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Favorite First-Person Shooter

Your favorite first person shooters

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Level 8
May 7, 2007
I was interested in seeing how many people play first person shooters, and if they even like them. Post here your opinion.

I have to pick Call of Duty 4, Doom, and Counter-Strike.

Call of Duty 4 is one of the best first-person shooter games in my opinion, beats all i've played.

is a good one, my dad designed most of the maps for Doom 1 and Doom 2.

is still pretty awesome with all the mods, such as the Warcraft Mod, you gain Experience and different classes with different abilities.

Edit: Ah damn, forgot to put Halo up there. Not sure how to edit polls or if I even can.
There are too many FPS to make a poll out of them. My favourite is Nosferatu: Wrath of Malachi. Is different than other standard WW2, modern or futuristic FPS. Although the graphics is not the top (even for the year when it was released), it features a creepy atmosphere (kinda AvP). It has a wide variety of different weapons, some effective against some kind of enemies while ineffective vs others, so you have to switch quickly to the right weapon when facing an enemy. I like also the fact that the ammunition is pretty scarce, so you have to be more careful when shooting (along with slow reloading of some flintlock weapons) and you will have often to use your melee weapons such as swords, especially against weak enemies.

However this game lacks length and multiplayer. The game even forces you to play fast as you are time limited. Is quite easy too, even at the nightmare difficult is not that hard to finish that game.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
I like:

- The Battlefield series (good o' sniper <3)
- Killzone =P
- Half-Life 1/2
- I'd played a Doom 3 demo, loved it.
- F.E.A.R., phear Alma!
- Also many more FPS-demos.
Level 2
Feb 19, 2008
Lol no halo on a 'best FPS' poll... I mean you can not like it, but not even mentioning it smells kinda bias :s
Level 1
Feb 11, 2008
Here is a short list of the game I would call "the best".
Doom 1-2(of course!)
Battlefield 1945
Goldeneye for the N64
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
I probably enjoyed SW: BF2 the most, although It's not exactly a fps.
CoD 4 is actually pretty bad, the online is the only worthy aspect, and it is still overwhelmed by halo(vehicles anyone?). I can see why some like CoD 4, but it just seems severely lacking once you hit prestige.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Yeah, Republic Commando is brilliant, and it is ther single greatest squad-based-tactics game I've ever played. Not to mention that the Clones side of Star Wars is my favourite.

But I remind you WILL, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II is still the best SW FPS ever made, and the best FPS to ever be released in the 90's.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
FEAR was fun.
Doom 3 was shit.
Quake 4 was okay.
Halo was fun at first, but got extremely repetetive as the game went on.
Timesplitters series rocked somewhat.
I don't know if Deus Ex counts as an FPS, but it's still the most awesome game you will ever encounter in your life.
CoD2 was the most addictive FPS I've ever played.
I never played many other FPS's, however.
Level 2
Feb 22, 2008
I don't give a $#%! what you guyz think, Doom 3 is a great game. No doubt about it. And who could forget the awesome TimeSplitters: Future Perfect!
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
Halo 1-3

My Favorite FPS series ever, i just love pwing peoples with plasma grenades. I liked halo 3, though it was very short, as have been all halo games:infl_thumbs_up:
Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
Wow, Umm FPS usually suck anway, but Unreal Tournament is the best of the genre. It's creative and cool. 'Nuff said. :p
Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
No, I never said I played those. You said I never played another Valve game, and I did. That's all I was pointing out.

WOW I'm dumb... you were talking to someone else. -.-
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Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
It's a stealth game, and an epic one none the less, but this is an FPS thread. -.-
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is a masterpiece, the culmination of stealth shooters everywhere. It's not so stupid and savage like most FPS games where it's just "run in, kill everything that moves, spawn the next wave in the next room" kind if crap. You really have to use your head to play the game right, and that turns off most of the idiotic FPS players. So much the better, they're missing out on a great game.
Level 5
Oct 18, 2007
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is a masterpiece, the culmination of stealth shooters everywhere. It's not so stupid and savage like most FPS games where it's just "run in, kill everything that moves, spawn the next wave in the next room" kind if crap. You really have to use your head to play the game right, and that turns off most of the idiotic FPS players. So much the better, they're missing out on a great game.

Grab a SILENCED gun and run in to the room and kill everyone?
(just joking)
I got Chaos Theory on the DS and i can't even finish the second level :bored: , I prefer the "run in, kill everything that moves" strategy.
Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
That was a monstrosity of a game. Only way to play Splinter Cell is on a PC or console.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Tis true. And I don't have anything against run-n-gun games. I love them. But it's great every now and then to really give your brain a work out with a game like Chaos Theory, or for that matter, Hitman Blood Money. Both have amazing story lines, especially Splinter Cell, it being involved with Tom Clancy and all, so it's just a great sort of secondary experience, seperate from the rest.
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