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Foreseen consequences

Foreseen concequences (Reforged)

A single-player story-driven action map inspired by "Groundhog day" and "Mother of learning". You are caught in a timeloop. You can't right-click your way to victory in this one. Expect various game scenarios and mechanics rarely(and maybe never before) seen in Warcraft 3.

A long time ago in a country far away a young recruit was on his way to his new assignment..


-Is this map hard?
-Not really but in some scenarious you'll have to think quickly to overcome the cirscumstances. Enemies are stronger than you and only your wit can assure the victory. I completed this map before the release and had no difficulties with the bosses. Every battle scenario is carefully balanced(as it should be). Save often, don't die.

-How long does it take to beat?

-About 1-1.5 hours depending whether you rush it or not.

-Is the story finished?

-Yes and no.
It has 2 endings - With one of them the story is finished(no cliffhangers).
But there's the second:
You can activate the second ending by typing "-altend" at any time during gameplay and when you finish the map - it will play. You will get confirmation after typing the command.

Originally I planed it to be 4 chapters. However I could not do this alone because I"m bad at terraining and no one responded to help me(which is okay, I'm not complaining). That said - if I ever find someone to help me I'll continue the development and I'll even have the characters voiced.
If I do not continue development - I consider this map to be finished. First 2 chapters make a short finished story by themselves with a solid ending.

-Reforged or not Reforged?

Reforged - because in classic mode it has many bugs.

I hope you have fun with this map and the story! If you have any feedback - please let me know.

USING CHEATS EXTREMELY NOT RECOMMENDED - IT WILL BREAK SOME CUTSCENES. Please do not report any bug if you used cheats.

Thanks to Hive community for priceless tips concerning World Editor. You guys rock!

and everyone else who helped.

Resources used:
The City Of Lightcrown
United Village
"The Pathing Texture Pack"
Tutorial - Making a Backstab Spell (GUI)

Foreseen consequences (Map)

Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
First i have to say i only play war 3 on classic graphics, i consider reforged graphics to be far inferior/a disgrace to the original game and the community.
I completed the map in like 1 - 2 hours.
Things that i suggest:

- When the guards (or any npc for that matter) starts a conversation with the player, the hero should stop moving untill the chat is over (to make it more realistic), otherwise the chat goes on and they talk with each other while my heroes are waay far away from the unit they were talking to, making the whole thing look silly.

- The hero icon of Mott is a big light green square (something is broken there).

- Implement a trigger for Crystal when she tries to leave the city alone, she must be stopped/interract with the guards somehow, and the guards have to stop her, becuase as of is now, when she leaves the city the guards don't say anything to her and is kinda weird.

- Implement a Hint trigger for the players when the ghost part starts with Crystal, the hint should say: "It's a good idea to save the game right now" , same for the necro boss as well or any other hard part, cuz i actually died at the ghost part and didn't actually save at all so rip me :(

- It should go without saying that the terrain looks kinda plain and boring, same for exploring the map as well, there is like nothing on the map, you should include more barrels, crates, creeps, wild animals, random peasants/guards/units everywhere , because as it is now, the player has no choice but to go from an objective to the other with not much happening in between and that is not much fun, exploring the map and finding cool things is a big part of any custom map/campaign/rpg.

- Some dialogues in the cutscenes are a bit too fast/fade away too soon.

- There should be a way to skip the cutscenes by pressing esc, that would be great (you know for people that saw them already).

- The mana cost for the "sprint" spell is too high in my opinion, since the other spell is soo much better and has the same mana cost, i ended up never using sprint and only using bash spell, so i suggest reducing the mana cost of "sprint" spell from 75 mana to 35 mana.

- (Optional) I suggest making all the allies (peasants/units/etc) to be unable to be attacked by the player, or if the player attacks any peasants/guards then there should be some sort of consequence after (like the guards fighting back or the peasants running away to their houses).

- (Optional) When the player takes the ring of superiority from the cemetery, a ghost/zombie or skeleton should appear and fight.

- There should be a way to zoom out the camera, like a command "-zoom between 1000 - 3000" or something.

- (Important) The hero spells should have the hotkeys "q w e r t" in that order from left to right and nothing else.

- The ghosts/wraths in that area with Crystal move a bit too fast in my opinion, especially since you don't really know where to go, makes that whole area 10 times harder than the boss fight, i suggest reducing the ghosts movespeed by 30/10% movespeed.

