ------------------
//* To implement just create a custom text trigger and paste the script
//* there.
//* This script requires vJass (JassNewGenPack)
//* Usage of the scriot:  
//*   - Recycle Groups
//* set group g = NewGroup()  : Get a group (alternative to CreateGroup)
//* call ReleaseGroup(g)      : Releases a group (alternative to  
//*                                                 DestroyGroup)
        private constant integer MAX_GROUPS = 8191
        private group array rG
        private integer rN = 0
    function NewGroup takes nothing returns group
        if (rN == 0) then
            set rG[0] = CreateGroup()
            set rN = rN - 1
     return rG[rN]

    function ReleaseGroup takes group g returns nothing
        if(g == null) then
            debug call BJDebugMsg("Warning: Try to release a null group")
        if (rN == MAX_GROUPS) then
            debug call BJDebugMsg("Warning: Limit reached, Destroying Group")
            call DestroyGroup(g)
            call GroupClear(g)
            set rG[rN] = g
            set rN = rN + 1
//* Frost Orb v.1.2 by xD.Schurke
//* ------------------------------
//* Requirements:
//* --------------
//* * vJass (JassNewGenPack)
//* * GroupRecycler
//* Changes in version 1.1:
//* ----------
//* * Cleaned the script
//*   * Removed unnecessary script lines
//*   * Now there is a better overview
//*   * Removed the interface-system by Hankey, Replaced it with the timer stacking method
//*   * Added a Group Recycler (For more information check the GroupRecycler Trigger
//* * Changed + Removed some constants  
//*   * Reduced the range of the Orb-Missile to 85
//*   * Removed DUMMY_DURATION constant
//* Changes in version 1.2:
//* ----------
//* * Fixed a bug with the missile pathing
//* 1. Copy the GroupRecycler to your map
//* 2. Copy the Frost Orb Trigger to your map
//* 3. Copy the Spells and Buffs (Obejct Editor) to your map => You maybe need to change the raw codes in Frost Orb
//* 4. Change nessesery things in the Frost Orb constants
//*   4.1 Check Dummy Raw-Code (If needed copy dummy-unit (Object Editor) and dummy model (Import Manager) dummy.mdx)
//*   4.2 Check Spell Raw-Codes

library FrostOrb initializer frostInt requires GroupRecycler
    private constant integer        DUMMY                       = 'h000' //the dummy raw-code => Change to your map specific one
    private constant integer        SPELL_RAW                   = 'A000' //the spell raw-code => Change to your map specific one
    private constant integer        DUMMY_SPELL                 = 'A001' //the dummy-spell raw-code => Change to your map specific one
    private constant integer        DUMMY_SPELL_DEBUFF          = 'B000' //the dummy-spell-debuff raw-code => Change to your map specific one
    private constant integer        TIMED_LIFE                  = 'BTLF' //the timed life buff raw code => DO NOT CHANGE
    private constant string         MISSILE_SFX                 = "Abilities\\Weapons\\ZigguratFrostMissile\\ZigguratFrostMissile.mdl" //the orb modell
    private constant real           MISSILE_DISTANCE            = 85. //the distance between target and orb
    private constant real           MISSILE_SPEED               = 12.  //the orb speed increase/decrease for change speed
    private constant real           MISSILE_DURATION            = 15.  //the duration of the orb in seconds
    private constant real           MISSILE_DURATION_INCREASE   = 6.   //how many seconds are added per level
    private constant real           MISSILE_MOTION_UPDATE       = 0.03 //for duration reason => DO NOT CHANGE
    private constant real           MISSILE_DAMAGE              = 90.  //the damage delt to the units hit by the orb
    private constant real           MISSILE_DAMAGE_INCREASE     = 50.  //the damage added per lvl
    private constant real           MISSILE_RADIUS              = 80.  //the radius where the orb deals damage to units
    private constant integer        MAX_HITS                    = 10   //how many units can be hit by the spell
    private constant integer        MAX_HITS_INCREASE           = 8    //units added to spell per lvl who can be hit
    //attatchement point
    private constant string         chest = "chest"
    //Group Reason stuff => DO NOT CHANGE
                     group          tmpG = CreateGroup()
                     player         tmpP
                     boolexpr       Cond
    private          timer          Tim = CreateTimer()
    private          integer array  Data
    private          integer        Total = 0

//Constant functions for damage/duration/hit formular
private constant function Hits takes integer lvl returns integer
    return MAX_HITS+((lvl-1)*MAX_HITS_INCREASE)

private constant function Damage takes integer lvl returns real

private constant function Duration takes integer lvl returns real

//group filter function
private function filter takes nothing returns boolean
    return IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(),tmpP) and (GetUnitState(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_STATE_LIFE)>0) and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_GROUND) and (GetUnitTypeId(GetFilterUnit())!=DUMMY)

