Female Satyr

Little model, could be useful. Did it for practising a bit.

The animations are from the wow female bloodelf for those who are curious.

Update: Made the hair longer and changed the portrait camera. Female enough?

Satyr, Nightelf, Female, Demon, Bad

Female Satyr (Model)

16:25, 17th Apr 2014 MiniMage: She has quite a scary face. I'd suggest adding long flowing hair so that you can know that it is a female, because it looks like it's a man at its current stage. I'd also change the internal name "Blood Elf Female" into...




16:25, 17th Apr 2014
MiniMage: She has quite a scary face. I'd suggest adding long flowing hair so that you can know that it is a female, because it looks like it's a man at its current stage. I'd also change the internal name "Blood Elf Female" into Female Satyr.

Although she does have hair, I think something to kinda.. "frame" in her face. The portrait is basically what makes her look male though.

17:58, 5th May 2014
MiniMage: I still feel like the portrait needs work, but at the very least now angle makes the female satyr look more female. So approved. Well done.
Well, I'm not a fan of those blood elf animation:/
Anyway here's what I noticed while viewing it:
1st The hands are strangely animated( heavily distorted, especially during the attack sequences).
2nd Her legs look strange due to those animations.
3rd The portrait animation is good.
4th The texture wraps are greatly done imo.
Oh, I almost forgot, nice concept PROXY:)
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
W-o-w. This is actually a pretty little creative package you got there, PROXY. I too love the creativity of textures & mesh (and as long as WoW animations don't bump up the filesize, seems a'ight by me :p). Is that the Harpy face!? Anyway, nice 'companion' (lol) to this guy and an addition to Satyrs in general.

This is sort of deja vu... it's kinda like when Callahan bust out his "Fem-Centaur" model, or Cavman his "Fem-Trolls", and we're all like "o_O why didn't we think of females before". Crazy-cool.

Good to see you back in action. :p
Level 4
Sep 15, 2010
I actually wanted to make that happen to have a female Satyr. None have been existed, so i think you should be the first one who made that female Satyr model. It's great i say. Need some more female fur/color variations to have. Don't you agree, PROXY?
Level 6
Mar 30, 2014
pretty creative animation 4/5 cannot give you five because of the left arm bit kind of a strange
Level 18
Apr 5, 2011
It is a really excellent model that I'd love to use in my Warhammer mod (for Slaaneshi Demonettes).
Sadly, it's 'collision size' is bugged (I do not know the appropriate term, I'm not a modeler). What I mean is that the model is quite hard to select in-game via clicking, only targeting around her knees works, which makes for some really annoying pixel hunting :(

PROXY, I'd love a fix of that issue, if you're willing to do it :)