K thanks for your comments. I know they sound a bit cheesy, I'll strive for originality next time. The echo was supposed to mimic the dreadlord's echo, but it didn't turn out the same, I'll work on it too, and of course I'll try new effects each time.
EDIT: Made a new one today. So basically its a soundset for a goblin hero in the campaign I'm making. So this is what I came up with: this time has a theme, no annoying echo, and could be useful for any goblin-machine unit/hero. There are a lot of lines so I put them in two different archives (one with the What, Yes, and Attack lines and one with the Pissed, Ready and Warcry ones). The number of lines is such so that it can fully replace the HeroTinker in-game lines. All of them are done by me, except the machine gun, explosion and Nuclear Launch sounds (credits to Blizzard Entertainment for those).
P.S. Since I decided to make more sounds like this one and I did not want to make a new thread, I shall store all my new soundsets in this one, so the current title is kinda useless. Thats why if one of the moderators could rename it to something along the lines of "Frost's Soundsets" I would be quite grateful. Enjoy my soundsets, give some credit if you use them and again, I welcome any constructive criticism to make me improve. I hope to get a better microphone soon...