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FIFA World Cup 2014

Warcraft Soccer

Looking for games?
Feel free to drop in the regular games in the evenings. Join channel Clan FOOT on Bnet Europe.
If you like this game or wish to support further development, please consider making a small donation.
Warcraft Soccer is a heavily modded version of the old football map called "Worldcup of Warcraft", created to commemorate the 2002 World Cup.

The objective is obvious - try to score as many goals as you can, while protecting your own goal.
The gameplay was designed to resemble real soccer mechanics. Like in real life, you have to strike the balance between individual actions and coordinated teamplay.

For several years of development we have improved the map visuals and polished its gameplay, all the while striving to retain the spirit of the original game.
Today the map enjoys a huge fanbase with regular tournaments, numerous movies on youtube, and a very high level of play.
Our coordinates: Clan FOOT in Battle.net, Europe.
Forums: http://warcraftsoccereu.forumotion.com


Play for 10 countries

All players are dressed in authentic national kits.

Experience the atmosphere of the World Cup

Real player names, commentator chants, brazuca ball, all spiced up by an awesome background song.

Realistic gameplay

You can perform short or long passes, jump and head the ball, shoot in a variety of ways, and even curve your passes and shots!

Choose your style

Are you a defender or a forward? Do you prefer teamplay or solo dribbling? It's all up to you to decide.

Claim the title of MVP

Score goals, make assists, and achieve a high pass success rate in your quest for the "Man of the match" award.

Play against real opponents in multiplayer

Regular games are played every day in the evening on channel Clan FOOT in Bnet, Europe.



  • There are four main "spells" - Long Pass/Shot (C), Jump (V), Flat Pass (Z), Kick/Slide (X).
  • A few more abilities: Curve (G), Pass to me! (D), Drop Ball (A) - you probably don't need them yet.
  • Goalkeepers are AI-controlled.
  • Playing with bots is possible, but I strongly recommend playing against human opponents.
  • Preferred number of players - 2v2, 3v3, 4v4.
  • This game is not an RPG - there are no hero classes; strength and agility do not make a difference; you cannot gain levels or work on improving your abilities.
  • Teamplay is an essential component of the game. Do not do solo runs, instead pass to a teammate!
  • The main ways to score are: C shot, V header and V+Z.
  • Always aim your C's as far as possible, due to the massive range of this ability.
  • Do not shoot through/into enemy goalkeeper, as he will block easily. Instead, aim at an exposed section of goal.
  • If your ally is in penalty area, pass to him with C!
  • Jump near the ball to head it (V).
  • If ball is flying in enemy's penalty area, jump near it (V) to perform a heading shot.
  • You can use D to request a pass from your goalkeeper.
  • As a beginner, you normally won't have to use the "X (Kick/Slide)" ability.
  • About some of the more advanced gameplay mechanics, such as: curved C, V mod, dribbling, I recommend to ask here/on official forums/read guides to gain clarity.
Common mistakes
  • Holding the ball for too long, not passing.
  • Making short C's - C must always be used at maximum range.
  • Using Z to pass to teammate who is far away (instead of C).
  • Shooting with X (instead of C or V+Z); shooting through/into keeper.
  • C'ing directly to the player, instead of C'ing in front of him (this ruins C+V goals).

  • -qwer - change hotkeys from ZXCV to QWER
  • -switch <p1> <p2> - switch players
  • -hints - enable/disable hints
  • -shorten - voting to shorten match time by 4 minutes
  • -end - voting to end game
  • -z2y/-y2z - change Z hotkey to Y and vice versa (for german keyboards)
  • -hard - enable "pro" mode (will disable C goals, improve keeper AI, etc)
  • -easy - go back to "easy" mode
  • -keeper - in this mode goalkeepers are controlled by human players
  • -train - use this mode for trying out stuff and working on your skills (you gain "Teleport" and "Fetch Ball" spells)

Would like to see more movies? Here are some channels:



v7.47, a.k.a. FIFA World Cup 2014
-10 countries represented, all with authentic national kits
-Added background song
-New sounds: goal chants, cheers, whistles
-New loading screen
-hints command

-Added Curve ability

-V mod
-Switch command
-Improved Keeper AI

Dafling - lead developer
Vladimir3388 - modeling (national kits, goal model, 3D Scoreboard, brazuca ball, banners, and much more)
ShineXXX - loading screen

Resources used:
Ball sounds - by Volivieri from freesound.org
Lines - by Toadcop (creator of XGM Soccer)

Thanks to:
GaDo1 for initiating the effort
Clan FOOT and Clan GOL members for testing and feedback

Original map by PentaPOD (2003).

warcraft soccer, warcraft football, worldcup of warcraft, world cup of warcraft, wc3 soccer, wc3 football, варкрафт футбол, futbol, fifa, fifa 2014

FIFA World Cup 2014 (Map)

15:39, 6th May 2008 The Hive Workshop: [+]The map is yours I guess. [+]The Map is Protected but I'll add information too you , Remember too add it next time. [+]Map is in English [+]No signs of bugs or any crashes...