- There is this very old war3 glitch/bug where when your hero stays near an object, you can no longer click/target that object, the hitbox is weird, might wanna look into that, happens with the barrels, when Crystal stays near one, i can no longer target them.

- The "last skeleton" is invisible in the section of the map with the bandits fighting the skeletons, so that kinda sucks, there is no way of passing this point, without cheating (using whosyourdaddy to kill the last skeleton with fan of knives).

- Before entering the vault area, i got a fatal error/crash, just saying, second time i went it went well, weird war3 errors i guess, thanks to blizzard.

- The last fight with the Bandit boss was kinda lame to be honest, i suggest improving it somehow by giving him more spells and making the fight similar to the necromaner one.

- In the last cutscene Mott is not quite in the visual shot, and it looks like Crystal talks to nobody at first, then he comes when they run back.

- Seems like the secret command for the other ending doesn't actually work as i thought? it works when i put it and kill the boss but that's kinda annoying, it should work immediately from the start or from any point, i shouldn't need to replay the game again just to see the other ending, that's very bad.

- After finishing the story, i used iseedeadpeople to check the entire map and it turns out there are some things/secrets i guess? around the map, but most of them i can't get to, some are just empty space, others are blocked by invisible walls and the ones i could get to were pretty lame/boring, furthermore the place with the murlocs has a big opening where u can just go south and travel kinda off map on the empty grass space, might want to fix that and the others.


- I enjoyed the dialogues, they were quite fun, well done with that!

- I very much liked to see new ways of telling the story, with the whole time loop thing.

- I liked the big variety of camera angles usage.

- Interesting new mini games/puzzles/quests like the ghost one.

- The boss fights are cool (talking only about the necro one).

- I liked the map as a whole, especially the parts with Crystal, with the ghosts and the bandits were awesome, but again, the terrain was very plain pretty much all over the map.

Overall it was a great experience and i wish you will improve it in the future, keep up the great work praudmur! :goblin_yeah:
Level 5
May 26, 2012
First i have to say i only play war 3 on classic graphics, i consider reforged graphics to be far inferior/a disgrace to the original game and the community.
I completed the map in like 1 - 2 hours.
Things that i suggest:

- When the guards (or any npc for that matter) starts a conversation with the player, the hero should stop moving untill the chat is over (to make it more realistic), otherwise the chat goes on and they talk with each other while my heroes are waay far away from the unit they were talking to, making the whole thing look silly.

- The hero icon of Mott is a big light green square (something is broken there).

- Implement a trigger for Crystal when she tries to leave the city alone, she must be stopped/interract with the guards somehow, and the guards have to stop her, becuase as of is now, when she leaves the city the guards don't say anything to her and is kinda weird.

- Implement a Hint trigger for the players when the ghost part starts with Crystal, the hint should say: "It's a good idea to save the game right now" , same for the necro boss as well or any other hard part, cuz i actually died at the ghost part and didn't actually save at all so rip me :(

- It should go without saying that the terrain looks kinda plain and boring, same for exploring the map as well, there is like nothing on the map, you should include more barrels, crates, creeps, wild animals, random peasants/guards/units everywhere , because as it is now, the player has no choice but to go from an objective to the other with not much happening in between and that is not much fun, exploring the map and finding cool things is a big part of any custom map/campaign/rpg.

- Some dialogues in the cutscenes are a bit too fast/fade away too soon.

- There should be a way to skip the cutscenes by pressing esc, that would be great (you know for people that saw them already).

- The mana cost for the "sprint" spell is too high in my opinion, since the other spell is soo much better and has the same mana cost, i ended up never using sprint and only using bash spell, so i suggest reducing the mana cost of "sprint" spell from 75 mana to 35 mana.

- (Optional) I suggest making all the allies (peasants/units/etc) to be unable to be attacked by the player, or if the player attacks any peasants/guards then there should be some sort of consequence after (like the guards fighting back or the peasants running away to their houses).

- (Optional) When the player takes the ring of superiority from the cemetery, a ghost/zombie or skeleton should appear and fight.

- There should be a way to zoom out the camera, like a command "-zoom between 1000 - 3000" or something.

- (Important) The hero spells should have the hotkeys "q w e r t" in that order from left to right and nothing else.

- The ghosts/wraths in that area with Crystal move a bit too fast in my opinion, especially since you don't really know where to go, makes that whole area 10 times harder than the boss fight, i suggest reducing the ghosts movespeed by 30/10% movespeed.

- There is this very old war3 glitch/bug where when your hero stays near an object, you can no longer click/target that object, the hitbox is weird, might wanna look into that, happens with the barrels, when Crystal stays near one, i can no longer target them.

