[Resource Release][WIP] Expanded Voidwalker / Obsidian Destroyer soundset

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For some reason, I love voidwalkers. Hence, I'm very curious about the way custom maps employ them (especially as player-controlled units). And I'm a little disappointed in their soundset.

As far as I can tell, there are four most frequent options:

* use WoW-inspired model together with Water Elemental soundset (which isn't really fitting)
* use Obsidian Destroyer soundset (this is OK, but when used for something important like hero voice lines become too repetitive, especially a single line for attacking)
* use something else only loosely based on voidwalker (War of Argent does this with Shadow Face hero and custom sounds taken from WoW dialogue of Il'gynoth)
* use Shade or Acolyte soundset. C'mon, are you even trying?

Another problem is that shade's death SFX doesn't work well with the rest of Obsidian Destroyer sounds.

So, I took various WC3 unit responses, remixed them using my amateur Audacity skills, and produced 8 new sounds. One of them is an alternative shade death sound, which should be more monstrous/otherworldy than the classic one.

Download soundpack_addon if you need new sounds only. If you want to import the soundset into your map, you'll find soundpack_full more convenient, since you're going to "import" Obsidian Destroyer responses anyway (I suggest replacing the Water Elemental sound set).

I don't consider this to be finished, so feel free to reply with critics or suggestions.


  • soundpack_addon.zip
    1.2 MB · Views: 62
  • soundpack_full.zip
    2 MB · Views: 68
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