//the struct for the orb
private struct FrostStruct
    unit    caster        //the caster who casts the spell
    unit    target        //the target of the Frost Orb
    unit    missile       //the Frost Orb
    effect  sfx           //Frost Orb Effect
    real    x        = 0. //x of target
    real    y        = 0. //y of target
    real    ang      = 0  //angle for orb movement
    real    dur      = 0  //duration counted
    integer hit      = 0  //how many units were hit by the orb
    group   g             //to prevent multiple damaging in one surrounding
    static method move takes nothing returns nothing
        local FrostStruct dat
        local integer i = 0
        local unit u
        local unit dummy
        local real x = 0.
        local real y = 0.
            exitwhen i >= Total
            set dat = Data[i]
            set dat.dur = dat.dur + MISSILE_MOTION_UPDATE
            set dat.x = GetUnitX(
            set dat.y = GetUnitY(
            set x = dat.x + MISSILE_DISTANCE * Cos(dat.ang * bj_DEGTORAD)
            set y = dat.y + MISSILE_DISTANCE * Sin(dat.ang * bj_DEGTORAD)
            set tmpP = GetOwningPlayer(dat.caster)
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(tmpG,x,y,MISSILE_RADIUS,Cond)
                set u = FirstOfGroup(tmpG)
                exitwhen u == null
                if IsUnitInGroup(u,dat.g) or GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,DUMMY_SPELL_DEBUFF) > 0 then
                    call GroupRemoveUnit(tmpG,u)
                    call UnitDamageTarget(dat.caster,u,Damage(GetUnitAbilityLevel(dat.caster,SPELL_RAW)),false,true,ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL,DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
                    set dummy = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(dat.caster),DUMMY,GetUnitX(u),GetUnitY(u),0)
                    call UnitAddAbility(dummy,DUMMY_SPELL)
                    call IssueTargetOrder(dummy,"thunderbolt",u)
                    call UnitApplyTimedLife(dummy,TIMED_LIFE,1.)
                    set dat.hit = dat.hit + 1
                    call GroupAddUnit(dat.g,u)
                    call GroupRemoveUnit(tmpG,u)
            call SetUnitPosition(dat.missile,x,y)
            set dat.ang = dat.ang + MISSILE_SPEED
            if dat.dur >= Duration(GetUnitAbilityLevel(dat.caster,SPELL_RAW)) or GetUnitState(,UNIT_STATE_LIFE) <= 0 or dat.hit >= Hits(GetUnitAbilityLevel(dat.caster,SPELL_RAW)) then
                set Total = Total - 1
                set Data[i] = Data[Total]
                set i = i - 1
                call FrostStruct.destroy(dat)
            set i = i + 1
        set dummy = null
        set u = null
    static method create takes nothing returns FrostStruct
        local FrostStruct dat = FrostStruct.allocate()
        if Total == 0 then
            call TimerStart(Tim,MISSILE_MOTION_UPDATE,true,function FrostStruct.move)
        set Data[Total] = dat
        set Total = Total + 1
        return dat
    method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call KillUnit(.missile)
        call ReleaseGroup(.g)
        set .g = null
        set .caster = null
        set .missile = null
        set .target = null
        set .sfx = null   

private function frostCond takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetSpellAbilityId() == SPELL_RAW

//Actions creates struct and sets values
private function frostAction takes nothing returns nothing
    local FrostStruct F
    local real x
    local real y
    set F = FrostStruct.create()
    set F.g = NewGroup()
    set F.caster = GetTriggerUnit()
    set = GetSpellTargetUnit()
    set F.x = GetUnitX(
    set F.y = GetUnitY(
    set x = F.x + MISSILE_DISTANCE * Cos(F.ang * bj_DEGTORAD)
    set y = F.y + MISSILE_DISTANCE * Sin(F.ang * bj_DEGTORAD)
    set F.missile = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(,DUMMY,F.x,F.y,0)
    set F.sfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(MISSILE_SFX,F.missile,chest)
    call SetUnitPathing(F.missile,false)
    set F.ang = F.ang + MISSILE_SPEED

//Event etc.
private function frostInt takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger int = CreateTrigger()
    local integer index = 0
    local unit u
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(int, Player(index), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, null)
        set index = index + 1
        exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
    call TriggerAddCondition(int,Condition(function frostCond))
    call TriggerAddAction(int,function frostAction)
    set int = null
    set Cond=Condition(function filter)
    set u = CreateUnit(Player(14),DUMMY,999999,999999,0)
    call UnitAddAbility(u,DUMMY_SPELL)
    call RemoveUnit(u)
    set u = null
    call Preload(MISSILE_SFX)
    call PreloadStart()


Frost Orb v1.0 (Map)

20:23, 3rd Dec 2008 Hanky: A really good spell, I like the idea very much. The scripting is good just very small improvements could be done there, also the spell is leakfree and MUI, so far I can see it. The visual effects are well done and the...




20:23, 3rd Dec 2008
A really good spell, I like the idea very much. The scripting is good just very small improvements could be done there, also the spell is leakfree and MUI, so far I can see it. The visual effects are well done and the documentation and tooltips are ok too.

Well, you done again a good job. I just can highly recommend to use this spell if this is what you are searching for.
Level 8
Jul 14, 2010
I get a compile error with the GroupRecycler
Does this sentence: "function NewGroup takes nothing returns group" need to be unique? There is another system I got (GroupUtils) that also has the "function NewGroup takes nothing returns group" sentence.
If the problem is that they crash, what to do?