15:39, 6th May 2008
The Hive Workshop:
[+]The map is yours I guess.
[+]The Map is Protected but I'll add information too you , Remember too add it next time.
[+]Map is in English
[+]No signs of bugs or any crashes.
[+]The map is fun.Even though it's hard to make goals *But it's realistic*

Level 5
Sep 1, 2007
This is a fantastic map! But I want to suggest that after the host picking the time playing per half game, then you should give us some time to discuss with our teammate about our own position. After the short period, it will automatically start the game! So it will not be too rush. And each team can also pick a leader!
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
wow dude i played your map and it owns!! 5/5 :thumbs_up:
are you still editing this map? because i want to see more updates!!
scoring is soo easy lol, all you have to do is use long pass *_*
is the football garena room still available? because i can't find it...
is there a chance that you can add AI bots? :D (AI Bots only available in single player)

well good luck on your awesome map!! :wink:
Level 1
Sep 21, 2011
visit http://www.clangol.clanwhis.com/ for more info about this map and the main Clan of it.
If you're still reading this thread, then I'd suggest going to BNet (EU), and channel "Clan GOL", you might find someone willing to let you try out new maps or DL them directly.
Level 4
Mar 22, 2010
What's with the update?
This game is great! I just wonder what's the new features :)
Level 4
Jul 25, 2008
Pass or shoot; this makes no difference. A goal is a goal.

"C-score does not count." :goblin_wtf: Seriously?

Boo! Thumbs down.
Level 1
Jun 19, 2014
I've been playing this game for a year.However I don't have a chance to play with you guys because of time zones :/
Level 1
Sep 21, 2011
@a92010000 You have registered on our forums, please make thread over there and I can help you join our games. :)
Level 3
Jul 29, 2010
Oh, very nice...
Why do not make this game show what really is the world cup???
Sorry for the soccer fans, but I'm brazilian and I hate this horrible event.

Good job in make this map(really), I should not belittle your work. But please don't forget to see how this event is slaying my country.
Level 3
Apr 12, 2009
@ vincilios
It's your government's fault only, who decided to spend too much money for building new stadiums instead of spending it for hospitals, schools, etc, no matter you've already had so many great stadiums. FIFA brought you many tourists who are gonna spend so much money in your country and you shouldn't make demonstrations against FIFA and make tourists return home earlier or spend less money. You've had enough time to stop government wasting money before the world cup started, but right now you're just doing harm to yourself.
Level 3
Jul 29, 2010
@ vincilios
It's your government's fault only, who decided to spend too much money for building new stadiums instead of spending it for hospitals, schools, etc, no matter you've already had so many great stadiums. FIFA brought you many tourists who are gonna spend so much money in your country and you shouldn't make demonstrations against FIFA and make tourists return home earlier or spend less money. You've had enough time to stop government wasting money before the world cup started, but right now you're just doing harm to yourself.

I really think this is not the place for this discussion, but I need to reply.
The most part of money spend by tourists will go to FIFA not to people of my country. And I make demonstrations against this event because must be remembered what crusher is this to underdeveloped countries.
Think about the place where will occur FIFA World Cup 2022, Qatar. A really lovely choice to a private company like FIFA, because they think in how the tourism will give money for that country. Even random this choice should be discarted. Do you not agree?
Level 6
Aug 12, 2007
Please compress the music file. Download speeds would be much faster if it weren't for the music file taking 2mb of the map's size. I'm able to cut the size in half and still have it sound just as good, by lowering the bit rate to 32 and the Hertz to 48, using Audacity.

One thing that would be awesome is if you could play the teams that made it to group of 16 and play until finals. Maybe have fouls also. But these would take time to implement that might not be available, I can understand. Great addicting game though.




This map brings fun to me! It is fun in multi-player game-play!