- The "last skeleton" is invisible in the section of the map with the bandits fighting the skeletons, so that kinda sucks, there is no way of passing this point, without cheating (using whosyourdaddy to kill the last skeleton with fan of knives).

- Before entering the vault area, i got a fatal error/crash, just saying, second time i went it went well, weird war3 errors i guess, thanks to blizzard.

- The last fight with the Bandit boss was kinda lame to be honest, i suggest improving it somehow by giving him more spells and making the fight similar to the necromaner one.

- In the last cutscene Mott is not quite in the visual shot, and it looks like Crystal talks to nobody at first, then he comes when they run back.

- Seems like the secret command for the other ending doesn't actually work as i thought? it works when i put it and kill the boss but that's kinda annoying, it should work immediately from the start or from any point, i shouldn't need to replay the game again just to see the other ending, that's very bad.

- After finishing the story, i used iseedeadpeople to check the entire map and it turns out there are some things/secrets i guess? around the map, but most of them i can't get to, some are just empty space, others are blocked by invisible walls and the ones i could get to were pretty lame/boring, furthermore the place with the murlocs has a big opening where u can just go south and travel kinda off map on the empty grass space, might want to fix that and the others.


- I enjoyed the dialogues, they were quite fun, well done with that!

- I very much liked to see new ways of telling the story, with the whole time loop thing.

- I liked the big variety of camera angles usage.

- Interesting new mini games/puzzles/quests like the ghost one.

- The boss fights are cool (talking only about the necro one).

- I liked the map as a whole, especially the parts with Crystal, with the ghosts and the bandits were awesome, but again, the terrain was very plain pretty much all over the map.

Overall it was a great experience and i wish you will improve it in the future, keep up the great work praudmur! :goblin_yeah:

Thanks for your feedback!
Just a couple of comments concerning bugs.
All gameplay feedback is noted and I agree with it.

Did you play current Warcraft-3-Classic-Battle-net version or an old patch?
- When the guards (or any npc for that matter) starts a conversation with the player, the hero should stop moving untill the chat is over (to make it more realistic), otherwise the chat goes on and they talk with each other while my heroes are waay far away from the unit they were talking to, making the whole thing look silly.
I specifically made scripts so that heroes stop in their tracks when cutscene starts and extensively testing it(by spamming right click before every cutscene starts). Reading this makes me worried very much that players will get a different experience depending on their PC. It's either a different game version or your PC configuration. I've just tested this in W3 Classic mode and it all works for me so it's not classic mode fault..

- (Optional) I suggest making all the allies (peasants/units/etc) to be unable to be attacked by the player, or if the player attacks any peasants/guards then there should be some sort of consequence after (like the guards fighting back or the peasants running away to their houses).
There's an instant defeat if you kill peasant\guard.

- There is this very old war3 glitch/bug where when your hero stays near an object, you can no longer click/target that object, the hitbox is weird, might wanna look into that, happens with the barrels, when Crystal stays near one, i can no longer target them.
- Before entering the vault area, i got a fatal error/crash, just saying, second time i went it went well, weird war3 errors i guess, thanks to blizzard.
- In the last cutscene Mott is not quite in the visual shot, and it looks like Crystal talks to nobody at first, then he comes when they run back.
This only happen in Classic mode. I'll reflect that on description. I can't make this map work for Classic and Reforged at the same time and my choice stands with Reforged.

- Seems like the secret command for the other ending doesn't actually work as i thought? it works when i put it and kill the boss but that's kinda annoying, it should work immediately from the start or from any point, i shouldn't need to replay the game again just to see the other ending, that's very bad.
It's a matter of reverting to the last save with last boss battle and typing this commands. However you can just type
and watch it. Better to type when starting a new game.
Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Did you play current Warcraft-3-Classic-Battle-net version or an old patch?
I have the original war3 so yea i always play on the latest version on classic, not sure how can different pc affect a map? i use an Asus Laptop windows 10 home, i'm pretty sure it doesn't matter the pc, but has something to do with the reforged/classic/war3 game itself.
Level 5
May 26, 2012
I have the original war3 so yea i always play on the latest version on classic, not sure how can different pc affect a map? i use an Asus Laptop windows 10 home, i'm pretty sure it doesn't matter the pc, but has something to do with the reforged/classic/war3 game itself.
I think I might have misunderstood you.
In your post did you mean this kind of dialogues?

Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
I think I might have misunderstood you.
In your post did you mean this kind of dialogues?
Are there more kinds of dialogue? yes those dialogues, the ones where u walk and people chat with you, not during the cutscenes, just in the normal gameplay.
Level 5
May 26, 2012
Are there more kinds of dialogue? yes those dialogues, the ones where u walk and people chat with you, not during the cutscenes, just in the normal gameplay.
No, I thought you were referring to cutscene dialogue.
Good. Then everything works as intended.
I don't want to completely stop player characters there, but I might restrict their movement to a certain distance if I ever come to that.
Level 5
May 26, 2012
V2 is released

-Added option to skip some of cutscenes(You can press Escape for a few seconds after cutscene starts);
-Rewritten a lot of dialogues;
-Improved some cutscenes with new camera angles;
-Increased time for some long dialog lines;
-Made some battles easier and some harder;
-Added new props to locations;
-Changed Shadow Meld ability to Scripted invisibility to evade the bug when certain character would not auto-attack.
-Fixed some bugs.
Level 2
Mar 29, 2021
This looks and sounds epic! I am quite interested in this formula and I've come to think that this map might be really unique! The MMO-esque interactions and the overall look of your game is aesthetic in itself, I really think this has potential to be famous!
Level 2
Nov 17, 2015
Just wanted to give my two cents on the map after getting around to playing it. It sat on my backlog for a while.

I'll admit, I didn't have terribly high hopes when I began, and up until chapter 2 it felt fairly... standard, in a way. But chapter 2 changed my mind.

I actually really like this map. The terrain is admittedly a bit lackluster, but it didn't impact my fun at all. I'd be down to play future chapters, should you ever get around to making them.

A few notes:

  • The second fight with bandits (immediately after the first ambush) is pretty rough. Tried it a couple times but it kind of feels like you just... lose? Maybe I should've used sprint more strategically, Idk. Ended up saying "you know what, screw it" and whosyourdaddy-ing my way through. It's pretty damn jarring, especially because the rest of the game feels like it hits the right spot, difficulty-wise. Might want to look into it.
  • The necromancer boss fight is amazing. He could do with some more dialogue, though.
  • The wraiths' puzzle is pretty nice. Their placement is pretty abusable, though, especially once you know where they're coming from. I would suggest spreading them out a little further and making them invisible until they're close enough, though you'd probably want to make them a fair bit slower if you were to go through with these changes.
All in all, I'd say the map, while maybe not the most expertly made, has some ineffable je ne sais quoi to it. A certain... love and dedication behind it. And that matters infinitely more, if you ask me. Solid 5/5.
Level 5
May 26, 2012
Just wanted to give my two cents on the map after getting around to playing it. It sat on my backlog for a while.

I'll admit, I didn't have terribly high hopes when I began, and up until chapter 2 it felt fairly... standard, in a way. But chapter 2 changed my mind.

I actually really like this map. The terrain is admittedly a bit lackluster, but it didn't impact my fun at all. I'd be down to play future chapters, should you ever get around to making them.

A few notes:

  • The second fight with bandits (immediately after the first ambush) is pretty rough. Tried it a couple times but it kind of feels like you just... lose? Maybe I should've used sprint more strategically, Idk. Ended up saying "you know what, screw it" and whosyourdaddy-ing my way through. It's pretty damn jarring, especially because the rest of the game feels like it hits the right spot, difficulty-wise. Might want to look into it.
  • The necromancer boss fight is amazing. He could do with some more dialogue, though.
  • The wraiths' puzzle is pretty nice. Their placement is pretty abusable, though, especially once you know where they're coming from. I would suggest spreading them out a little further and making them invisible until they're close enough, though you'd probably want to make them a fair bit slower if you were to go through with these changes.
All in all, I'd say the map, while maybe not the most expertly made, has some ineffable je ne sais quoi to it. A certain... love and dedication behind it. And that matters infinitely more, if you ask me. Solid 5/5.
Thanks for your comment and suggestions!

For the second fight with bandits you're supposed to get them back to the first ambush and use the trap to kill them (you can do it with the first group too).

At the moment I don't plan to continue working on the map due to the lack of feedback from players.
Level 2
Nov 17, 2015
For the second fight with bandits you're supposed to get them back to the first ambush and use the trap to kill them (you can do it with the first group too).
Heh, I knew I was missing something. That explains that.
At the moment I don't plan to continue working on the map due to the lack of feedback from players.
Ah, that's a shame, though it is completely understandable.

Either way, hope you have a great day.